"Why? When did the house become so new? And there are so many tables? " Ivan, the rock Troll who comes back from quarrying outside, stares at the brand new house next door and the tables and chairs in the yard. He looks surprised.

"Maybe we have a new neighbor. How long has this house been abandoned? I don't know who moved here." Ivan's wife, jimina, was also looking at the yard, carrying a big turtle.

"Come on, anyway, we don't have the tradition of greeting our neighbors on the island. If we are a bad neighbor, maybe we will get into trouble." Ivan shook his head and strode toward his yard.

"So it is." Jimina nodded and followed Ivan through the door.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, a little rock Troll ran out of the room recklessly. His clumsy rock thigh failed to cross the threshold and fell to the ground, smashing a hole in the ground. He got up undamaged and looked at the big turtle in jimina's hand. He was disappointed and said, "big turtle again, big turtle every day, We're all going to be big turtles. "

Ivan reached out and touched the little devil's head and said, "Justin, my father will buy you other delicious food tomorrow. Today, let's eat turtles first. Your mother's turtles are delicious. One big turtle is enough for us to eat all day."

"That's what you said yesterday and the day before yesterday, but we still eat turtles every day, and we always stew turtles. Every time we eat, it's a day. I might as well eat stones." Justin grunted and complained.

Ivan's expression was stiff, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes. He looked at jimina and muttered, not knowing how to answer.

Jimina can stew turtles. What can he do? He's desperate, too.

"Why, Justin, do you think my turtle is not good?" Jimina's face was cold, and her brown green eyes fixed on Justin.

Justin, who was still aggressive, immediately counseled and looked at him faintly. "No... no, mother, I just think... We can change something else to eat, or go out for a meal..."

"Something else? Out to eat? Is there anything better than stewing turtles? Is there anyone who cooks better than me? " Jimina, with a ridiculous look on her face, turned her head and looked at Ivan

Ivan felt the death gaze, even if the conscience will hurt, still firmly shook his head and said: "No

"Father, you traitor!" Justin looked at Ivan with disgust. It was he who proposed to let him do it yesterday. When it came to the end, he counseled him.

"See, your knowledgeable father says no." Jimina's face showed a little proud smile, put the big turtle on the ground and said, "go, take out the big pot. I want to show my real cooking skills and cook a pot of delicious turtles for you."

Ivan and Justin, who failed in the struggle, had no choice but to walk towards the house and quickly carried a big pot out. There was a simple stove made of three big stones in the middle of the yard.

"Let's have grilled fish and shrimp tonight." Just then, a voice came from the yard next door.

MEG came out with a grill and put it in the open space in the middle of the yard, talking to Elena and Amy with the ingredients.

"I want to eat meat, barbecue!" Amy raised her hand.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling squatting at Amy's feet raised a paw.

"Well, I'll prepare some Beef Kebabs later." McGonagall nodded with a smile. The theme of today's dinner is open-air barbecue, which makes him regret that he didn't choose a house by the sea today. After all, barbecue facing the sea must be more comfortable.

"New neighbor?" Hearing the sound of the yard next door, the rock trolls, who were busy lighting the fire, got up one after another and looked at the yard next door curiously.

Ivan and jimina are more than three meters tall. Even Justin is one meter and five meters tall. The railings more than one meter can't block their sight.

Young strange devil, beautiful female devil, and cute little devil, the three members of this family should be the new neighbors who just moved in today.

However, Ivan and Justin's eyes have been completely attracted by the prawns and big fish on the table. The fish and prawns pickled with seasoning exude the fragrance of spices before cooking, which is a fatal temptation for families whose daily seasoning is only salt.

McGonagall also noticed the three rock trolls standing in the yard next door and said with a smile, "Hello, we just moved here today."

"Hello, I'm jimina, this is Ivan, this is our child Justin." Jimina responded by introducing her family. The new neighbor seems to be very friendly.

"I'm Hades, this is my wife ina, and this is our child, little Eyre." McGonagall also introduced himself with a smile. The first step to integrate into the crustacean is to establish a friendly relationship with his neighbors.

"Hello." Amy waved at the crowd.

"How lovely Ivan and jimina both have bright eyes. When they look at Justin again, they look at each other. It seems that they have reached a consensus that they need to have a new daughter.

After greeting, the rock trolls continued to live and cook. They didn't communicate with MEG too much. On the crustacean Island, demons don't believe any demons except their families.

"Mother, I saw their plates filled with big fish and prawns. They look delicious." Justin swallowed his throat.

Ivan was secretly watching.

Jimina said with a scornful smile: "hum, what's good about those things? The stew is full of fishy smell. Only the taste stewed by the big turtle is the ultimate delicacy. When I make the soup, they will be very envious."

Justin and Ivan look at each other. I don't know if our neighbor's fish and shrimp will be better than stewed turtle. I dare not say, I dare not ask.

The washed Turtle was thrown into a pot of clean water, sprinkled with a handful of natural sea salt, and then covered with the lid. Jimina clapped her hands with ease.

Well, now we just need to wait for the delicious food to come out of the pot. Among the rock trolls, only a clever and virtuous female devil like her can master this perfect and complicated method of stewing sea turtles. Many of their people are still eating stones.

MEG next door, with Amy's help, cooks the charcoal, coats the grill with oil, and then puts the pickled fish on the grill.


With a wonderful light sound, the skin of the big fish was full of oil, and the smell of fish and spices began to release gradually, floating to the next yard.

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