Twenty miles south of the border between fengzhilin and the grottoes, tens of thousands of goblin soldiers are waiting.

A middle-aged goblin in gold armor, whose head is a circle larger than that of an ordinary goblin, is standing on the high platform, looking at the north from a distance, with a somewhat suspicious face.

Although more than 20 miles away from the battlefield, he was still a little surprised by the violent fluctuation of magic.

If only Alex came to help the night elves, how could there be such a strong magic wave? Did the night elves want to kill Alex together?

Even so, there should not be such a dramatic fluctuation.

But on the continent of Nolan, who will offend the whole elves for the sake of the night elves?

"Patriarch, the Allied forces of wind forest have retreated!"

Just then a goblin came out of the cave and cried out.

"The forest of the wind has retreated?" The goblin clan leader was surprised.

"How could that be?" The goblin soldiers were also shocked. The wind forest sent twenty or thirty thousand allied forces to encircle and suppress the night elves, but the Night Elves were only three thousand old, weak, women and children. Such a complete crushing strength comparison ended in the defeat of the wind forest?

"Who's here but Alex?" The goblin patriarch quickly asked, this result is too abnormal, destined to make the continent shake.

"And Krasu, the God of fire, and Julian, the Lord of frost, and... And..." the goblin was worried, but he didn't know how to say it.

"I didn't expect the God of fire and the Lord of frost to come too!" The goblin clan leader was slightly surprised. These two great magicians are powerful enough to rank among the strongest in the mainland. They are on the side of the night elves, but they can't stop the elite of the elves. How can the elves be defeated?

"And what?" The goblin clan leader suddenly realized something and asked nervously. It seems that one side should have participated in the war and changed the result of the battle.

"And a group of mysterious people suddenly appeared. They were dressed in black clothes and their eyes were covered with two black discs. They came down from the sky and crushed the elite of the elves in a crushing manner. Then the elves' allied forces were defeated in a hurry in the wind forest." The goblin tried to describe what he had seen before.

"What race does he meow?" The goblin patriarch was at a loss.

"I... I don't know. It's not like human beings, it's not like demons, it's not like elves, it can't be demons and trolls." The goblin has an innocent face. If he can see what race it is, why should he describe it like this.

"Where is this mysterious force coming from? It's so terrible that even the elves are defeated face to face..." the head of the goblin clan looks suspicious. All the clans won't easily interfere in the internal affairs of the elves, otherwise it's equivalent to declaring war, and the city of chaos also makes it clear that they won't participate in this war.

This force is really mysterious. It can be hidden in Nolan for such a long time. If it suddenly comes to the goblins, I'm afraid they have no power to fight back. They immediately said in a deep voice, "go and find out where this force comes from!"

"Yes Several goblins took orders and jumped into the cave nearby.


As the ice and snow melt away, a group of captured Elven soldiers look at each other with hesitation and struggle in their eyes.

It is not an easy choice for them who have lost their dignity and freedom for many years whether they want to live a comfortable life in a chaotic city or join the night elves to fight for freedom.

Irina stood on the edge of the mountain, not urging them to make a choice, but quietly watching the elves, waiting for them to make their own choice.

"My daughter was killed by those birds. I want to avenge her myself." A middle-aged elf came out, kneeling on one knee, and hung his head high. "I would like to join the night elf, follow the royal highness of the princess, and overrule the rule of the wind forest!"

"My parents were killed by demon mercenaries to protect me. I'd like to join the night elves and avenge them A young man knelt on one knee and gritted his teeth.

"I'd like to join the night elves and fight for freedom!"

One by one, the elves stood up, knelt down on one knee and chose to join the night elves.

"Fight for freedom!"

Inspiring slogans resounded all over the mountains and fields.

All the elves chose to join the night elves, whether for revenge or for freedom, they finally chose to resist.

"Fight for freedom!" Irina also raised her fist clenched right hand.

"Is this princess Elena? It's beautiful and powerful, just like a queen. " Abelmia looks at Elena with a look of surprise and envy. Even if she becomes a golden dragon, she still can't learn this kind of temperament.

Elizabeth is silent, looking at Elena's eyes also have a trace of envy, when they are still trying to cultivate, she has stood in the top class of the whole continent, has the courage to challenge with a strong race.

"Princess Irina and adult Alex are really a perfect match, but I don't know if I will have a chance to see them in the future. Today, I stretched out my hand and it was so amazing, my girlish heart..." abelmia began to be crazy again.

"That's too handsome, isn't it?" Barbara also looks at Elena in surprise. She is also a princess, but at this moment, she deeply feels the gap between herself and this beautiful and powerful fairy princess.

"Is the land of the moon equal? Does it also need a free movement? " Barbara held her chin in deep thought.

"This woman is really terrible. Should I withdraw?" Camilla looks at Irina in fear, and suddenly remembers the scene of shooting her off the bench that day, but why is she there? What's the relationship between her and MEG?

"Let's go. The little girl has grown up. It seems she doesn't need us two old men." Krasu said with a happy smile.

"Go." Julian also said coldly.

"You guys, please sit down and let's go now." The red dragon was relieved, flapping its wings and running away.

"I owe you the wine. I'll pay it back next time." Irina raised her hand and said with a smile.

"We'll wait..." the voice flew away with the red dragon.

"And on behalf of the night elves, thank you for your help." Irina turned to look at abelmia, and they and randist were all grateful.

"You're welcome. We're here to save Phyllis and Sheryl. They're our friends." Abelmia waved her hand and said, "besides, this is what the boss wants."

"It's very kind of the boss to come to our rescue for me." Phyllis was moved.

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