
McGonagall's eyes brightened. He didn't expect that there were two kinds of crayfish among the crayfish caught by these demon fishermen. It was also a surprise.

The key to the task of catching crayfish is to catch the 100 breeding shrimps. If you can catch all the breeding shrimps in advance, you don't need to catch 300000 crayfish to complete the task.

"I'll buy crayfish for a long time at the price of 50 copper coins. If you catch crayfish, you can send them to my restaurant directly. I'll buy them at 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. every day. I don't accept them at other times. The address of the restaurant..."

McGonagall told the fishermen the location of the restaurant. Considering that it took time and effort to go back and forth to the port every day to buy crayfish, he changed it to let the fishermen deliver the crayfish to the door by themselves, and he just received the goods directly.

In this regard, the fishermen do not have any opinions. After receiving the money, they just want to go to the beach to continue looking for crayfish. The price of 50 copper coins is enough to make the fishermen crazy.

McGonagall asked all the tall and strong demons to help carry back more than 300 crayfish. He only needed to pay 20 copper coins.

"Is crayfish on sale at noon today?" Irina asked as Meg poured the crayfish into the big pool in the corner of the yard.

"Yes, I think there will be a steady stream of crayfish coming next. If we don't, we won't be able to hold them." MEG nodded. Three hundred crayfish occupied half of the pool. After all, the size of each crayfish was two Jin.

"Can you do it by yourself?" After all, there were so many waiters to help when she was at the Maimi restaurant.

"That's a problem." McGonagall was slightly stunned and looked at Elena.

"I've never done anything to serve people. I'm afraid when they say something, I can't help it." Irina said calmly, "but if you think I can, I don't mind trying."

"Forget it. You'll be the landlady who collects money." McGonagall quickly refused. With Irina's temper, if he did it, it would be blood stained restaurant. This business could not be done.

"Why, what is that?" Amy, who is running around in the yard with the ugly duckling, suddenly points to the rockery in the other corner of the yard and says.

McGonagall and Irina looked at the same time, and the corner of their clothes that appeared from behind the stone immediately drew back.

"Come out." Irina ordered coldly.

After a moment of silence, a thin figure stood up in the rockery, wearing a ragged black gown, with an irregular black cloth on his face. His clothes were dyed reddish brown by blood, and his hands covered with mud were holding a sharp stone. The whole person was shaking slightly.

"Who is she?" McGonagall looked at the one horned devil girl and felt a little familiar.

"What are you doing here?" Irina looked at the one horned devil and asked in a cold voice. Her eyes were also a little surprised. Isn't this the devil girl she happened to save in the morning.

Jane looks at Elena, and her panic is replaced by surprise. What a beautiful female devil she has never seen before. Even the most beautiful sister is less than one tenth of her beauty.

However, she soon came back to her present situation and broke into other people's houses, which could be directly executed on the chitin island. The ten kings hall would not care about the life and death of such a person with no identity and no powerful race.

After that incident in the morning, she ran all the way in panic. When she ran to the neighborhood, she just met the patrol team of Shiwang hall. She hid in the yard in a hurry. She planned to leave immediately after the patrol team went away. Unexpectedly, the owner of the house came back and found her.

"I... I'm Jane, a one horned devil. I accidentally intruded into your yard and offended you. I promise I have no malice. Please forgive me." Jane lowered her head and said that the stone in her hand was still clenched tightly. If anyone wanted to kill her, she would at least resist.

"You killed the devil?" Irina looked at her and asked in a cold voice.

"I... I didn't..." Jane's face turned white. Looking at Elena's cold eyes, she shook her head and cried a little: "I didn't kill her. They wanted to invade me. I don't know who killed them. I didn't see him, but I thank him very much. He saved me."

"Is that her?" McGonagall then remembered that the demon girl was the one Irene saved in the morning, but she just glanced at her in the morning, didn't look carefully, and didn't expect to meet her at home.

"Is there anything to be alarmed about killing a few devil dregs? Even if you did, so what. " Irene's face showed a smile, looking at Jane's eyes is also a bit more interested, this little girl is quite interesting, although the weak poor, but not immediately ungrateful devil.

"But... But they all have body shields. If they are found by the ten kings hall, they won't let me go... Even if I didn't kill them." Jane was a little afraid. To her, the ten kings hall is the most terrible and powerful force in the world.

"The bastard protected by the bastard will be killed if killed." Irina shook her head, looked at Jane and said, "take the cloth off your face and let me have a look."

Irene's words make Jane a little uncomfortable. The ten kings hall is the absolute ruler on the crustacean Island, but this beautiful sister is not afraid of them at all. But looking at Irene, she has an inexplicable sense of trust. She hesitates for a moment, reaches out and takes off the rag tied on her face.

Her face is covered with blood, and there are several small wounds, but still can see her delicate features, a half long silver gray hair is also blood paste into a piece, the middle of the forehead with a pale gold horn, about five centimeters long, with a punch of golden pink thread, looks very delicate.

"How old are you?" Irina asked.


"Is there anyone else at home?"

"My mother passed away ten days ago... No family..."

"Sharp hands and feet?"

"I pick up shells faster than anyone else."

Irina nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "good. You can stay. From today on, you are the staff of our restaurant. Let you live here, give you food and pay you wages."


Jane and MEG were stunned.

"Stay? Let me live, and give me food and pay? " Jane looked at Elena and felt that she had heard something wrong. This beautiful sister not only didn't investigate her fault of breaking into their house, but also took her in?

"Is this the end of the recruitment?" McGonagall is also secretly speechless. As the boss, he doesn't even have the opportunity to intervene. His voice has dropped sharply.

"Great, then I have another little sister." Amy said happily.

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