The water drop shaped mobile restaurant is suspended three meters above the balcony of Maimi restaurant. The dim light makes the translucent shell appear mysterious and beautiful.

"Wow, look at it. It's like a big drop of water." Amy looked up at the drop shaped aircraft, and then looked at MEG strangely: "father, how can we get up?"

"You did it?" Irina looked at the aircraft with the same look of surprise. How to make the huge water drop hover in mid air is a great thing. She knew that Meg was not a space magician.

"Of course." MEG nodded with a smile and then snapped his fingers.

One side of the water droplet shaped aircraft opened like petals and slowly fell onto the balcony. A ladder with light indicator lights extended to the aircraft.

"My father is very powerful." Amy had opened her mouth wide and looked at MEG admiringly.

"Come on, go up and have a look." McGonagall accepted the adoration of the little guy and said with a smile that he was also curious about the interior of the mobile restaurant. After acquiring the restaurant, he called it out for the first time.

"Let's go." Amy was the first to trot up the steps.

"I'm going to see it, too." Elena followed Amy and quickened her pace.

Looking at the two women in high spirits, MEG had no choice but to follow.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling looked at the three people walking up the gangway, hesitated for a while, or chose to follow quickly.

After McGonagall boarded the mobile restaurant, the stairs behind him were closed again. Amy and Elena, who boarded the spaceship first, were looking around curiously at all kinds of levers and buttons.

As soon as you enter the mobile restaurant, there is the control room. The brightly lit circular control room can clearly see the outside scenery, and get the visual enhancement of night vision. All kinds of LCD dashboards are flashing dazzling lights. Everything is full of sci-fi color, which makes McGonagall a pseudo sci-fi fan amazing.

"Wait, Amy, these buttons can't be pressed." McGonagall looked at Amy, who was about to press the red self exploding button. He quickly stepped forward and took her down from the center console.

"What is a jam bomb?" On the other hand, Elena also asked curiously, thought about it, and then pressed the orange button.

"Bad!" McGonagall didn't have time to stop it. Hundreds of cannons appeared around the aircraft. A gorgeous fire came out of the cannons and flew into the sky. Then it exploded and turned into a gorgeous fireworks.

"How beautiful Amy lay in front of the glass, looking at the gorgeous fireworks and exclaiming.

"Yes, it's beautiful." Irina's eyes brightened, too, and a smile appeared on her face.

"In the process of reloading, the jammer consumes 1000000 copper coins." The system sounds in Meg's mind.

Meg's mouth twitched, but looking at Elena and Amy laughing happily, he had to pretend that nothing had happened.

A million dollars is nothing if you can make a beauty smile.

"System, you treacherous arms dealer!" MEG growled in his heart.

"Sit down first, you can see it, but you can't touch it casually, otherwise we may fall from the sky." McGonagall and the two said that with a quick click of their fingers on the main control screen, the flying posture of the mobile restaurant began to adjust. There were three ejectors at the bottom of the mellow restaurant, and the purple and white flames shot out. Whew, they disappeared from the sky above the restaurant.

"What sound?" Drunk and dazzled, Mo Bai pushed open the window and looked. There was only a white mark in the sky. There was a burning smell in the air. He looked left and right. He didn't see anything, so he closed the window and went to sleep.

Many people were awakened by the explosion, but by the time they opened the window or went out to check, MEG was driving a mobile restaurant a hundred miles away from the city of chaos.

"This thing flies so fast, faster than ah Zi." Irina was surprised. Although she didn't see it very clearly at night, she could clearly feel that this strange looking thing was faster than ah Zi.

"It should have the same ultimate speed as ah Zi, but it doesn't fly like that at ordinary times." McGonagall said with a smile, ah Zi's speed is still very fast, but it can't last too long under the extreme speed, and the mobile restaurant doesn't have this problem. As long as you have money, you can fly as long as you want.

Ah Zi's goal is too big, so MEG didn't call it when he went to the endless sea.

MEG set the destination, and then click to enter the hosting mode. After a sleep, they can go to the crayfish breeding base of the system.

When getting the mobile restaurant, McGonagall got the driver's manual at the same time, and had completely mastered the operation method of the mobile restaurant.

"Well, let's take a look at the living area. Go to bed first, and tomorrow we'll get up and go to the endless sea." After McGonagall gets excited, Amy, who is sleepy again, walks towards the living area behind the central control room.

The living area is bigger than McGonagall's imagination. It's like a small apartment with two small bedrooms, a small living room and dining room, a small kitchen and a washroom. Although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs. The decoration style is similar to that of the Maimi restaurant, which is low-key and luxurious.

Amy and Elena sleep in one room, MEG sleeps alone, and the ugly duckling sleeps on the ground. The people who have allocated the room soon fall asleep.

Although sleeping in the fast flying aircraft, the people didn't feel the slightest shaking, so they slept very well.


"The destination has arrived!"

The next morning, MEG was awakened by a cue.

Open your eyes, MEG habitually looked at the bedside alarm clock, six o'clock in the morning, as usual.

However, when he rubbed his bleary eyes and opened the curtain, a shark with a big mouth suddenly bit at him, which made him fly back to the bed smartly and hold the sword beside the bed.

However, when the shark hit the aircraft, the aircraft just turned around. MEG in the aircraft didn't even feel it. On the contrary, the shark broke a few teeth and swam away angrily. It was a relief. It seems that the aircraft is bite resistant and impact resistant.

However, after flying all night, how did the aircraft come to the sea?

McGonagall looked out close to the glass. He could see many deep-sea fish swimming in the clear water. Soon his eyes fell on the Black Mist in the west, which dyed the water black as if something was hidden in it. It slowly spread around.

And in the middle of the black fog, there should be an island with a faint outline.

"It's really black fog." MEG whispered to himself.

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