"This fool is so naive that he wants to resist the army of the wind forest, and he has to drag all the people in the restaurant together. Isn't he in a hurry to die?" A big tree, Camilla looked up and drank a mouthful of wine, spit out a white breath, with a trace of impatience and melancholy between the eyebrows.

"Madame, Miss Gloria has begun to take a bath!" Just then Caesar suddenly whispered.

"Where!" Originally sitting on the tree, Camilla instantly changed to upside down mode, staring at the small window with dim yellow light.


Before she could see anything, the curtain had been pulled up.

"No more." Caesar said helplessly.

"Life is really boring. When will miss Gloria understand my love for her? What's good about men? Lily is king." Camilla sat back on the tree and took a big sip of wine, a little melancholy.

"Ma'am, if we go north to participate in that, will it affect the vampires?" Caesar looked at Camilla and asked.

"Even if it's known, it doesn't matter. When did the elves like us demons? It's interesting to disgust those guys in the wind forest." Camilla curled her lips and her expression became a little strange. "I just feel a little uncomfortable thinking that we are going to save the woman Irina."

"Or shall we not go?" Caesar is also a little shivering. Elena's notoriety is very strong in the devil islands. When the devil mother meets her child who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, she will say: cry again, Elena will come and take you away

It's such a great devil that he asked them to save him now. It's really wonderful.

"Run away? It's not my character. " Camilla's face showed the color of pride. With her hands spread, she turned into a huge black bat and disappeared into the dark night.


"A qualified assassin will not do such childish things as making faces behind the target. The chance of assassination is often in a flash. If you can't seize this opportunity, you will die." Rex reached for Connie, who was grimacing in the shadow behind him, and said solemnly.

"Master, how did you see me? I'm invisible now Connie, who was wearing a black tights, was shocked by the collar.

"If it's just this degree of concealment, anyone with level 7 strength can sense your position." Rex put Connie on the ground and held her slender dagger out of her sleeve with two fingers. "The way to attract the other party's attention is too clumsy, and the expression is too exaggerated. On the contrary, it is easy for people to be on guard. For killers, it is also fatal."

"But I really can't learn how to play other people." Connie put away her dagger and looked distressed.

These days, in addition to learning the skills of concealment and assassination with her master every day, she also learned how to make herself different roles in different environments.

The first two are good, with excellent talent, her progress is very fast.

But role playing, she was desperate.

She can only play herself.

Rex stares at Connie for a long time, and his stiff face suddenly smiles.

"Master, what are you laughing at? Although I'm a little stupid, you can't laugh at me... "Connie blinked, a little wronged.

Rex shook his head and said with a smile, "when I learned how to play others, I never learned how to be others, because my character and my trademark bald head and eyes are easy to notice everywhere."

Connie looked at Rex's hairy forehead and said, "how did you make it?"

"I choose to give up." Rex shook his head, "but I still become the top killer. I don't need disguise, or even rarely use concealment. As long as I want to kill people, I can kill them. In the face of absolute strength, any disguise and concealment are redundant."

Connie looked at the 45 degree angle and looked up at the starry sky. She was a lonely, empty Rex. Her expression was a little complicated and she said, "master, you are so pompous."

"Cough." Rex coughed, looked back at Connie, and said, "you're the first killer I've ever met who can't disguise because I don't have enough brain. It's really rare."

"You are also the first person I met who turned the killer into a soldier because of no hair." Connie had the same complexion.

They looked at each other in silence and then laughed at the same time.

"You have cat hunting blood flowing in your body. Originally, I thought it was just a legend, but the power of totem is really manifested in you, so you have a very good talent of concealment, which can hide your breath and voice to a great extent. It's what makes you the best killer, but it doesn't directly improve your strength. " Rex looked at Connie with a serious face and said, "if you want to kill Gary before your brother is executed, you must strictly follow my training."

Connie also put away her smile and nodded her head seriously.


"Why didn't you go with them just now?" Elizabeth leaned on the head of the bed, looking at abelmia, who was looking at the golden jade plate with great interest.

"Because I don't want to give up everyone, I don't want to give up my sister." Abelmia put down her jade card, put her head gently on Elizabeth's shoulder, and said with a smile, "if you go to Golden Dragon Island, you can't lean on your sister's shoulder like now."

Elizabeth's eyes a soft, hand gently touched the head of abelmia, whispered: "to be strong, it is necessary to accept loneliness."

"That uncle just gave me the cultivation method. I don't have to go to the Golden Dragon Island to practice the Golden Dragon's cultivation method. In this way, I can also become stronger and beat away those villains who want to hurt you." Abelmia picked up the token, her eyes firm, but her expression soon collapsed, and she said helplessly, "but how can I use this token? Why didn't I see the skill? "

"Drop your blood essence on the token, untie the blood seal on the token, and then you can check it." Elizabeth's hand condenses a thin ice crystal needle, pinches a scallion finger of abelmia, gently, a drop of golden blood comes out from the fingertip, and then falls on the golden jade plate.

The Golden Jade brand immediately lights up the dazzling golden light, one by one the golden handwriting with light appears on the token, at the same time, there is a virtual shadow of the golden dragon, which flashes on the token.

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