Washing feet is not a hard work, especially when a pair of delicate and smooth feet are held in his hands. On the contrary, it is more like a kind of enjoyment. McGonagall recalls the methods of the girls who massaged him, trying to make himself more professional.

I don't know whether it's the warm water or the hands rubbing her feet. There is a little bit of scarlet on Elena's face and a little bit of sweat on her nose.

"I didn't expect that in addition to cooking, his feet are also very comfortable. It seems that he will have to press more in the future." Irina looked at MEG, her heart was surging. The hands holding her feet were so gentle and powerful, it seemed that they were even hotter than the water temperature. When she slipped through her skin, she felt a numb electric shock, which made her want to break free and indulge in it.

"Well, add some hot water and soak for a while." I don't know how long it took. MEG released her hand, gently lifted her foot out of the water, and then injected some hot water to keep the water at a comfortable and pleasant temperature.

"Is it over?" Elena just recovered from the enjoyment. She put her feet in the warm water and felt relaxed all over. She was more comfortable than being brushed by the magic of life.

"Xiaomi, it's your turn to wash your feet." MEG picked up Amy's little feet, which were about the size of his two or three thumbs. They were white and tender, but they couldn't stand rubbing. So after a little cleaning, they let her soak in the water again.

Rose fragrance filled the room, a family of three and a cat crowded together to see the cat and mouse, laughter.


"If the Bartoli family doesn't want to die another son, it's better to give up the idea of remarrying me, or I will refuse this marriage in my way!" In a dark castle, Camilla stood in the center of the hall, looking up at the tall and thin vampire in black sitting on the high position, her voice was cold and determined.

The wall lamp is shining with scarlet light. The wind blows in from the narrow window. The red light shakes slightly, as strange as the blood in the high foot crystal cup of the vampire sitting in the high position.

The wine glass in the vampire's hand stopped shaking, and the blue eyes looked at Camilla, with a trace of apology on her face, and said: "Camilla, you know, the Bartoli family is the most powerful family of our vampire family, and there is also an ancestor in the family. If you don't want to marry nork, the Bartoli family will join the war camp, and the vampire family will be split, so you can't continue to maintain the status of the top ten families. "

"In order to maintain your ridiculous face and status, do you want me to marry again? Oh, father, do you forget what you said when you forced me to marry the guy named nosis? What am I in your heart except for marriage tools? " Camilla looks sarcastically at his father, the vampire patriarch Maynard.

Maynard's face flashed an unnatural expression, silent for a while, said: "you know, nosis and nork liked you, nosis died unexpectedly, nork has become the only successor of the Bartoli family, marry him, you will get the support of the Bartoli family and our family, maybe one day you will become the first Queen of the vampire family."

"To be queen by my dead husband?" Camilla's face became more ironic.

"You know, sometimes we have to sacrifice to get what we want."

"I don't want to be sacrificed twice." Camilla's wings appear behind her. They fly towards the entrance of the hall.

Maynard raised his hand, and a dark curtain of light appeared at the entrance of the hall.

Camilla bumped into it and was bounced back.

"I'm sorry, Camilla, I have to do this for the sake of the family." Maynard's voice rang out, suddenly appeared behind Camilla, raised his hand on her neck.

Camilla fell to the ground slowly with her eyes open.

"Inform the Bartoli family that Camilla has come back. Let them marry with sincerity." Maynard picked up Camilla and said coldly to the outside of the hall.


"Found it!"

In the fiery red magma, Sargeras looked at a long token floating in the deeper magma, and his eyes lit up. A circle of empty space formed around the token, like a bubble, isolated the magma from the token.

Sargeras dived down and swam quickly to the token.

The temperature of the magma in the depth of the volcano can turn steel into molten iron. Sargeras' clothes have already turned to ashes. The lava on his body surface flows wildly, and his body turns red.

Sargeras, who has unlimited strength and is close to level 9, is also aware that his body is close to the limit.

However, the holy fire was within reach. He should be the closest lava devil to it for hundreds of years. His eyes were shining, and the lava flow on the surface of his body accelerated again. Without hesitation, he reached into the bubble and grasped the token.

It was a gold token, half a meter long, in the shape of a narrow triangle, covered with complicated runes, with a symbol of lava demons on the top.


The seemingly cold token was seized by Sargeras, but he felt the terrible temperature that made his soul tremble.

Even the lava didn't hurt him, but the token he held in his hand made his hand smoke. As a lava devil, he hasn't felt the pain of being scalded for a long time. The pain from his palms and fingers seems to be melting.

But Sargeras didn't take back his hand. Instead, he grasped the token harder.

The order of lava flame is one of the three sacred things of the lava demons.

The other two sacred objects have been lost. If the lava demons want to rise again, the order of lava flame will be the only hope.

Sargeras knows that even though he is close to level 9, lava demons are still a very weak race in the demon islands.

He had to bring the lava flame order back to life and lift their seals and shackles.

I don't know how long the pain of roasting lasts. Even for an iron man like isagras, his soul feels empty.

At that moment, a cold feeling came out from the order of the lava flame and spread all over Sargeras' body along his arm. All the hot and hot feelings disappeared instantly. MEG, who was in the hot lava, suddenly felt comfortable soaking in warm water.

"What's this?" Sargeras looked at the golden lava flame in his palm. Suddenly, a golden light flew out of the flame and fell into his eyebrows. His eyes were empty. His soul seemed to be involved in some mysterious place. A mysterious bubble wrapped him.

At the same time, the stable bottom of the volcano suddenly vibrated violently, and the red magma poured out from the bottom of the earth, toward the crater!

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