
McGonagall, who had planned to say something, looked at him with blinking eyes and full of expectation. It seemed that Amy, who was saying "praise me quickly, praise me quickly", really got the perfect inheritance of this smoldering style. He had to praise him helplessly: "well done, little AI."

"Well, a little bit of me." Irina nodded with satisfaction and blocked the beautiful body after the sheets fell with holy light. Then she stepped forward and carried the two female demons out of the broken crystal pile like a dead chicken. She threw them into the beach and rolled a layer of sand shell. Then she looked at McGonagall and said, "now? Take it or bury it on the spot? "

"If you die, it's worthless. Take it back and close it first." Meg said with a smile. He broke a big branch and wrote down a line with messy notes on the beach. Then he threw the branch into the sea, and the waves rolled, and it was completely lost.

"Let's go. We've made an appointment with him. It's on the stone statue island that day." McGonagall wiped off their footprints and all the suspicious traces left, and added some traces and details of the abyss demons. The three returned to ah Zi's position with the two female demons wrapped in sand balls, and left the island quickly.

Back in the crustacean Island, MEG locks the two female demons in the small dark room on the balcony. Amy has not woken up yet, but her life is not in danger. After being wrapped in sand by Elena, they have become tumblers, and they don't have to worry about running away in the small dark room.

"Are you sure Simmons will go? Alfred, how do you tell me? If they join hands, I'm not sure I can kill them both. " Irina looked at MEG, who was closing the door, and asked with some doubts.

"Simmons has a hot temper, and he is very fond of this female devil. His golden house is suddenly taken away. His most trusted subordinates are all killed, and his concubine is also taken away. He will never give up. I'm ready for Alfred, too. You come with me

McGonagall took Irina into the study, quickly took out a black wood carving and handed it to Irina.

"Is this the stone statue?" Irina looked at the rough wood carving in her hand in surprise, and could roughly see the shape of the stone statue.

"I'm not very proficient in wood carving for the first time." McGonagall explained awkwardly that if it was turnip, he would be able to carve better. "I'm going to use this to let Alfred go to the stone statue Island, which is more remote. It's almost the same distance from flame island and abyss island. It's a good ambush point."

"But if they have a conversation after they meet, the plan is a bit lame." Irina added.

"I don't think they should have a conversation." MEG smiles, shakes his head and hands a piece of paper to Elena.

Irina took a serious look for a while. Her eyes brightened. She looked up at McGonagall unexpectedly and said, "yes, I didn't expect that you would use tactics now."

"It's not a good word to be brave but not resourceful." McGonagall, this is a very simple way to sow dissension, but it is not so simple without the strong support of Elena.

Let Amy burn half of the wood carving with fire, and then write a line on a stone with burnt wood to bind the two together. MEG goes out alone and takes ah Zi to the abyss island. From above the abyss, he drops the wood carving accurately to the main hall in the middle below the abyss.

If the message is correct, the hall belongs to Alfred.

The Griffin disappeared over abyss island.

The stone statue with a burning red meteorite smashed through the roof of the hall, breaking the silence of the abyss.

"Simmons, you're lying too much!" Alfred stood in the center of the hall, crushing the stone and wood carvings, looking up at the smashed roof, gnashing his teeth. His red eyes were flashing with the meaning of crazy killing. Anyone who tried to get in touch with the power of the stone statue would die!


"Alfred, my God, you are a fairy board!"

On the island, Simmons, who was full of burning flames, roared up to the sky, and the fire swept away melted the crystal.

He just came half an hour later than usual and satisfied the Yellow faced woman at home first. Unexpectedly, the whole island was washed with blood, and Shalin was missing.

In the demon islands, only the spike fighting pig can leave such footprints, and it must be Alfred's spike fighting pig to make the level 9 flame demon unable to resist.

"Simmons, this woman borrows me to play for two days. Come to West Point Island the day after tomorrow and I'll wait for you." Looking at the messy handwriting on the beach, Simmons can almost imagine Alfred's ugly face. This damned bastard dares to kill his subordinates and rob his women so arrogantly!

"Damn bastard, don't you worry that I'll take your position as marshal of the United forces? Let me see who will die in whose hands." Simmons gritted his teeth, jumped on a black giant, the rest of the island fell into a sea of fire, together with the crystal castle, into a piece of ashes.


The early morning sun came in through a crack in the curtain and fell on Jane's face.

Jane frowned a little, then suddenly opened her eyes. At the same time, she turned over from the bed and sat up, reaching for the stone at the head of the bed.

This time, however, she felt empty. There was only a small alarm clock at the head of the bed.

Jane Leng for a while, looking at the furnishings in the room, just come back to God, he no longer lives in the cave on the edge of the cliff, but lives in a safe and comfortable room, sleeping in a soft big bed.

It's just that what happened yesterday was too dreamy, just like an unreal dream.

She pinched her thigh and showed her teeth in pain. She woke up immediately. It was not a dream,

"Good sleep." Jane raises her hands and stretches. When she wakes up, all the tiredness on her body disappears. Unlike sleeping on a stone, it hurts the next day.

"By the way, it's time for me to get up and work." Jane quickly got out of bed, folded the sheet carefully, and then opened the door.

"Jane, why do you get up so early? You don't have to open in the morning. You can sleep in." McGonagall just finished washing, looked at Jane and said with a smile, it's only six o'clock in the morning. He's used to getting up early. His biological clock will wake up automatically when it's time, but Jane has nothing to do when she gets up so early.

"I've had enough sleep. I've never slept so well." Jane shook her head, looked at McGonagall and said, "boss, is there anything I can do for you? For example, I can do laundry or anything. "

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