"Who is it! Which bastard stole my statue! "

In the moonlight, Alfred's eyes were red and he looked up at the sky and roared. No stone statue was found in the pit.

Alfred walked around the island, his eyes fell on the three burnt Devil Dogs, went forward to have a serious look, gritted his teeth and said: "flame demons, I will never let you go easily, the power of the God of the dead, only I am worthy of it!"

"Three days later, the statue will be reconstructed successfully. Before that, I have to take it back and complete the rest of the ceremony." Alfred said in a deep voice, calling for the flying mount. "It seems that we have to take people to flame island. If we dare to rob things in our abyss island area, it must be Terry's advice..."

Alfred bent down and hit the ground with a fist. The whole island trembled, collapsed and sank to the bottom of the sea.


"Urgent mission, ask the host to kill Alfred, the base destroyer, in three days. The mission is successful: won the title of" base Guardian "and a chance to ask confidential questions! Mission failure: the host will lose all food base supplies. " McGonagall had just finished the 10 second open back task of 100 crayfish when the sound of the system suddenly sounded in the kitchen god test field.

“???” McGonagall's face is muddled. This task is inexplicable. Do you want to take the system task in the kitchen god test field?

"System, what the hell are base destroyers? And what's the secret question opportunity? " MEG put down his kitchen knife and frowned.

"Alfred used brute force to destroy the structure of the island, leading to the collapse of the island, which had a great impact on the water quality and environment of the crayfish breeding base, and destroyed the ecosystem of the system. Such base saboteurs must be wiped out by the system, so as not to cause more serious impact on other bases. " The system responded.

"It seems that he should have found the stone statue missing." McGonagall was thoughtful.

"With the current authority of the host, it is not qualified to know some confidential information of the mainland, but after completing this task, this system will provide an opportunity to ask questions. Knowledge is priceless. "

"Then I'll exchange this opportunity for 100 copper coins."

"No way!"

"You see, it's not worth 100 coppers." MEG curled his mouth.


"If you want me to kill a level 10 strong man, but I don't want to show any real sincerity, are you expanding the system? Remember who dad was? "

"Host, please respect this system!" The system is strict.

"I don't care. I can't beat him anyway. Unless you give me a chance to recover, you just want dad to die. You can do whatever you want. Besides, if you don't sell my vegetables, I'll buy them from others. There are so many vegetables growing in the world. You're not the only one McGonagall didn't care.

"Host, you... You... You are a rogue! Is there any host like you? Is there a threat system like yours? Do you know how people laugh at me now? "

"Oh, there are circles? How can they laugh at you? Let me have fun. " McGonagall said with great interest.

The system was silent for a long time, and said in a low voice: "mission success reward weighting: the mobile restaurant can get a shield that is immune to all attacks below level 9, and can withstand three attacks below level 10. Task failure penalty: kill the host. "

"You just didn't go to the circle of friends for help, did you?" McGonagall's eyebrow picking. Isn't this a systematic style?

"How do you know..." the system was surprised, but when it stopped in time, it coughed softly: "the three-day countdown has been turned on, please complete the task as soon as possible!" There was no sound at all.

McGonagall thought for a while, Alfred is also on his must kill list, and is also the target of Elena. Although the task of the system is a little sudden, it will be completed in three days, but it is not without a chance.

The improvement of mobile restaurant's defense ability is really attractive to him. It is equivalent to having a fortress that will not be broken. Even the sneak attack of the top ten can reserve enough reaction time for them, which is quite practical.

"It seems that the assassination plan needs to be mentioned a little bit further." MEG whispered to himself, walked to the side of the pot, put the task behind him, and began to practice how to make a delicious braised crayfish.

Braised crayfish, spicy crayfish, steamed crayfish, garlic crayfish, thirteen spice crayfish, iced crayfish, each of which is a new challenge for MEG.

However, McGonagall, who has been honed for a long time, is no longer the rookie who did not understand the cooking skills at the beginning. He has his own understanding of the control of the fire and the amount of spices and condiments. He also has a full sense of achievement in various customs clearance methods like playing games.

"Congratulations to the host, the best iced crayfish

As soon as Meg opened his eyes, the alarm clock at the head of the bed was ringing.

After waking up for a while, McGonagall reached out and turned off the alarm clock, shook his head, drove the crayfish out, sat up and had a rest.

Although it's only one night, Meg, who is in the kitchen god proving ground, has spent more than 100 days and nights learning the six ways of crayfish at one go, and trying to make the best of each. This is also a great test for MEG.

Fortunately, it became more and more convenient, and the understanding of crayfish became more and more thorough. At dawn, he came out of the kitchen god testing ground.

"It's a pity that all six methods have been done, and it's time-consuming and laborious. It's not suitable for expansion." McGonagall thought for a while and said to himself in a low voice, "then make spicy crayfish, garlic crayfish and thirteen spice crayfish."

McGonagall can't stay in crustacean all his life, but in order to avoid trouble, he can't make crayfish with the same taste in a short time after he returns to the chaotic city. It's obviously a good choice to keep three kinds of taste in the restaurant.

"After breakfast, I will go to the dock to collect crayfish. I don't know if the fishermen have gone to catch crayfish." MEG got up, went out, washed up, and went downstairs to make breakfast.


For the fishermen of crustacean, this morning is a bit special.

Because there are several red prawns in the barrel in front of many people. They stretch their necks and look at the direction of the island, with some anxiety and expectation.

"Old man, you didn't play us with that guy yesterday, did you?" Young fishermen with two black circles under their eyes, holding a big net bag tightly in their hands, which is full of crayfish, the number is more than 50, looking at the old fisherman Tucker asked.

"It's my first time to see that adult. What do you do for me? I think he can come today, and I can give him these crayfish." There are more than a dozen crayfish in the barrel in front of Tucker, which has no good airway.

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