"Do you know what is the most miserable thing in life?"


"I've been eating spicy hot pot for five days in a row. I sing chrysanthemum remnant at home every day, but I have to continue spicy hot pot the next day. Do you think it's miserable?" Harrison choked a large glass of beer and collapsed in his chair with a look of lovelessness.

"You and his meow take me to eat together every day. How miserable you are, how miserable he meow is. Don't I know?" Geerjee rolled his eyes and gently moved his butt. There's no place for his butt.

"Your duck intestines are getting old." The next table warned.


They jumped out of their chairs and quickly fished the duck intestines in the hot pepper soup pot.

In the morning, only a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge could be served to fill the stomach. At noon, the door was closed directly.

Only when the night comes, the steaming hot pot and the fragrant roast beef kebab can give the stomach some comfort and satisfaction.

But compared with the rich menu and delicious food when Mr. Mai was here, it was too sad.

No matter how delicious the spicy hot pot is, it can't be eaten every day.

"Miss mia, when will boss Mai come back? Although the hot pot made by Miss Rena is as delicious as that made by boss Mai, it's also very sad that we can't eat delicious food in the morning and noon. " Harrison looked at abelmia with a sad face.

The guests also came to see him one after another. In the past few days, they found that they could not live without him. They couldn't help thinking about him every meal without him.

"Well... I'd like to know." Yabeimia has some helplessness. She has no idea how hard it is to deal with the customers who are going crazy because they can't eat delicious food these days. She hopes that the boss can come back earlier than anyone else, so that the restaurant can return to the normal track.

The guests sighed one after another when they heard the reply. They have heard it many times. The date of Mr. Mai's return is unknown.

"I hope boss Mai's going out this time can bring us new surprise, otherwise I will never forgive him!" A girl patted her bulging chest and said firmly. After thinking about it, she added, "unless he lets me have a second portion of bean curd."

Everyone nodded. For them, the new dishes that boss Mai might present to you after his return may be the only consolation.

"What's new this time? Uncle McGonagall, they've been out for five days. It must be a great food. " Anna whispered.

"He's never let anyone down, and I don't think he will this time." Sheryl said with a smile from the corner of her mouth.


City Lord's mansion, in the secret room.

"The urgent news just came back from dread Devil Island. Alex and Elena break into dread Devil Island. With strange thunder and lightning, Alex chooses dread devil island alone, kills Bashir, and takes away 300 elf girls who are imprisoned by it." Michael handed the secret letter to Roland before he could sit down.

Roland read the secret letter carefully. Her serious face muscles moved, and her expression was slightly strange. She said: "boss Mai's trip to collect materials is not peaceful at all."

"Yes, from the time line, Alfred and Simmons died together on that island, and then led to the war between the abyss demons and the flame demons, which was mostly caused by them." Michael nodded deeply. "It seems that boss Mai chose seafood this time."

"The destruction of the ten kings' Palace on the crustacean Island, and the disappearance of the agents of all ethnic groups over the battlefield of the abyss demons and the flame demons, I'm afraid there are their shadows behind these things."

"Two people, in just a few days, completely muddy the water of the demons.

I don't know when the war between the abyss demons and the flame demons will stop. Other races are also involved in bickering with each other. The demons who have lost a level 10 strong fear should now start to worry about the challenge of destroying the demons.

The powerful war alliance of the demons has become dilapidated. Before the peace talks, it is almost impossible to reach a united front, and the threat of war from the demons has been temporarily erased.

They did what we always wanted to do, but they were always rejected on the sand table because of possible mistakes. It's incredible. " Michael said with a look of admiration.

"When Alex and Elena are together, they always do something incredible." Luo ran nodded with approval.

"They have once again made outstanding contributions to world peace. Although we can't provide them with much help, we can at least help them erase some imperfections. For example, when Alfred and Simmons fought a decisive battle, they were still in the city of chaos."

"The grey temple is good at such things." Roland said with a smile, turning to the door.


MEG looked at the belching, satisfied elves and said with a smile, "it's my honor to offer you this dinner. Please have a rest. We will soon arrive at the city of chaos. Princess Elena has prepared a residence for you there. You will live with the night elves."

All the elves bowed down to express their thanks to MEG. The haze on their faces had been swept away. The happiness brought by the delicious food and the sense of fullness filled their stomachs all made their expressions bright. Many elves made friends again.

Once they were lonely and proud, but now they want a friend who can confide.

Going to the city of chaos and joining the night elves means that a new life is about to begin, and many elves' expressions are full of expectations.

"Thank you." Irina, with her hands behind her back, watched as she untied her apron and came to MEG on the second floor.

"It should be." McGonagall grinned, reached out and wiped away a little oil from the corner of her mouth. He looked at her with a smile and said, "is Huaji delicious?"

Seeing that stealing food was found, Elena lit up the chicken leg she had bitten half way behind her and handed it directly to MEG. "Here, try it yourself."

McGonagall opened his mouth and bit. He nodded with a smile and said, "sure enough, the chicken I made is so delicious."

"Father, you try mine. Mine is delicious." Amy pulled Meg's clothes, padded her toes, and tried to pass the drumstick to MEG.

"Yes, I'll try Amy's." McGonagall took a bite of Amy's chicken leg with a smile, nodded and said, "Amy's chicken leg is delicious, too."

"Which of my mother's drumsticks is better than mine?" Amy then asked.

Irina's beautiful eyes also looked at MEG.

"Er..." McGonagall raised his eyebrows. He did it all. It's a happy and distressing multiple choice question.

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