In the past, MEG always felt lonely.

He knew that no one in the world could help him. Thunder and lightning would break through his body, and then reshape every cell in his body. This is a kind of supernatural transformation. It is not correct to say that it is cultivation.

No one can understand the feeling that every part of the body has been torn and remolded. It is not a heartrending feeling that can be described.

Anyway, I was very lonely and helpless.

But this time, he felt a little different.

Because someone extended a helping hand to him, and did not turn back for him to block the thunder and lightning from the sky.

This brave and warm move moved him and made him feel warm.

Looking at those magic and black giant hands that burst into bright fireworks together with lightning, McGonagall's face showed a smile, so let the lightning come more fiercely.

"What is that?"

When all the demons join hands, they are easily destroyed by the lightning falling from the sky. Even the ancestor's attack is broken, which really frightens the demons.

"Did Alex practice thunder magic, and his strength was so terrible!"

Some demons speculated that the thunder and lightning did not appear by themselves. McGonagall, who was in the center of the explosion but was not affected at all, was obviously the creator of all this.

"Why?" Irene, who is ready to step forward, stops. Unexpectedly, she looks at McGonagall undamaged, and even more at the lightning whirlpool that suddenly appears in the air. There is a power that makes her feel dangerous.

"Wow, my father controls the thunder and lightning, which is more powerful than little purple." Amy, who was worried, jumped up happily.

McGonagall glanced at Bashir, who was shocked by the thunder. Instead of rushing forward to end him, he looked up at the more violent whirlpool of thunder and lightning. He looked at the direction of the central island with a sarcastic face and said, "I'm not aiming at you. I mean, fear demons are rubbish."

"Alex, you deceive the devil too much, so don't blame us for bullying more than less!" A giant squid slowly climbed out of the water from the sea, with an open vertical eye emitting a terrible red light. There were tens of thousands of eyes, countless times larger than the squid before Bashir.

The black fog spread rapidly from the sea and covered the whole sea area in an instant. A sharp scream accompanied by a charming red light attacked MEG. An old devil in black appeared on the top of the squid's head. His naked head was full of eyes, and there was a huge vertical eye in the middle of his brow. Black and red flickered alternately, Keep an eye on MEG.

"Stronger than Benson." McGonagall just took a look at the dreaded devil, and a quick judgment came into his mind.

It's not unreasonable for the fear demon clan to be the most powerful demon clan. The strength of this fear ancestor alone can be ranked among the top five in the mainland. Even Alex in his peak period is not sure of winning.

As for McGonagall now, he is just a man who has not yet broken through the Ninth level.

However, McGonagall didn't panic at all, and even wanted to laugh. He ran to someone's house to get robbed. The three thunderbolts have proved one thing. As long as he can control the fighting rhythm, the natural disaster is his weapon.

If you don't agree with life and death, you can do it.

So MEG put up his middle finger to the frightened ancestor.

Convex (へ·″)

"Ignorant child!" Sure enough, McGonagall's action angered him. The giant squid stepped forward on the waves and raised its tentacles several hundred meters long. It was like a whip to beat McGonagall down. At the same time, the black fog around it suddenly contracted, trapping McGonagall and the purple Griffin like a cage.

Seeing this, the fear demons didn't mean to stand on the wall and attacked MEG again.

It's not easy to kill Alex, and it's not a shame for the top ten to join hands.

And now they are in their own territory, even if they join hands, who will know.

But killing Alex will bring countless benefits to the demons, and make them rise again in the demons, or take the leading position of the demons alliance again.


The thunder sounded again, and six purple and golden thunderbolts split out from the whirlpool, like a long snake to the squid and the demons who attacked MEG.

This time, the power of lightning is obviously more powerful than last time.

The huge squid's leg was cut off by lightning, and the terrible electricity quickly spread all over the body, making the red light beam emitted by the squid sway like a ball lamp in a dance hall.

A thunder and lightning hit the surrounded black fog, and the fog broke up instantly. Even the fog on the sea retreated like the tide.

The other four thunderbolts hit the four demons who attacked MEG. The demons' faces changed dramatically, and they drove their flying mounts back.

But the lightning was so fast that it caught up with them, broke through the protective black fog, and then exploded on them.

The flying mount died on the spot.

Those scared demons were paralyzed and fell out of control from mid air, some on the island, some directly in the sea, unable to move for a moment.

"So strong!"

Elizabeth surprised, some incredible looking at this scene, the lightning from the sky, actually listen to McGonagall's control, and the power is so powerful, at the same time knocked down four ten strong.

Fear ancestor jumped from the head of the giant squid out of control, retreated back to the main island, and looked at MEG in surprise.

The thunder was really strange, as if it came from the power of heaven and earth, but it was controlled by Alex, even he had to give up.

As for Bashir, at this time, he was even more frightened. His mind was blank, and he stepped back, trying to stay away from McGonagall. This guy is really terrible! It turned out that he was the only one who chose the devil's Island, and even his father had to give up.

"Bashir, trading elves, imprisoning, maltreating and killing elves wantonly, so far, he has no regrets. Now he is sentenced to the punishment of striking thunder and lightning." McGonagall looked down at Bashir's trial, and ah Zi dived toward Bashir.

"Lao Zu, help me!"

Cried Bashir in horror.

Fear Laozu's face sank, raised his right hand, as if the sea was stained with ink began to become choppy, a water column rose from the sea.


Just then, there was a loud noise.

Lightning whirlpool crazy rotation, nine purple gold lightning split, toward Alex, and in the air quickly fusion, into a super giant lightning, toward Alex and Bashir fell.

Fear Lao Zu's action instantly froze, and the rising water column also stopped in mid air. From the experience, if he attacks Alex at this time, the target of the lightning may turn to him, and he feels the dangerous breath in the super lightning.


Fear demon Island countless demons looking at this scene, are wide eyed.


With a loud bang, the purple and golden lightning burst the whole sea area, and at the moment when the lightning fell, a purple lightning had already rushed out of the scope covered by the lightning.

The thunder gradually faded away, and a huge pit appeared in the center of the explosion. A charred corpse turned into white dust.

Meg, who was standing in the middle of the pit, straightened up his mask, pressed his curly hair and sighed: "I'm going to make a fire. I'm afraid I'm going to chop myself."

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