McGonagall felt that he was a real villain now, and he was on the verge of death.

In fear of the devil's nest, riding a purple Griffin, is a wild bombardment, and even said such a shameful arrogant lines.

Such a guy, often can't live, "Wow, my father is so handsome."

Amy, standing in the distance with Elena, said with bright eyes.

Irina looked at McGonagall and said in a cool voice, "Xiaomi, if I want to go there later, you just stay where you are and don't move, remember?"

"Well." Amy nodded cleverly.

"What the hell is he doing?" Irina's eyes were fixed on MEG, and her expression was still a little puzzled. Originally, her plan was to sneak in and solve Bashir, and then save all the elves before the terror demon could react.

But now McGonagall launched such a high-profile attack on the terrorist demons, and made provocations, completely losing the advantage of forehand and concealment.

The fierce bombardment of the purple Griffin soon caused a riot of demons on the island.

As a powerful race which has been the first demon race since the race war, the fear demon race has not been hit by people for a long time. Such a sudden and powerful attack made the poorly defended fear demon race fall into chaos.

"Purple Griffin! It's Alex

Soon, a fear demon recognized the Griffin flying like purple lightning in the air and exclaimed.

The rumor about Alex's return to the top has been completely spread. His hand to kill void ancestor Benson means that he has returned to the top ranks again.

But why did he appear to fear Alcatraz and attack them?

But after all, they were strong. After a short period of riots, some strong people soon came out to stabilize the situation. Several figures took off on flying mounts and faced MEG.

"Alex, why do you sneak on me for no reason? I'm afraid of demons!"

A fear demon with at least 30 eyes on his face and head looked at McGonagall and yelled. The four fear demon strongmen lined up and looked at McGonagall with some vigilance and nervousness.

"The old tortoise is quite deep." MEG glanced at each other's four fear demons. The one who said it should be the patriarch of the fear demons clan, and the other three were also level 10 demons. However, the fear ancestor did not appear, and Bashir did not appear.

"Bashir imprisons the evil spirit. I'm here to kill him. Do you have any opinions?" McGonagall looked at the demons in a low voice and said that the mask on his face made it impossible to see his expression.

"You said you were going to kill me in fear of Alcatraz, Alex. That's a lot of tone." Bashir's voice rang from one side. He stood on the stone hall and looked up at Alex. His face was not very nice, but there was not much fear on his face.

"Besides, when will you be in charge of the affairs of the elves? A guy abandoned by the Los Empire dares to run to me for fear of demons Bashir's smile is a bit rampant. Although he still has some fear in the face of Alex, he is not too flustered. After all, this is the devil's island of fear. They have five people of level 10. What's more, their ancestors are also here.

Even though Alex has recovered to his peak state, it is still impossible to kill him in the eyes of his grandfather.

McGonagall frowned slightly. Bashir's words are not without reason. When he came to the front, he was a little unknown.

But when do villains need to reason.

"The matter of the elves is my business. If I say I want to kill you, I will kill you." MEG looked at Bashir and slowly pulled out his sword.

The purple Griffin flies towards Bashir with a pair of wings turned into a purple lightning. At the same time, it opens its mouth. A purple thunder ball condenses in its mouth and then spits out suddenly.

"Bashir, be careful!"

The fear demons did not expect that Alex would fight violently, so there was no sign and the rules of the river. At the same time, they drove the flying mount to chase the purple Griffin, and at the same time, they showed their magic power to attack Meg's back.

Bashir's face also changed dramatically, and suddenly a black fog rose from his body. A giant squid with thousand eyes poked out a huge tentacle from the black fog, and the scarlet vertical eyes almost covered the whole squid's head sent out red rays, forming a ghostly red beam field.

However, Bashir doesn't have much confidence to stop Alex's attack. Although he is also a top ten, breaking through the top ten is only a matter of recent years. If he didn't rely on his grandson's direct line and get countless resources, he would never have the slightest chance to become a top ten.


The thunder ball exploded in the red light field, the field collapsed instantly, and the tentacles of the squid were also broken, and suddenly retracted into the black fog.

Bashir's face was suddenly empty and completely exposed to McGonagall.

The heavy sword had already flashed cold light, as deep and cold as the eyes.

"Lao Zu, help me!"

Bashir yelled to the biggest island in the center, his face changed dramatically. Being watched by Alex was like being watched by death. Although the field of black fear behind him was still expanding, he didn't have the slightest confidence to stop Alex's sword.

All kinds of magic follow Alex, but with their speed, there is no way to hit Alex before he kills Bashir.

And no one doubts that Alex's sword will kill Bashir.

After all, before that, Benson and Berg had already died under his sword. They were both the top ten who had been famous for a long time and had stronger strength than Bashir.

"Alex, you've crossed the line!"

At this time, a voice from the abyss came from the main island. A big black hand condensed by black fog suddenly emerged and grabbed the purple Griffin. At the same time, there was a breath of fear, just like an ancient beast opened its eyes.

"No!" Irina took hold of the wand and was about to rush forward with a flash of light at her feet.

"System, where's your goddamn Italian gun!"

"Fire at me!"

"I want to go through the robbery!"

McGonagall yelled in his heart.

The sky suddenly changed color, a huge purple red whirlpool appeared in the fear of the devil islands above, a dragon like lightning in the whirlpool of crazy flash.

All of a sudden, three huge thunderbolts fell from the whirlpool and struck Alex. The magic and the black hand arrived almost at the same time.

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