MEG and Elena look at each other and smile. The little guy's mouth is so sweet.

"Have you learned?" Irina asked, looking at MEG with a smile.

"I think you're a little weird today." MEG raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What's wrong?" Elena touched her hair. Is her hair in a mess?

"It's lovely." Meg said with a smile.

Irina was a little stunned and couldn't help laughing. She looked at McGonagall with her eyes full. She learned so fast.

"Me, me! Father, I'm not cute? " Amy came up to her with a small mouth, a small fist like a steamed bun on both sides of her face, and asked with big eyes.

"Well, Xiaomi is also super cute." MEG grinned and shaved Amy's nose.

"How can I tie my hair today? I want to tie a big ball again. " Amy let MEG help her put on her shoes, and then looked at Elena, "mother, can you help Amy?"

"Of course." Irina nodded. She didn't expect Amy to like her hair so much. It seems that her hair tying skills are not as bad as she thought.

"Er... Amy is going to school today. I think maybe we can make a little low-key ball. Recently, the school is looking for strange clothes. Maybe I'll come today..." McGonagall said weakly. Yesterday's big ball like a bird's nest made him remember deeply. Going to school with such a hairstyle will definitely become the focus of attention. It's better to keep a low profile.

"Is that so?" Irina was a little disappointed.

"Yes." MEG nodded. Seeing that Irina was not happy, he said, "but Amy is studying at master Julian's tomorrow. She's next door, and there's no one else."

"Well, I'll tie Amy's hair tomorrow." Irina brightened her eyes and nodded.

"After that, one day my father and one day my mother were very good." Amy is happy, too.

MEG took Amy to the dresser to make her hair. She took a wooden comb and put her hair in order. She picked a rubber band from the box, flipped her fingers flexibly, and tied up a lovely ball.

"So fast? And how lovely Irene looked at Amy's hair, which was tied in a twinkling of an eye. It was really like a small ball. It was beautiful and lovely, and it was not messy at all. It was more than 100 times better than the big ball that she used magic to shape yesterday.

The most important thing is that Meg's technique is so skillful that before her eyes can learn it, Amy's hair has been tied up.

"Want to learn?" MEG looked back at Irina and laughed.

"Well, I don't want to." Irina turned her head, a little arrogant.

"Let's go downstairs. I'm going to make breakfast for the cleaners." MEG looked at the time. It was six o'clock.

"Mother, why don't you let father tie your hair?" Amy walked beside Elena, touching her long hair behind her and asked.

"Because some people just want to tie you up, they don't think about me at all." Irina glanced at Meg's back and turned her lips.

McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly. He had already felt the sour smell behind him, and he was wronged.

He just felt that Elena's hair was so smooth and distinctive, so it was more temperament, and she didn't need any hair accessories or hairstyles to decorate it.

McGonagall went downstairs. Phyllis was waiting outside.

"Princess, did you have a good rest last night?" Phyllis went into the restaurant and looked at Irina with concern. His royal highness recognized the bed. If it was not a familiar environment, it would often fail to sleep well.

"Well, I had a good sleep." Irina nodded, soft bed, with a touch of floral quilt, as well as the arms of the small lovely, she slept very sweet last night, this period of time since the exhaustion to sweep.

Looking at Elena's perfect look, Phyllis didn't look like she didn't have a good rest, so she was relieved.

"After breakfast, I'll go out." Irina took a sip of Meg's warm water and said casually.

"What's the matter?" MEG asked, raising his eyes.

"I'll go with you." Phyllis said the same thing.

Phyllis, look at MEG, and look at Irina. Isn't your princess's words to her?

"I'm going to find a place to be a night elf residence." Irina looked at McGonagall and said, "bean sprouts, you don't have to go with me. Learn to cook with him. You will be the chief chef of the night elves in the future. Food is a big selling point of the night elves."

"Chef... Chef?" Phyllis opened her mouth slightly and felt a heavy burden on her shoulders, but this was the trust of Her Highness. She had to work hard and earnestly nodded, "I will try my best!"

The night elves moved their base to the city of chaos, planning to gather strength here, and then wait for the opportunity to attack the wind forest. Yesterday, Irina told him that more than 1000 people really need to find a foothold.

"I'll go with you after the restaurant is closed. I'm familiar with the city of chaos." Meg said, looking at Elena.

"Just in time, I don't have any money with me." Irina nodded without thinking.

"Boss, I will try my best to pay back the money I need to rent a place." Phyllis said hurriedly that she was worried that McGonagall would mind this and take her royal highness as a rascal.

McGonagall and Elena looked at Phyllis at the same time, with strange looks.

"Although my salary is very low now, I will work hard." Phyllis was looked at by the two men and said more firmly that he could never let her highness go to work.

"I'll talk about it later, and I'm willing to help the night elves." Meg said with relief.

"It's very kind of you, boss." Phyllis looked at McGonagall moved, did not expect the boss for her, even willing to do so many things for the night elves, let her do not know how to return.

"It's OK. It's OK. I'll cook first." McGonagall went to the kitchen with a little shame. He gave his daughter-in-law the money he earned, but he still had to pay the IOU.

"Now that Phyllis is back, can I not come to work? You don't need me, do you? " Camilla came to the restaurant, took a look at the kitchen with wind blade will be a variety of ingredients cut perfectly Phyllis, looking at MEG asked.

"We've signed a one-year contract. Because of the increase of hotpot, the consumption of ingredients has doubled. Now that Phyllis is back, your workload can be reduced a lot, so you'd better stay." McGonagall looked at Camilla shaking his head, joking that now the restaurant is short of staff, how can he easily let go of such a labor force.

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