Because of a piece of news that spread like wildfire, many fishermen on crustacean Island didn't get a sound sleep last night. Today, the tide has just receded, and it's still not bright. Many fishermen have rushed to the beach with torches to search for the black and blue prawns they had avoided before.

The price of 50 copper coins is already higher than that of most sea fish and crabs. If you catch one, it will be enough for a family to live in one day. If you can catch a few more, you will have money for this month's amulet.

You know, these strange prawns have appeared on the beach of crustacean island.

So, every fisherman caught a lot of prawns in the bucket, anxiously waiting for the mysterious devil to come to buy.

If the news is false, they're all in vain this morning.


McGonagall made a love breakfast for Amy and Elena. He didn't need to call them. The three little greedy cats had been hooked down by the fragrance from upstairs.

After breakfast, McGonagall suddenly remembered that he hadn't named the restaurant yet, so a family of three opened the restaurant.

"It's called Ayi's restaurant." At the beginning of the meeting, Elena threw out a name, "I think it sounds good."

"Ai, AI, it's so cute. I like the name." Amy raised her little hand in agreement.

"Meow!" The ugly duckling raised her paw and agreed.

"It seems that I'm a man who doesn't deserve a name." McGonagall laughs, and the name of the restaurant is settled. The system effectively customizes a signboard and hangs it at the door.

"Come on, let's go to the dock to collect crayfish. Today, AI's crayfish restaurant will officially open." MEG picked up Amy, helped her straighten the two shrimp tongs, and walked toward the door of the restaurant.

"We're selling crayfish here. Don't we do anything else?" Irina walked beside MEG, a little bored.

"In two days, let's kill Alfred." Meg said with a smile.

"It's kind of interesting." As soon as Elena's eyes brightened, she was in high spirits.

McGonagall smiles and shakes her head. She's really a restless woman.

Passing by a small alley, McGonagall and his family just saw an ugly demon pressing a thin female demon on the ground to do something wrong. The 13-year-old one horned female demon was struggling in despair, but still couldn't get rid of the devil's claws. There were several demons in the distance just watching the scene coldly, and even joking.

"That's why I hate crustaceans. These guys are no different from wild animals." Irina frowned slightly, then kicked a flat stone on the ground.

The stone flies into the alley, penetrates the head of the demons who are holding down the one horned female demons, and then cuts the throats of the demons who are watching the play.

"They do deserve to die." McGonagall reached out to block Amy's eyes, and the three passed by the alley. Such a thing is very common in the crustacean islands. Demons who have no money to buy amulets can only become vassals or prey of other demons.

The one horned devil girl was stunned when she looked at the devil who suddenly collapsed on her body. The hot blood sprayed on her pretty face. The strong smell of blood made her recover. She pushed away the devil in disgust and looked at the six or seven demons in the alley. The blood gushed from their throats and covered their necks with her hands. Her eyes were full of despair.

The demon girl Jane was completely frightened and ran to the alley. After a few steps, she stopped and looked back at the shield hanging on the waist of the demon who wanted to invade her.

Hesitated for a moment, Jane quickly walked back, squatted down, pulled off the waist tag and hung it on her waist. Then she pulled off a piece of clothes and wrapped her face. She trotted out of the lane and quickly turned into the next lane. She staggered in the lane, even if her bare feet were cut, she was unconscious.

She didn't know who saved her, but she knew that if the ten kings hall found that the death of these people was related to her, she was not far away from death, and she might have to experience something more terrible than death.


The fishermen in the harbor are looking forward to the tide. Many demons have planned to pour out the prawns. Before the tide rises, they will go to the seaside to have a look. Otherwise, they will come here in vain today.

Tucker is also sad. Although he got five gold coins from the adult yesterday, everyone caught shrimps after he sold them. If the adult didn't come, maybe they would vent their anger on him.

"Here it is! Here he is The young devil stood up and looked at MEG coming in the distance. His eyes lit up.

"Here it is Hearing the news, other fishermen also got up one after another.

McGonagall watched the fishermen rising on both sides of the harbor. As if they were welcome, he was shocked.

"Are these guys trying to do something?" Irina's eyes are bright. Although they are all small fish and shrimps, it's better to have more exercise.

"With fireballs? Or just smash it with a stick? " Amy followed.

"Calm down, they're just a common shrimp catcher." McGonagall quickly stopped the two men who were ready to fight. He had noticed that most of the buckets or nets in front of the fishermen were filled with crayfish.

"My Lord, you are here at last. This is the crayfish I caught today to repay the money I owed you yesterday." Tucker came up to MEG with his barrel and said gratefully.

"Today's harvest is good." McGonagall counted it. There were fifteen crayfish in the bucket. They almost filled the bucket. He took twenty-five silver coins from his purse and handed them to Tucker.

"No... no, you helped me a lot yesterday. I thank you for the extra crayfish." Tucker waved.

"Yesterday's two crayfish is a thank you, today's five crayfish, a 50 copper coin, a total of 25 silver coins, you have to accept it." McGonagall shook his head and said with a smile, "it's a long-term business. After you catch the crayfish, you can sell it to me."

Tucker hesitated, reached for the coin, bowed gratefully to Meg, and said, "thank you."

In one night, he made money that he might not have made in the past month, and his hands shaking slightly.

Fishermen, who had some doubts, looked at the silver coins Tucker got and their eyes lit up.

"My Lord, look at the crayfish I caught. There are fifty-two crayfish in all. If you want all of them, it's fifty dollars." On one side of the young fisherman kittal carrying a big net crayfish came forward, some excited looking at MEG road.

MEG took a look at the crayfish in the net pocket. They were all quite energetic, and fifty-two of them were enough. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll take all 50 copper coins."

The fishermen were in an uproar, 50 crayfish, 50 copper coins, that is 2500 copper coins!

This is undoubtedly a huge sum of money for the fishermen struggling on the food and clothing line. The demons' eyes lit up when they looked at MEG.

Kittal took the twenty-five gold coins from McGonagall, and his face was radiant. This is the money he usually earns in a month. He didn't expect to earn it in one night. Happiness came so fast that he could not think of it.

Then McGonagall bought the crayfish of more than a dozen fishermen, and filled them with two specially made net bags he brought with him, nearly 300 of them.

"Ding! Two breeding shrimps were detected, and the task progress of crayfish capture: 2100! " McGonagall's mind rang with a system tone.

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