Julian looked at the bowl of Yangzhou fried rice in front of him, frowning slightly, looking hesitant.

He can't remember how many years he hasn't eaten meat, 30 years? Or 50 years? Or when I was 20 years old, watching a group of Ogres eating an entire village?

Although the guys who made him nauseous were frozen to pieces by him, many years later, he killed the ogre tribe of devil island alone, almost destroying the whole ogre tribe.

But even after nearly a hundred years, the scene still reverberated in his mind, making him feel uncomfortable when he saw meat.

What's strange is that today, when I saw the ham cut into grains of rice in Yangzhou fried rice, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. The smell of eggs mixed with the taste of all kinds of food materials made him feel ready to move.

You know, he usually eats vegetables cooked in white water. Occasionally, cooking an egg is considered meat, but there is no smell of meat. The surface of such a plate of eggs is slightly oily, and the food mixed with all kinds of messy ingredients has the idea of eating, which makes him feel a little incredible.

I just don't want to get close to Krasu and Amy as soon as I accept my apprentice.

"Would you like a taste?" Julian hesitated.

"Boss! Another Yangzhou fried rice! The Yangzhou fried rice you cooked is really delicious A guy sitting next to him put down the spoon in his hand. A portion of Yangzhou fried rice had been eaten completely, and his face was full of satisfied smile.

"Yes, just a moment, please." Abelmia answered with a smile and turned into the kitchen.

"It's so delicious?" Julian took a look at the boy, and there was not a single grain of rice left on the plate, as clean as if he had licked it.

"Master turtle shell, don't you like rainbow fried rice?" Amy looked at Julian and asked with some doubts.

"That guy can't eat meat. He probably hasn't tasted meat for nearly a hundred years." Kelasu, who has already eaten half a bowl of Yangzhou fried rice, looks at Julian pitifully. He knows something about that year. He was also on the devil islands when the cannibal clan was destroyed, and most of the remaining evils escaped from him died in his hands.

He doesn't hate demons much, but the demons who specially feed on human beings have no need to survive in this world. Even if the racial war ends, those guys will never stop.

The battle of ice and fire was of great concern in Nolan. Everyone thought that the two of them would kill each other as soon as they met. However, several people knew that they had done several unknown events together. The killing of cannibals was a headless case.

"If you can't eat meat, it's really pathetic." Amy also looked at Julian pitifully.

"Who says I can't eat meat!" Being watched pitifully by Julian and Amy, Julian's blood came up immediately, grabbed the spoon at hand, dug a spoon from the middle, and stopped when he put it to his mouth.

The delicious smell came in from his nose. Julian's usual appetite had been opened by the previous bowl of delicious bean curd. He took a look at Amy, who was full of expectations. He gritted his teeth and opened his mouth to feed the fried rice.

"How could it taste like this! Meat is so delicious Julian's eyes suddenly widened, and the eggs wrapped in rice almost melted in the mouth. After years of pickling, the salty and fragrant gravy overflowed. He could not remember what the meat was like. He felt that all the taste buds were suddenly awakened, and they were cheering and cheering to welcome their king's return.

Although there were only a few grains of rice in size, the deep and special taste made Krasu feel the unprecedented shock and awakened his strongest feeling in his heart.

Suddenly recalled some things, did not happen before that, he is a person who does not like meat.

In addition to ham, prawns carry the delicious taste of the sea, mixed with the taste of mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots and chives cut into grains of rice. The taste is so delicious and harmonious that it brings the long silent taste buds wave after wave to Yunding.

What surprised him even more was the faint fragrance of the spring of life contained in the rice. People who had not tasted the spring of life might think it was just some kind of seasoning, but he had tasted it. He just didn't expect that Meg could get the spring of life and add it to the food like this.

"Ah..." as he swallowed a mouthful of Yangzhou fried rice, Julian couldn't help but exclaim. His attention was completely attracted by the bowl of Yangzhou fried rice in front of him. He took another spoon and fed it to his mouth. One mouthful after another, he couldn't stop.

"Turtle shell grandfather seems to eat very happy, and did not like acridine?" Amy also had a smile on her face.

"It can only be said that the food made by boss Mai is too delicious." Kelasu also had some surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that Julian, who never ate meat, actually ate Yangzhou fried rice with ham in it, and he was totally addicted to it.

But then I thought, when I was in Luodu, I could only eat half a bowl of rice. After I came here, I had two bowls of Yangzhou fried rice, half as heavy as Julian.


When the spoon touched the plate, it made a light sound, and Julian was stunned. Then he found that a Yangzhou fried rice had been eaten by him.

He ate all the food with meat in it!

And after eating without the slightest nausea, even the impulse to have another bowl.

This kind of feeling, Julian has not appeared for many years, and his heart can't help beating faster. His eyes can't help turning to the rougamo on the side.

It was also a food he had never seen before. The white cake was cut in the middle and stuffed with chopped fat and lean meat. When he saw it for the first time, Julian refused. He felt too greasy and full of meat.

But after eating a Yangzhou fried rice, he suddenly felt a strong desire for meat. The little bit of minced ham in Yangzhou fried rice can't satisfy him. This rougamo is obviously more suitable.

"Will the taste... Be different from the meat I ate before?" When he reached for the rougamo, Julian hesitated a little. The strong flavor of stewed meat came to his face. It was different from ham, but it was just as attractive, so he couldn't resist a bite.

The crisp Baiji steamed bun is permeated with some marinated meat juice, which is sweet and salty. The soft and rotten marinated meat almost melts in the mouth. Although it's fat and thin meat, it doesn't feel greasy. When you bite it off, the full sauce oozes from the meat, which completely detonates the restless taste buds. It's like a carnival, and the meat fragrance is rampant in your mouth, Then it turned into a violent breath and rushed to the body.

"Ah -" Julian couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a long sigh. Looking at the rougamo in his hand, his eyes were completely lit up, his blood was gushing, and his heart was beating wildly.

It was a feeling of youth. At that time, he also liked to run around in a white robe. He felt that he was a magician and a hero.

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