When something is difficult to explain, it is wise to keep it mysterious.

So MEG blindfolded Elena and told Amy to close her eyes and count down ten seconds.


As Amy's tender voice sounded, the mobile restaurant fell from the sky. With a slight sound and the ground shaking, the original house was pressed into the ground and became a solid foundation.

"Well, look at our new house." MEG let go of her hand that covered Elena's eyes and said with a smile.

Irina and Amy opened their eyes at the same time, and looked at the big house in front of them, which was completely covered by silver shells.

"Wow, what a beautiful house! It's really full of shells!" Amy was pleasantly surprised that the old house had disappeared and was replaced by a brand new one.

Although Irina is not surprised by McGonagall's strange skills, she is still surprised to see the beautiful shell house.

The first floor of the second floor building seems to be the dining room. Through the open door, you can see the tables and chairs neatly placed inside,

There is a large open space in front of the house, surrounded by wooden railings. The ground is covered with shells and round stones, and there are more than twenty tables scattered. There is an open space in the middle of the open space, and I don't know what it is used for.

"Let's go in and see our new home." MEG takes Amy, pushes open the low door and goes in.

In order to keep a low profile as much as possible, MEG chose the more common style of Shell Island when choosing the decoration style, very common white shells, mixed with some pale gold and silver shells, but the system arranged and arranged in a very delicate way, making the overall style look very comfortable.

The interior space of the restaurant is also more open, with fewer partitions. In the form of large stalls, there are many black stone tables and chairs.

The setting of the kitchen is also very simple. The most prominent thing is the three big iron pots with a diameter of two meters in the center of the restaurant, which occupy most of the area of the kitchen, but there is also a normal set of kitchen utensils and stoves.

Because the individual size of the lobster is too large, and in order to complete the task of catching 300000 crayfish as soon as possible, MEG has to increase the amount of cooking every day. The normal size of the pot can not meet the demand.

However, McGonagall didn't know how to play with the two meter cauldron. It can be expected that it will be a tough war after entering the kitchen god test ground tonight.

There is a big fish tank in the corner. There are dozens of crayfish in it. MEG caught them from the system farm in the morning. He threw the two crayfish he just bought into the fish tank.

The ugly duckling squats in front of the fish tank, looking at the crayfish in the fish tank with alert face. He puts out his fat claws across the fish tank and tries to knock them. He quickly takes back his claws. In the morning, he is stun, which seems to leave some shadow on him.

"Wow, this new home is so beautiful." Amy ran around the restaurant, playing with the shell wind chime hanging at the door, listening to the crisp wind chime, said happily.

"I've been busy all morning. Why don't I go upstairs and take a nap." MEG comes out of the kitchen and looks at Amy, who is already sleepy after playing with the wind chime for a while, and Elena, who has a tired face, says.

"Well." Irina nodded slightly.

"Father, hold me." Amy, sitting at the door of the restaurant, raised her hands, squinted and pursed.

"Well, father will take you upstairs to sleep." MEG walked over with a smile and bent down to pick Amy up.

"Hee hee, my father is very kind." Amy opened her eyes and gave MEG a kiss on the cheek.

"Me too." Elena put her face up.

"All right." Amy chuckles and kisses Elena on the face.

There was a smile on Elena's face.

"Let's go." Meg said with a smile, holding Amy up the side stairs of the kitchen.

The stairs are also covered with shells, but the more luxurious queen shell is used. The luster is more delicate and soft, and the overall style is pink white. It looks small, fresh and full of princess style.

The ground on the second floor is the color matching of the whole ocean system. I don't know what technology is used in the system. Under the floor, it's like real flowing sea water. We can also see seaweed and seafloor plants, making people feel like they are in the ocean world.

"It's the sea!" Amy jumped off Meg's body and stepped on the floor barefooted. She took a few steps forward and threw herself on the floor like a fish.

The ugly duckling who came up the stairs ran to McGonagall's feet. His fat little claws hugged McGonagall's thighs. He looked down at the ground and trembled.

"When did you prepare these things?" Irina asked, looking at MEG with a smile.

"When you're asleep." Meg said with a smile, looking at her, she should be quite satisfied with the house.

"Oh, the mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Have you ever said the same thing to other women?" Elena's eyes looked a little more closely.

McGonagall asked with a smile, "who dares to accept it but you?"

"It's true that the little bitches who dare to accept it are all dead." Irina took a look at her hand. Her slender fingers slowly clenched into a delicate fist. She looked at MEG and said with a smile, "right?"

"Right..." McGonagall nodded deeply. If this fist goes down, everyone will die, including him.

There are three rooms on the second floor, one for Amy and Elena, one for MEG himself, and a small study.

Elena takes Amy to bed. The ugly duckling, whose family status has declined seriously, has lost the qualification to go to bed. She can only lie on the mat at the end of the bed and yells at MEG at the door.

McGonagall looked at it with some sympathy. What can he do? He is not qualified to sleep in this room now.


"Boss Mai, is that too much? I won't even write down the time of my return. " Harrison sighed as he looked at the notice hanging at the door of the restaurant.

"Yingying, boss Mai, you heartless man, I don't have tofu brain. What can I do to keep my youth and beauty, and what can I do to keep those men's hearts?" A well-dressed demon wiped the corners of his eyes with a silk scarf, and his expression was full of resentment.

"My hair has just grown half, and boss Mai just ran away. What's the matter?" Chris, the boss of guangluo work agency, touched his hair, which has grown into a circular island, with a sad face.

"Please, at least we can have preserved egg and lean meat porridge, roast beef kebab and hot pot."

At the door of Maimi restaurant, because of Meg's leaving, the guests who came to the restaurant at noon and couldn't even enter the door were full of complaints.

"Boss, boss Mai is out. What shall we do?" Said Kiel, looking at Sargeras.

The demons of the Burning Legion, who have expanded to more than 60 people, are also watching Sargeras one after another. The absence of boss Mai means that they will not be able to eat the sacred rougamo.

"A sage like boss Mai needs to go out occasionally to find inspiration. We should be considerate of him." Sargeras looked serious, but his eyes were also hard to hide. After a little thought, he said: "during this period of time, we went back to the devil islands. Yesterday, we received news from the tribe that some things with no eyes came to our tribe. We should let them know that our lava demon tribe is not easy to bully."

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