In order to make a pot of delicious soup, the most important thing is the heat. It is necessary to boil out the smell of bones and not to make the soup too thick.

It's not only about time, it's also about experience.

Rina stood by and watched MEG deal with the bones, remembering how to throw in the spices she needed at the right time.

To her surprise, MEG did not add too many spices and condiments except a small amount of cooking wine and ginger, and the bones were not cut off. Instead, he used a large and complete bone.

"The purer the bone soup, the better. This will determine the most basic flavor of your hot pot. Using complete bones is to prevent unnecessary risk of bone fragmentation in the process of boiling soup. Now close the lid and simmer for four hours, and the thick soup will be finished." McGonagall closed the lid of the big pot, took a small pot from one side and put it on the stove, took some small bones from the refrigerator, looked at Rina and said, "do you want to try?"

"Now?" Rina was a little stunned. She just watched MEG do it. Did MEG let her do it directly?

"I think you can do it well." MEG nodded and gave way to the hearth.

Looking at McGonagall's trusting eyes, Rena hesitated for a while, chose to move forward a few steps, closed her eyes, recalled what McGonagall had done, and her own understanding, and soon opened her eyes and picked up a bone.

Although this bone is only a bone node, it is thicker than those pig bones that we usually see. On the surface of the porcelain white bone, there are some bright red pieces of meat.

Although it's raw meat, it doesn't smell like meat at all. On the contrary, it has a delicate fragrance.

"What a strange bone. What kind of pig bone is this?" Rina was a little curious, thinking that she seldom bought meat at ordinary times. Occasionally, she went to the market in the evening to buy a bone to make soup for her mother. They were all bare bones that could not even be seen. When the boss got familiar with her, they were half given and half sold to her.

Clean the bones, marinate them simply, put cold water into the pot and boil them over high heat

A series of orderly steps, the big kitchen as their own small kitchen, and strive to do the best.

MEG nodded slightly. As he expected, Rina was not new to cooking, and she had a strong learning ability.

What's more valuable is that she doesn't study mechanically, and has her own habits and ideas in some operations.

These details are the habits left by long-term cooking. For a chef, they are also unique from other chefs.

"The culling of minced meat should be more clean. There should be no meat in the hot pot of guests that they did not order. Such a gift seems good, but it may bring trouble to some guests."

"In addition, the removal of foam in bone soup should be more thorough. The controllable loss of juice is to obtain a more delicate and rich soup, and a little foam may make the taste of soup unable to meet my requirements." Meg said, looking at Rina.

"But is it too wasteful?" Rina hesitated.

MEG took a look at the pieces of meat that he had shaved off from the big bones, shook his head and said, "as a chef, it's not a good thing if you are obsessed with making the best use of all the ingredients in a dish. Different parts of the ingredients are used in different dishes. Ingenious collocation and selection can create a wonderful taste. And the general pot stew, that is the lowest level of cooking

"Collocation and choice..." Rena is thoughtful. She feels as if a door in her mind has been suddenly opened. She is free from the cage of poverty and flies to a higher place.

"It's a good cook's job to have the right ingredients in the right place." McGonagall looked at Rina with a smile. "It doesn't matter. You'll understand that later."

"Well, I see." Rena nodded, then looked at her little pot and said, "this pot of soup..."

"Pour it out and start over." McGonagall had pulled out a few more bones and put them on the cutting board.

"Pour it out?" Rena was a little surprised. These are excellent bones. She has never seen such bones in the vegetable market before. Because of her own mistakes, is it going to be wasted like this“

"Yes." McGonagall nodded, not a word to discuss.

Ruina turned off the fire and took the soup pot to the dishwashing table. Although it was only boiled for a while, the flavor of the meat had overflowed. The white soup only needed to be cooked for a few more hours to make a pot of delicious broth.

Because of her mistake, such a pot of precious bone soup is about to be poured out. Rina's eyes are full of regret.

When she comes to the dishwasher, Rina holds the soup pot, but she hasn't poured the soup into the sink for a long time.

McGonagall quietly looked at Rina. Rina really has a good cooking foundation. Although it belongs to the wild way, with a little training, it should be able to go to the standard soon.

Compared with operation, Rena's biggest problem is her thinking, or the cooking thinking of most housewives in the world. Proper choice is the cornerstone of making delicious food. If she can't reverse this thinking, she will never be a qualified cook.

He will ask Rena according to the same standard as the system demands him, which is the basic respect for the guests.

He wants to see Rina make her own decision.

Standing by the sink for a long time, Rina turned to MEG and looked at him earnestly. "Boss, I know my problem. But it's a pity that the soup is poured out like this. Can I take her home? "

"It's a failure. I've never let it get out of my kitchen." MEG shook his head with a trace of disappointment.

"But it's me who did wrong. The soup itself is not wrong. Why can't it realize its due value instead of pouring it into the pool?" Rina looked at MEG with puzzled eyes.

"Rena, failure is not a terrible thing. You know where you fall and then you can go on. But when you fail, you always have to pay some price, don't you?" MEG frowned slightly. The girl seemed more persistent than he thought.

"If there is a cost, can it be replaced by another punishment? My mother told me since I was a child that we can't waste food. I have always been in awe of food since I was a child. I can't accept wasting such precious food because of my poor cooking skills and pouring them into the pool. " Rena shook her head, tears swirling in her eyes, pursed her lips, trying to control her emotions.

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