Although brandley is now a senior in the minds of many young people, when he was young, the most exciting thing for the magicians in Nolan was the ice and fire battle between Krasu and Julian.

In the extreme duel between long-range attack and close combat, whether the magician should have a close combat or a long-range attack, there are differences here, and even two completely different factions have been derived. Every duel between the two has attracted much attention.

Unfortunately, from 20 years ago, Julian suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the ice and fire battle that lasted for nearly a hundred years also ended, which became a big regret in the hearts of the older generation of magicians.

But here today, according to Barzel's previous description, brandley is almost certain that the ice and fire battle will reappear after 20 years, but he didn't expect to appear in the city of chaos, and the battle only lasted such a short time.

Of course, what surprised him even more was that they went to the same restaurant for breakfast after the fight?

"Why did they fight?" Brandley hesitated, looking at basil.

"Just listening to their conversation, it seems that it is because of the taste of a mysterious food called" bean curd. " Barzel, with a queer look on his face, pauses and adds, "and at the end of the day they took the daughter of the owner of the restaurant as an apprentice."

"How can it be!" Brandley whispered, but soon found his own gaffe, but his eyes still couldn't hide the incredible color, shook his head and said: "impossible! How can the Lord of frost and the God of fire accept the same apprentice

"If you're sure that those two are the ones you're talking about, that's true." Barzel didn't quite understand how blandley, who was always calm and calm, suddenly got so excited, but he nodded to confirm.

"You leave first. If they are really the two, even the Lord of the temple should be treated equally. We can't provoke them. We'll send someone to repair the square tomorrow. Don't let this spread." Brandley quickly regained his composure, looking at basil.

"Good." Basil nodded, waved, and the two men walked away.

Brandley looked at the direction of the restaurant, hesitated for a moment, seriously adjusted the whole body of the wizard robe, like a little girl to see her idol, some nervous and some looking forward to walking towards the door of the restaurant.

When the door of the dining room was pushed open, the bell on the door made a crisp sound, and the dining room was almost full.

Eyes crossed the crowd and ended up on the two innermost tables near the counter.

There were two people sitting in the direction of the door, one with half short white beard wearing a white wizard's robe, and the other with hunchback wearing a black wizard's robe.

"These two, should be ice and fire?" Brandley stopped and looked at their backs. The corners of his eyes were moist.

These two people almost represent an era of magic. I didn't expect that now they can sit together for breakfast, even if they are not at the same table. If it's spread, it's hard for many magicians of their generation to believe it.

"It seems that this is the half elf girl." Brandley's eyes fell on Amy and thought to himself. He opened his chair and sat down beside him. Then he opened the menu and ordered a dish.


"Miss mia, I'm here again." Sargeras led Kiel and Mond to push the dining room away. He looked at abelmia and said with a smile.

"Welcome, three." Abelmia nodded with a smile, looked at Sargeras and said, "do you still want rougamo?"

These two days, the devil impressed her deeply. Although the appearance of big bald head and lava pattern was a little scary, her character was actually very good. From beginning to end, she had a smile on her face and only ate rougamo.

"Yes, I also want five rougamo, and then give them three rougamo for each of them." Sargeras smiles and nods.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia nodded, turned and walked to the kitchen.

Now the restaurant is almost full of people, only the table in front of the restaurant is still empty, which is exactly where Sargeras usually likes to sit.

"This banlongren girl has a good smile." Jill said with a smile, it was the first time he saw such a pure and clean smile.

"Yes, it's good-looking, much better than those girls in our tribe." Mond nodded, pulled a chair to sit down, and looked at the iron chair in Sargeras's hand. "Boss, isn't there a chair in this restaurant? Why do you bring your own chair? "

"You'll know in a moment. Remember, when the food is served, you two have to stand and eat. If you break the food in the restaurant, you can't afford to sell it." Sargeras gave a mysterious smile and warned seriously.

"All right." Kiel and Mond don't know what the reason is, but since Sargeras said so, just do it. Anyway, they were like this many years ago.

The guests sitting nearby watched the three demons sit down. The first time they came to the restaurant, they were all nervous and wanted to squeeze. But the restaurant's regular customers were not surprised. This demon came to the restaurant at least twice a day, and each time he sat at the door. After eating, he was full of flames, which was impressive.

But apart from that, he has always been very honest and didn't conflict with anyone.

"Big bald head, speak a little louder in the restaurant." At this moment, a soft voice from the direction of the counter sounded, the restaurant suddenly quiet a lot, many eyes are looking at Sargeras. Even Crassus and Julian looked at it.

"Where's the little..." Kiel's two thick eyebrows crossed, and he was about to clap the table and stand up.

"Shut up Sargeras directly put out his big hand to cover his mouth. He laughed at Amy sitting in the counter and said, "OK, I'll pay attention."

Amy, holding the duckling in her arms, looked at Sargeras and the other two demons at the door, and her eyes suddenly brightened. "Did big bald head come with two and three bald heads?"

"I don't mind you calling them that." Sargeras smiles and nods.

"Well, that's what I'll call them." Amy nodded happily, three big bald heads, just like three big lanterns.

"Oh..." Sargeras let go of his hand and looked at the man who wanted to speak. He said in a deep voice, "if you think your head is harder than that dragon, you can finish all you want to say."

Kiel stares and immediately swallows back what he says. He secretly looks back at Amy, who is sitting behind the counter, teasing a cat and a bird. He whispers, "boss, that's what you mean by the restaurant owner's daughter?"

"Yes, it should be the magician's Apprentice now." Sargeras nodded, but the girl did not dare to provoke him.

"No, no." Mond swallowed his saliva. If the girl was really the magician's apprentice, wouldn't it be death to provoke her?

"Why? Did Sargeras really bring his people? " When MEG heard abelmia's order, he took a look at the group of three demons sitting at the door. His face was a bit surprised. He didn't know when his burning army would be officially established.

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