The Griffin was far away from the grottoes. MEG threw himself on the Griffin's back with a long sigh of relief. He felt tired all over and didn't even bother to move his fingers.

Fifteen minutes is a real man. After that, I can't stand it.

But in addition to fatigue, he did not feel any other sequelae, which is the unique feature of the system.

Let a Zi send him back to the ninth peak where he was separated from Gina before, and tell him to return to meet them. Then he found a place to return his clothes. He found the white headed eagle lying on the ground shivering and climbed up. He directly lay on its warm and soft back and closed his eyes.

The settlement of the night elf circle was more successful than he expected.

However, when he killed Berg before, MEG felt an unusual breath and strength in him, and also obviously felt that Elena's holy light seemed to have a suppressive effect on that breath, so he was able to kill the bone winged tiger so easily.

"System, what's in Berg? Why do you want me to kill it? " McGonagall asked in his heart, this is the first time that the system has released the killing task, and it seems that the other party has nothing to do with cooking.

"The existence of this person has seriously affected the rice quality of Fengzhi forest planting area, and may threaten the yield of Lentinus edodes, making Fengzhi forest this fertile planting area polluted. Although the system has been treated systematically, it must be eradicated as a source of pollution. " The system replied.

"Pollution sources?" McGonagall frowned, still puzzled about the system.

"It's a black fog that doesn't belong to this world. It's extremely corrosive to any existence with life. According to the detection of this system, the same source black fog has appeared in many places on this continent, which is expanding rapidly and has threatened the cultivation of many farms in this system.

Although the system has carried out several rounds of cleaning, but the black fog is too stubborn, and there are signs of drug resistance. In order to protect the farms and pastures, the host must go to clean up the black fog and open the mission line around the mainland. "

"Do you want to save face? As a system, you can't even keep your own farm and ranch." McGonagall turned his mouth, but he was still on the alert for the sudden black fog. What could make the system helpless would be difficult to solve.

Before the tense situation, McGonagall didn't have time to look at the reward carefully. Now at the break time, he ordered the reward that had not been broadcast before.

"Mobile Restaurant - Restaurant upgrade, equipped with flight thruster, the restaurant can carry out overall flight migration, and the maximum speed can reach Mach 5 in flight state..."



When the elves withdraw, the public fish of landist also release the fighting state and gather again, waiting to be airlifted home.

"Thanks, old man. I'll treat you to a drink next time." Irina looked at Krasu and Julian on the dragon's back and said, grateful and moved.

"I'll never be polite, but Alex is so rude that he ran away without saying a word." Krasu said with a smile.

"Do you think everyone is as shameless as you are?" Julian's voice was hoarse, but her eyes were soft, and a smile came out of her cold face.

"Oh, it seems that you want to fight with me?" Krasu's face is a bit of a misdemeanor.

"Do you still need to choose a day to fight?" Julian sneered.

"Gentlemen... Can we go back?" The red dragon wanted to cry without tears. It was afraid that the two big men would fight on him. If he was taken, he would not be able to live.

They both looked down at the red dragon at the same time.

Red dragon immediately silence, the vision of the resentment flashing: "you are free, do not care about me."

"Old ice man, you'd better ask Elena if those guys who are frozen by you still need it. It will be really cool after a while." Krasu glanced at the frozen elves and said.

"Are they not dead yet?" Irina's eyes brightened.

"There are about a thousand elves, and a little gas." Julian nodded.

"Please thaw them all." Irina said quickly.

"But princess, they are here to attack us. Would it be bad to let them go?" Phyllis looks at Elena in a puzzled way.

Other night elves are also puzzled. They paid hundreds of their companions' lives to win the battle before, but now they have to save these enemies.

"What is the idea of our night elves? It is to unite all forces to overthrow the rule of the exploiting class and establish a new kingdom of freedom. " Irina looked at the night elves, "and these are the elves soldiers at the bottom. Most of them are slaves. They are elves captured by demons from all over the mainland to the forest. In this war, they are victims like us. And those exploiters, still looking at the war, don't care how many low-level elves died in the war. "

"What night elves need to do is not to slaughter the forest of wind, but to overthrow the class rulers, resort to the oppressors for violence, and get more support from the elves at the bottom.

If we kill these soldiers today, will there be any soldiers willing to join us in the future? Will any elves believe us? "

The Night Elves were silent, thinking about Elena's words.

Many of them were captured by demons and suffered all kinds of torture, but they were too old to be selected into the army and became slaves. They knew the difficulties of the survival of the bottom elves.

"Your Highness is right. Young elves are the future of forests. If these young elves are willing to join our night elves, our revolutionary team will grow stronger and hope to overturn the rule of the forest of wind." A night elf who lost his arm cried.

Other night elves also nodded their heads one after another. The night elves suffered heavy losses in this encirclement and suppression. If they could inject fresh blood, it would be a good thing for night elves.

Seeing that they had reached an agreement, Julian waved his magic wand, and the human ice sculptures broke in an instant. One by one, the pale Elves were paralyzed on the ground, gasping for breath, and their faces were full of fear.

The forest of the wind was so elite that it was defeated in the end. Moreover, it was a rout, leaving them here.

The elves who had been knocked unconscious by the landister people before were also awakened by the ice water one after another. Looking at the empty surroundings, only those terrible people in black and night elves were left. They soon realized what had happened, and their faces were also pale.

"You don't have to panic. I won't kill you." Irina stood on the edge of the mountain, looked at the elves and said, "the wind forest has abandoned you. In their eyes, you are dead. Now you have two choices: one is to join us night elves and work with us to overthrow the rule of wind forest and build a kingdom of freedom; The second is to leave on your own. Now the city of chaos is open to all elves and provides shelter, where you can live a stable life. "

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