"There's nothing you need to do in the morning." MEG shook his head with a smile and looked at Jane again. "By the way, what race are you? Is there no exclusive island in the devil islands? "

"I'm a one horned demon. My mother said that our one horned demon was almost exterminated in the race war. After the war, only dozens of people survived, so we didn't get the exclusive demon island." Jane shakes her head. There is a trace of sadness in her eyes. Over the years, she has only seen her mother, who died before she was born.

McGonagall thinks that race war is disastrous for any race. Once started, no race will win.

"Do you have any racial talent? Like magic, or some variation? " McGonagall then asked, Jane is too weak to have any skills. It's not easy to survive in this chaotic crustacean island.

"My mother didn't teach me. I don't know magic or mutation." Jane shook her head.

"The one horned devil is a rare light demon. In those years, it would be exterminated because it put too much healing light on the battlefield, which made people and gods angry. So there is a saying on the battlefield: the regiment can lose, and the one horned devil must die! Then, before the end of the war, the Cape devils almost died. " I don't know when Irina got up, leaned against the doorframe and said with a smile.

"The light of healing?" Jane's eyes lit up. Although she didn't know what Irina's so-called group war was, she was sure that the one horned devil should be effective.

"The devil of light?" McGonagall's eyes are also bright. Ever since Elena used the holy light to clear the black fog easily, he has been thinking about replicability. There are very few light magicians. So far, he has only seen Elena. He didn't expect that Jane is a born light demon.

"Little golden horn, you don't have talent, it's just that the Golden Horn hasn't been opened yet." Irina came forward and gently touched Jane's pale gold horn. A holy light came up from her fingertips and penetrated into the golden horn like the tip of a needle.


With the sound of the broken mud shell, the Golden Horn fell off a thin shell, and the one horned gold was bright, as if it had been lit up, emitting a bright golden light.

McGonagall looked at the scene and watched Irene's lighting up. This is the real lighting up.

Jane stood on the spot, looking up at her golden unicorn. A slight burning sensation came from her forehead. A strange force diffused from the unicorn to her body, which seemed to be changing her body.

Why does his horn suddenly shine? What is the mysterious power?

After about three minutes, the golden light completely disappeared, and Jane's single horn had turned into a translucent golden horn, just like a delicate crystal art, which was much higher than before.

"Little golden horn, it seems that your blood is quite pure, and your talent should also be good." Irina came forward, carefully observed Jane's golden horn for a while, nodded with satisfaction and said, "in this case, you can learn the holy light from me."

Jane looked happy and hesitated. "I... can I really?"

From small to large, she was bullied and ridiculed. She had no ability to protect herself and her mother. She could only live in the most dangerous cliff caves like a lost dog.

Now, the landlady wants to teach her holy light. Although she doesn't know what it is, it is precious to her.

"There's nothing to do in the morning anyway. I'll teach you after breakfast." Irina said with a relaxed face. Then she turned to the bathroom and began to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"I'll make breakfast." McGonagall said with a smile and turned to go downstairs. Since Elena is going to teach Jane to learn holy light, it's nothing to do with him. Anyway, Jane doesn't look like a piece of material to learn swordsmanship. If she learns holy light, she can go to the animation company to play advanced mosaic.

At the end of breakfast, Elena takes Jane to the balcony to learn the holy light. Amy yells to learn it too, and then goes upstairs.

McGonagall went out, just met the rock Troll next door, a family of three with wooden barrels, said with a smile: "morning, is this going to the seaside?"

"Yes, boss Hades, don't you take crayfish? We're going to catch some crayfish together. It's better to exchange two live crayfish for one cooked one than to go to work in a quarry." Ivan said with a smile, this is the decision made by their family after a meeting last night.

"Then I wish you all back." McGonagall said with a smile, did not expect that even the Ivan family also joined the ranks of the sea, it seems that the prelude to the era of the sea has opened.

At eight o'clock, there was a long line outside the restaurant on time, and the number of fishermen was twice as large as that of yesterday evening. Many of the amateur fishermen with mud on their faces were obviously unknown people who had just joined the sea force.

And those old fishermen, net pockets and buckets are almost full of crayfish, with a kind of complacent smile on their lips, and ridicule those newlyweds who only caught one or two crayfish.

The long line attracted the curiosity of many passing demons. It was said that catching a crawfish of the same type could sell 50 copper coins in this crawfish restaurant. Many demons rushed to the seaside in great interest, for fear that they would be caught by others if they were a little late.

McGonagall fully bought all the fishermen's crayfish, 50 copper coins a, the old and the young without deception.

The fishermen happily count the money they have, and their faces are filled with a smile of satisfaction.

Kittal put his money in his arms, looked at MEG and said, "boss, do you sell crayfish in the morning?"

"It's only open at noon and at night. It's too heavy to eat crayfish in the morning." MEG shook his head with a smile.

"Well, I'll have to come back in the evening." Kital said regretfully that he caught more than 40 crayfish last night and recorded more than 2000 copper coins, which made his wallet and him a little inflated.

Besides, the crayfish made by the boss is really delicious!

He had never eaten such delicious food in his life, which completely overturned all his imagination of food. It was just something to fill his stomach, but after it was made from his hands, it turned out to be so delicious.

MEG put all the crayfish in the pool, washed them with running water several times, and then filled them with clean water. He threw two broken swords in to make them vomit dirty things first.

This morning, he received 1523 crayfish, and the task schedule became 8100.

"System, after I let the devil of demon islands fall in love with eating crayfish, should the mission be considered successful? Even if the natural enemies I cultivated for them are really bred, they will not be able to stir up any big waves. It is estimated that they are not enough to eat. " Meg said to himself.

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