The dwarf construction team has completed the renovation of the two dormitory buildings and the construction of the main dormitory building ahead of schedule. Only the factory workshop is still in the finishing work.

After getting McGonagall's prompt, the system also quickly renovated the dormitory, installed wooden bed, shower, toilet, and a full set of bedding and living utensils, and connected each floor with direct drinking groundwater.

Among the more than 1000 night elves, the number of female elves is very rare, only 150 people, so they were assigned to the smaller dormitory building.

The male Genie lived in the main dormitory building, and a vice dormitory building was left next door.

McGonagall didn't have to do the assignment of dormitories and beds, and Elena's adjutant made them clear.

McGonagall's job is to bring everyone together and explain to them how to use the shower and toilet, and how to gently turn on the tap to get water for living and drinking.

The faucet that comes out of the water with a little twist and the toilet that flushes with the pull bring great novelty to the elves.

After fighting in the grottoes for more than a month, the elves, who have been marching all the way to the south, can't wait to take a bath and wash their dirty bodies.

"Work clothes and a set of pajamas have been put in your cupboard, along with a reserve of 1000 copper coins. If you need to buy new clothes, you can go to the market in the city of chaos and buy them with money. Of course, the next salary will not be paid until next month. Let's see how to use it. " MEG stood on the high platform, looked at the crowd, and said with a smile, "OK, everyone can take a bath and have a good sleep."

The elves gave MEG a thank you and were ready to leave for a bath.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Elena, who had never spoken, stepped onto the stage.

The spirits stopped at once and looked at Irina with reverence and fanaticism. They could come to the city of chaos, entirely because of the royal highness of the princess.

"The Night Elves will stay here for a while. Thank you very much, Mr. McGonagall, for taking us in and giving us a job that we can earn by working. Thank you also for the city of chaos accepting us into the city under pressure and giving us shelter." Irina looked at the elves and said solemnly: "so, I ask all the elves of the night elves to abide by the order and law of the chaotic city, respect their work, and live as authentic as possible before they are called by the organization."


The elves answered in unison.

McGonagall, who has come to the stage, looks up at Elena. At this moment, she exudes the breath of the queen, which makes people want to look up and kneel down.

"Let it go." Irina raised her hand and the elves left.

Then Irina and the chief bodyguard simply explained the arrangements of the night elves in the next few days. The factory has not been completed yet, so the elves have to wait for the task. Phyllis will come to cook for the elves, and the large space behind the factory is a good choice to make a training ground. Anyway, there is no one nearby.

"Come on, it's all set up." Elaine finished explaining things, came to MEG and said with ease.

"You're quite fit to be a queen." MEG and Irina go side by side, laughing.

"Is it yours?" Irina tilted her head slightly.

"Mine, and theirs." MEG nodded.

"Then I just want to be yours." Irina looked at the distance. "It's too tired to be a queen of so many elves."

MEG looked at Elena's side face, and suddenly felt a little distressed for the woman who had always been strong in front of others. She said in a soft voice, "then just be my queen. When the war is over, I'll leave it all to them."

"Will the war really end?" Irina turned to Meg, as if trying to find the answer in his eyes.

"We can't end wars that haven't been started yet, but we may be able to stop wars that will be started, or end wars that have already been started." MEG didn't dodge her eyes and said seriously.

Irina's smile was pretty. She went on and asked, "how are you going to end the demonic war this time? A bowl of sweet salted bean curd

"It's going to be a crayfish this time." McGrath cableway.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Do I seem to be joking?"


When he got home, MEG went to Crassus and Julian to ask Amy for a leave.

"Boss Mai, it's wrong for you to do this. How can children's cultivation be delayed casually? Besides, I don't know how many days it will be delayed, and the progress of children's cultivation can't keep up. Can you afford this responsibility?" Crassus looked at McGonagall with a straight face and said, even if McGonagall asked for leave occasionally, he didn't even say the number of days this time. Isn't it a mess.

"Amy, I can't take you out this time." MEG looked at Amy with regret and said.

Amy, with his hands akimbo and a serious look on his face, said, "master, I seriously tell you that if you don't let me ask for leave, I will practice ice magic for one more hour every day."

"I..." Krasu opened his mouth. Is that too much?!

Amy's talent is the best of his peers. Now the only thing Krasu wants to beat is Julian. If Amy practices ice magic for one more hour every day, how can he compare with Julian?!

"Boss Mai, you are cruel." Crassu looked at MEG with some bitterness. He looked at Amy with no intention of discussing. He had to nod his head. But he still told him, "little Amy, even if you go out to play, you should remember to spend some time practicing magic every day. Remember it's fire magic."

"Well, I will." Amy's face suddenly showed a smile and lit her cerebellar pouch.

When MEG took Amy home, he passed by the magic potion shop and asked for a leave.

"Don't worry, Mr. Julian. I'll practice ice magic one more hour every day." When the magic potion came out, Amy didn't forget to shout inside.


At the end of the night, MEG gives the key to the restaurant to Rina. From tomorrow, she will be in charge of the restaurant.

McGonagall hung a notice written during the day on the door, announcing that the restaurant was in trusteeship mode.

"We're in a hurry. Let's start tonight." McGonagall looked at Elena, who had taken a bath and put on her pajamas, and was holding Amy to bed.

"In such a hurry?" Irina looked at MEG and her clothes unexpectedly. She complained, "why didn't you say that earlier?"

"Just dress like this. We won't take a Zi this time. We'll go to bed and wake up." Meg said with a smile.

"If you don't sit in purple, how can you get there? Do you have a new love

"I have a new invention recently, the mobile restaurant, which can just try its performance." Meg said with a smile.

"Shameless..." the voice of system resentment floated by.

"Flying restaurant? Wow, I love it As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she jumped down from the bed and jumped into Meg's arms. "Where is it?" she asked excitedly? Father, where is the flying restaurant? "

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