After hearing abelmia's words, Irina's mouth turned up slightly. After some things, he really became a little different and more thoughtful. He was no longer the man who believed in his sword.

However, her eyes fell on abelmia and Elizabeth's daughters, and her pretty eyebrows were slightly raised. These girls were really beautiful, just as they were in those years. Even if his identity and strength were hidden, there would still be a group of beautiful girls around him.

Fortunately, my mother is more beautiful than them.

"Well? Isn't this the bat he tied up last time? Why are you here? Is it a bundle of feelings? " Irina's eyes stopped on Camilla and narrowed slightly.

"Found out!" Camilla was surprised, suddenly a little uneasy, so many people look at it, won't you want to lose face?

Irina takes back her eyes from Camilla and doesn't feel threatened.

Anyway, MEG can't beat her now. If he really dares to have an idea, ha ha.

"You're welcome." Gina also shook her head on behalf of randist, looked at the night elves who were seriously injured, exchanged a few words with the high priest, then looked at Irina and said, "can I help you? Treatment. "

Looking at some doubts of Irina, abelmia quickly helped translate and said: "Gina is not very fluent, but she should be asking for help to treat those injured elves."

"If you can, please." As soon as Elena's eyes are bright, her mana is exhausted and she can't cast healing spells.

Gina understood what Irina said and spoke to the high priest.

The high priest nodded slightly, then threw out the crystal ball in his hand. Clear ice blue water flew out of the crystal ball and washed the night elves. The blood on the night elves was instantly cleaned, the arrows and stones that had fallen into the body were taken away, and the tragic wounds began to heal at the speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, the wounds on more than a thousand night elves have healed.

Although the broken body could not be reborn again, the pain disappeared completely, and the faces of the elves also showed a happy look.

"Thank you." Elena said solemnly.

The high priest spoke to Gina.

"This is our promise to Mr. McGonagall. If you want to thank him, thank him." Gina said with a smile.

"I'll thank him very much." There was also a smile on Elena's face.

"It's time for us to go." Gina turned to look at abelmia and Elizabeth, and landist should not be exposed too much.

"Phyllis and Sheryl, will you come back to the McMillan with us?" Asked abelmia, looking at Phyllis and Cheryl.

"Anna mentioned you several times. She should have missed you." Abelmia looked at Sheryl.

Cheryl's lips moved, looking at Elena's back, and finally shook her head.

Although Phyllis was a little moved, she shook her head firmly when she looked at Elena.

Irina looked at Cheryl and Phyllis and said, "you go first. I'll go to the city of chaos to find you. The Night Elves will recuperate in the city of chaos."

Phyllis and Sheryl's eyes brighten when they hear that, so they can go back to work at the McMillan restaurant?

Abelmia and Elizabeth re transformed into a dragon, carrying the warriors of landist, Phyllis and Sheryl to the south.

And Camilla also quickly picked up Barbara to keep up. It was too dangerous to stay alone. She knew that she would not come today and did nothing. Instead, she felt like she was being watched.

Although she likes her beautiful little sister, Elena is really beautiful.

But she's so strong

And she likes to be on the initiative.

When the crowd left, Elena looked at the elves and said, "the night elves are not strong enough. They need to find a safer place to grow. So I decided to lead the night Legion to go south, break the whole into parts, and enter the city of chaos. I will build a new base in the city of chaos and choose the opportunity to fight back against the forest of the wind."


"Patriarch, the mysterious man left by riding the dragon and disappeared."

"More than a thousand night elves are going south. Do you want to stop them?"

Two pieces of news soon spread to the advantages of the goblins.

The chief of the goblin clan thought a little and then said in a deep voice:

"You don't have to keep tracking the mysterious people to avoid irritating them."

"Prepare a thousand good horses for the night elves to go south."


"Sister Xixi, father, when will they come back? Will it be dangerous for them to fight bad people? " In the Maimi restaurant, Amy holds the ugly duckling, looks at Xixi and asks anxiously.

Lying on the counter, Anna sat up straight and looked at Xi Xi nervously.

"Don't worry, boss Mai. They'll be fine. They'll be back soon." Xixi said gently, there is a trace of worry in his eyes. Although he doesn't know what boss Mai is doing, it seems to be a dangerous thing, otherwise he won't leave the two little guys in the restaurant.

"Don't worry, Anna. My father will bring them back." Amy goes to Anna and takes her little hand.

"Meow." Ugly duckling also stretched out his fat little hand and put it on Anna's hand.

"Ugly duckling, your fat claws are too heavy." Amy looked disgusted.

Anna looked at the ugly duckling's pink little fat claws, her face also showed a smile.


McGonagall, who had rested for a long time on the back of the white headed eagle, turned over and chewed a few American ginseng. Finally, the emptiness was filled up. It was time for them to return, so they jumped down from the back of the white headed eagle. When they touched it, they were still very angry, but now they counseled the head of the white headed eagle like a dog, which calmed its mood.

Not long after, a gold and a silver dragon appeared in the sky.

"Boss, we made it! We've got Phyllis and Sheryl back Abelmia landed on the top of the mountain and let Phyllis and Sheryl down, a little excited.

"Thank you, boss." Said Phyllis, looking at MEG with a reddish face.

"Thank you." Sheryl is also grateful to McGonagall that if the people in the restaurant didn't arrive in time today, they might not have been able to leave the cave alive.

"We are all our own people. Just come back." MEG waved his hand with a smile, then looked at the high priest and said, "thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, Mr. McGonagall. That's our promise." The high priest nodded slightly. In this operation, only a few of the mermaid soldiers were slightly injured. Meg's request was not excessive, and it was much easier than he expected.

"Mia, Elizabeth, you can send them to randister first." MEG went on to talk to the two.

The two dragons flew southwest, leaving MEG and Phyllis, Sheryl, Barbara and Camilla on the top of the mountain.

"This white headed eagle can only sit for two people. Who will ride with me?" MEG asked, looking at the girls.

"Me, me

All the way back, Barbara, who was almost frozen into a dog, climbed up to the white headed eagle, then sat down in the front position, and then came out with a breath of cold air.

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