This night, the continent of Nolan is destined to be restless.

A young thief, for a few words should not be said, was put into the 18th floor of Basti prison, no one can contact with him.

The wind forest is in chaos because of Berg's death.

How to deal with the huge foundation left by Berger and the family of Berger faction?

The elves at the bottom have some new ideas because of the miraculous victory of the night elves. A lifelong struggle for freedom begins to spread in the chaos, as if driven by a mysterious force, spreading like wildfire.

"Sally, the high priest asked me to take over the post of Berg and be the commander of the elves. The opportunity for the rise of our Brewster family has come!" Elliot walked around the room excitedly, looked at Sally and said, "soon we will be able to copy the glory of the Berg family and become the first family of the wind forest."

"And then he was killed like Berg, and the whole family was divided by the guys who held him?" Sally eyes slightly cold said, looking at Eliot's eyes a little disappointed.

Eliot's expression suddenly froze, but soon looked back at Sally and said with a smile: "how can it be that I am different from Berg. He wants to be the king of the wind forest, but I don't want to. You will soon become the new princess of the wind forest. Then you will be the king of the wind forest, and our Brewster family will become the new royal family of the wind forest."

Sally pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "father, Princess Elena is not dead, and Alex is alive, and they are supported by a powerful force no less powerful than the elves. This big defeat made the elves begin to reflect on freedom and struggle. The false prosperity of the wind forest can not last long. Do you want to sink deeper and deeper? "

"No, it's impossible!" Eliot cheered, some fanatically said: "the wind forest is impossible to fail, when did those slaves really obey, but in the face of powerful strength and whip, how dare they rise the heart of resistance. When you become the queen of the elves, I will still be the marshal of the elves. The wind forest and the Brewster family will enjoy great prosperity and glory! "

"What if I don't support you?" Sally pursed.

Elliott was stunned and looked at Sally with her eyes brushing. Her voice suddenly raised a few tones. "What did you say?"

"If I become queen, I also want to let those bottom elves free again?" Sally looked at Eliot's eyes, not dodging.


A crisp slap sounded.

Sally covers her face and takes two steps back. She looks at Eliot in disbelief. The father who loved her since childhood beat her?

"How dare you say such a thing! Do you know how much I've worked for the glory of the Brewster family and for you? I've boiled away Elena and Borg. Now everything is going to be successful. The Brewster family is going to be the most glorious family in the wind forest, but you want me to give up? " Elliot yelled at Sally angrily.

Sally looks at Eliot's ferocious and crazy expression. Her eyes are red. This man is no longer the father who dotes on her. His interests and power have distorted him.

Eliot looked at the red eyed and silent Sally, as if suddenly aware of his improper behavior, quickly put down his hand, squeezed out a smile and said: "Sally, didn't hurt you? My father didn't mean it, just because he was in a hurry and didn't control his emotions. You know, I did it for you and the family. "

Sally dodged Eliot's hand and shook her head slightly. "I'm ok. I'll go to have a rest first." Then he turned and walked towards the door.

"How could I hit Sally?" Eliot watched Sally go out of the door and beat her hand in the air.

But his face soon changed into a fanatical smile, and he paced the room again. He said excitedly to himself, "when I take over the military power and Sally becomes king one day, then I will be the real king of the wind forest. I will do what Berg has not done."


The next morning, it was not the alarm clock that woke MEG up, but two silver bells of laughter.

McGonagall, who was lying on the floor, opened his eyes and faced the two smiling faces, one big and the other small, which were smiling at him by the bed. The bright smile was like the spring breeze. He couldn't help laughing.

"Father, your eyes are like a cat." Amy traced Meg's eyes with her finger. There was still black toner on her finger.

"I think the beard is pretty good." Irina said with a smile, reached out to cover her mouth, and drew a beard on her upper lip.

"Tut Tut, it's unreasonable to bully the lowest in the family in the morning. Is there such a person?" MEG sat up and looked at them helplessly. Although he complained, he couldn't stop laughing.

McGonagall reached for Amy, then rubbed her face on her face, looked at Amy, who had turned into half black face, and said with a smile, "now Amy has become a little black."

"Wow, that's great." Amy giggled, then looked at Elena, "well, now only mother's face is clean."

"No, no, no!" Irina refused solemnly.

But MEG and Amy are already on her.

Ten minutes later, the three people sitting on the messy little bed looked at each other's faces and laughed.

The ugly duckling, who was sleeping at the end of the bed, opened his eyes vaguely when he heard the laughter. With a meow, he bounced directly from the bed and shrank to the door. He looked at the three people in horror.

"Well, go brush your teeth and wash your face. It's time to resume business today." MEG picked up Amy and walked to the bathroom with a smile. He didn't understand that he would play such a childish game, and he was so happy and devoted.

"Life seems to have become interesting." Irina looks at MEG and Amy's back, with a smile on her lips.

"This is toothpaste, this is toothbrush, squeeze the toothpaste on the toothbrush, and then brush her teeth up and down like this..." McGonagall teaches Elena how to use toothbrush to brush her teeth. The three members of the family stand in front of the washstand, Amy moves a small stool and stands in the middle, McGonagall and Elena stand on both sides, looking at the synchronous action in the mirror, and their eyes are full of laughter.

"Father, mother, today I found that I have super power." Wearing her favorite little purple dress, Amy looks at Elena and MEG and says.

"What?" Irina asked with a smile.

"I like you so much!"

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