"So it is." McGonagall looked at Rena unexpectedly, at the girl who tried to keep her tears in her eyes and showed a strong look, and suddenly felt guilty.

What made his soul tremble even more was the sentence "keep in awe of food".

Maybe it's because after he was born, Mr. Yuan let everyone gradually eat too much, and he never worried about the lack of food and money.

When he came to this world, the endless ingredients in the kitchen god's proving ground and the refrigerator's system filled up at any time made him have no special concept of the hard won ingredients.

In his eyes, except for the sirloin that can be cut into steak and the upper brain that can be used to make Beef Kebabs, how to deal with the remaining meat system is not in his consideration.

He never worried about whether the remaining pork would be abandoned after the pig bone used for stewing was removed from the fifth grade golden scallop boar.

Yes, he regarded the food materials as expendable consumables, and poured some failed food into the kitchen waste bin without regret.

Although he gradually had enthusiasm and expectation for cooking, he still didn't have enough awe for food.

And in this world, how many people are struggling to get enough.

MEG thought of Jessica and the children, and Amy before he came to the world.

I think of Amy holding a copper coin to buy a crisp cake, hard as a stone cake, but she ate very sweet.

The children, more than he, understood the value of food and held food in awe like Rena.

He has not experienced the lack of food, what qualifications to refute other people's awe and treasure of food, with that ridiculous self insistence? Or the so-called principle?

"Sorry, I think I was wrong." MEG looks at Rina apologetically.

"I... I don't mean that. How could you be wrong? I shouldn't have said these words..." Rina was flustered. She suddenly realized that what she had just said seemed a little extreme. On her first day at work, she openly refuted the boss, which also led to the boss's apology. Won't she lose her job because of this?

"No, you're right. As a cook, you should be in awe of food." MEG shook his head, looked at Rina and said with a smile, "if you don't mind, take this pot of soup back to share with your mother. I think my aunt will like the soup that my daughter made herself on her first day at work."

"Really?" Rina looked at MEG, clear eyes without any impurities, warm smile is so reassuring.

"Of course." MEG went over, took the pot of soup from Rina's hand, put it back on the stove, turned on the fire and continued to stew, then looked at her and said, "but the connection still needs to continue. Tonight we have our own hot pot soup, please."

"Boss..." Reina's tears rolling in her eyes finally rolled down. She quickly wiped a tear on her side. Then she immediately turned and looked at McGonagall, nodded seriously, went back to the chopping table, picked up the bone knife, and carefully handled the broken meat attached to the bone.

"It's good to be economical." McGonagall looks at Rena's meticulous and serious appearance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. The feeling that the principle has been broken doesn't make him feel difficult to accept. On the contrary, he has more different ideas. For this world, his perspective and thinking are still a little narrow.

Watching Rena froth the boiling soup, then close the lid and turn it into a small fire, McGonagall nodded with satisfaction, "this treatment has made great progress, but when dealing with the broken meat on the bone, you can try some skills..."

In one afternoon, Rena has successfully mastered how to make a pot of soup that meets the requirements of hot pot.

This is also the envy of McGonagall, who was tortured in the kitchen god testing ground. Talent is such a thing. It's really... Shit!

"The business hours in the evening start at five o'clock. You can go home and have dinner with your aunt. You can take this dish back and have it in hot pot tonight." MEG handed Rena a lunch box and the pot of soup he packed.

"I just want soup. I can't have these dishes." Rina waved her hand and took the soup.

"We'll have hot pot tonight, so we won't prepare your share." MEG pointed to the red bottom of the pot with a smile.

"Thank you, boss." Rina bowed deeply to MEG and said gratefully.

"Go ahead. I'll come to the restaurant later." Meg said with a smile.

"Well." Rena took the lunch box, said goodbye to everyone, and walked briskly towards the door of the restaurant. She couldn't wait for her mother to taste the soup and hot pot she cooked herself.

Last night, she also said that she would have a chance to make a hot pot for her mother, but she didn't expect that day to come so soon.

"You seem to like her very much." Irina, who went out at noon, looked at MEG and said with a smile.

"An excellent apprentice, it's called cherishing talent." McGonagall said with a calm face that he had confirmed that before long, Rena would be able to take over the hot pot area from him. Such a genius is exactly what he has been looking for.

"I'm going to the endless sea." Irina came into the kitchen and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Well?" MEG looks at Elena in surprise.

"I'm going to kill a demon. Three years ago, there were a few guys who didn't die." Irina said calmly.

"When are you going?"

"Set the night elves on their way."

McGonagall looks at Elena. He knows that her decision will not be changed easily. Moreover, if his strength allows, he also wants to kill the living dregs.



"There was a serious leakage accident in the marine lobster breeding base, 300000 lobsters escaped from the base, the block of the breeding base was corroded and could not be repaired by themselves, and the number of fleeing lobsters continued to increase! Since there are no natural enemies around, it is very likely to cause serious damage to the local ecosystem! "

"Emergency task release: please go to the lobster breeding base in endless sea area as soon as possible, remove the corrosion source, repair the block of the breeding base, and catch the lobster escaping from the breeding base!

Mission success reward: get the title of lobster hunter and 0.5 physical fitness point reward! Task failed: physical fitness points return to 0! "

At this time, McGonagall's mind suddenly sounded some urgent voice of the system.

"Well?" McGonagall is slightly stunned. Is this task too wonderful for him?

"System, you want me to catch more than 300000 lobsters? Are you afraid it's brain watt? Why don't you go to heaven! " Make complaints about Tucao.

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