Only a charred skin bag of Alfred, the remaining irascibility in the air, and half of the broken patriarch token, all seem to point to a result.

The presence of the abyss devil and the flame devil looked at each other, the atmosphere gradually tense, but the eyes still revealed a bit puzzled.

Although the abyss demons and the flame demons are both warlike races, they often have small disputes because of their adjacent territories, but they are strong races after all, so the overall relationship is not bad.

So why did Alfred and Simmons make an engagement here and end up together?

The death of the patriarch is a fundamental event for both ethnic groups.

"Flame clan killed our clan leader, killed them and avenged the clan leader!"

One of the demons in the abyss cried out.

The two groups of demons who had been in a standoff were instantly ignited and rushed to each other with loud cries. For a moment, the fire on the sea was raging and the killing was loud.

The battle ended half an hour later, leaving a demon's body on the sea, and only a few wounded escaped.

This night, abyss island and flame island are destined to have no sleep.


On the other hand, MEG and Elena, who made it all, have just returned to the lobster house.

On the way back, he also made a bet with Elena that Amy and the ugly duckling were still watching the cat and the mouse. If they lost, they would wash each other's feet tonight. As soon as they opened the door, they could see what Amy and the ugly duckling were looking for in a pair of parts.

"Ugly duckling, did you find them? How could it be gone? We saw them hiding in a small box Amy lay on the ground, grabbed the flat screen and knocked hard, a little worried.

"Meow, meow, meow," the ugly duckling stretched out her little claws, grabbed the parts that had been violently demolished, and shook her head.

"It looks like I won." Irina said with a smile, her eyes fixed on MEG, and said that he had never washed his feet.

"Xiaomi, you..." McGonagall looked at the pile of parts, a little sad. From their conversation, she and the ugly duckling split the plate in order to release Tony and Jack.

What a loving thought, he really can't scold anything.

"Father, mother, you are back." Hearing the sound, Amy gets up from the ground and pours on MEG and Elena.

"Xiaomi, what's going on? Why did you remove the plate? " MEG reached for Amy and asked with a slightly serious expression.

"I think it's pathetic for them to play in such a small box, so I want to let them out to play together." Amy looked naive, but a little lonely and said, "but I took the box apart, and they disappeared. It seems that they are hiding. Don't they want to play with Xiaomi?"

Looking at Amy's aggrieved expression, McGonagall's heart softened. He shook his head with a smile and said, "no, because they're not hidden in this box. It's just their image, so even if you take the box apart, you can't see them."

"Image?" Amy was puzzled.

"It's just that someone takes a video of what they see, so that the picture will be recorded forever. We can see the pictures taken by others through this small box. So the cat and the mouse are not in the box, but very, very far away McGonagall explained with a smile that he wasn't going to tell Amy that there was no animation.

"So it is." Amy nodded knowingly. Although she didn't fully understand her father's words, she understood that the cat and mouse were not hidden in the small box. She looked back at the flat which had been torn down into a pile of parts by her, and her expression suddenly became a little remorseful and uneasy. The little hand grabbed the corner of her coat, looked at MEG secretly, and whispered: "but... The ugly duckling and I broke it."

"It doesn't matter. My father knows that Xiaomi didn't do it on purpose, as long as he doesn't open things casually next time." McGonagall, looking at Amy's self reproach, was not willing to blame. With a smile and a shake of his head, McGonagall put Amy on the ground and walked towards the pile of parts.

The flat plate, which has been demolished by violence, can't be damaged any more, and has no value of maintenance at all.

Put the big parts together and throw them directly into the garbage can. McGonagall points the sweeping robot. The spherical sweeping robot moves quickly and automatically scans the garbage to clean up all the remaining parts.

"After that, we can't see those two cats and mice any more?" Amy asked, looking at MEG.

"Here it is." McGonagall takes out another tablet that has just been successfully delivered by the system from a shelf and hands it to Amy with a smile.

"Wow, there's another one!" Amy's eyes brightened and she reached for it.

"Don't tear it down this time." McGonagall said with a smile, waiting until Amy nodded solemnly.

"Come on, Xiaomi. Today your father said that he would wash our feet. While we wash our feet, we drive cats and mice." Elena came up, picked up Amy and looked at MEG. "It's time to make hot water."

"Good..." McGonagall nodded in shame. What could he do? He was willing to accept defeat. He didn't expect that Amy would tear down the tablet.

MEG used two wooden pots to make hot water and dropped a few drops of rose essential oil in the water. After thinking about it, he took another rose in a vase, took off the petals and sprinkled them in the water basin. Then he came in with hot water.

Elena and Amy are sitting on a high and low chair. The duckling sticks out a head and presses it into Amy's arms. She is watching the cat and the mouse with great interest. From time to time, she laughs like a silver bell.

Meg's eyes fell on Elena's feet. Her shoes had been taken off, revealing a pair of snow-white slender feet, verdant toes, slender and slightly arched insteps, and round and lovely heels. There was no extra impurity on her snow-white skin, just like a white lotus growing up, clean and beautiful.

Jade feet like works of art.

McGonagall's eyes brightened. Although he was not a foot controller, he also had the level of appreciation he should have.

"Here comes the foot wash." MEG came in with two pots, one big and the other small, and put them gently at Elena's and Amy's feet.

"Don't you mean to wash it for me?" Irina raised her foot, moved her eyes from the screen to Meg's face, and asked with a smile.

"I want to wash jiojio, too." Amy also raised her smooth and round feet and looked at MEG with a smile.

"Well, I'll be a hard-working foot washer today." McGonagall looked at the two pairs of feet in front of them, and said with a smile. He moved the bucket to their feet, and then put their feet into the bucket gently. Then he pulled a small bench from one side and sat down in front of them.

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