With a mobile restaurant, it's very convenient to enter the city. Without disturbing the grey temple, the mobile restaurant landed in front of the factory dormitory.

The ladder was down, and the elves left orderly under the leadership of Elena.

The dormitory building, which had turned off the lights, soon turned on the lights, and the arrows aimed at the mobile restaurant and the crowd below.

"I'm back." Irina raised her hand, and the light came on, illuminating her and the six hundred elves.

"Your Highness!" Stop the arrow The bodyguard ordered that the archers take back their bows one after another.

McGonagall waves to Irina on the mobile restaurant. Irina nods slightly, the ladder slowly retracts, and the mobile restaurant disappears in a flash. Almost the next moment, it appears above the restaurant. Putting down the ladder, McGonagall comes down with Amy and the ugly duckling who have fallen asleep.

It's going to be 12 a.m. and the restaurant is closed. Gina should be asleep.

"Is this the city of chaos?" Jane followed MEG down from the mobile restaurant and looked around curiously. She could see a very big square in the moonlight, but she couldn't see it clearly in the distance. She could only vaguely see many houses. This is a big city, bigger than the crustacean island.

"Come downstairs with me, Jane, and I'll fix you up." MEG and Jane say a word, take Amy downstairs, gently put her on the bed, take off her shoes, cover her with quilt, and then arrange Jane in Amy's playground to make a floor for her.

MEG doesn't like other people to sleep in his bed, and the study is not suitable for sleeping, so he can only let Jane sleep in Amy's playground for one night, and arrange for her to go to the dormitory tomorrow.

"It's a bit crude. I'll change your room tomorrow. I'll make do with it tonight." McGonagall looked at Jane apologetically and said.

"It doesn't matter. It's wonderful and there are so many interesting things." Jane is full of curiosity looking at the toys around, eyes fell on the swing in the corner, some eyes can not move.

"If you want to play, don't be constrained. Xiaomi is very generous." McGonagall took a look at the swing, which should be rare in crustacean.

Jane blushed and answered with a mosquito like voice.

"Good night then." MEG turned to go out.

"Boss, are you really not a devil?" Jane looked up at Meg's back.

"Yes, I'm MEG. I'm the owner of the Maimi restaurant. As we just agreed, forget everything that happened on the crustacean island and start a new life here." Meg said with a smile.

"The landlady..."

"Only the four of us know about it, and I hope you can keep it a secret until I'm sure it's public."

"Well, I see." Jane nodded her head seriously. Although she didn't quite understand why the boss wanted to hide the relationship with his wife, she still knew what to say and what not to say.

"Go to bed early. You've been working hard today." MEG brought Jane to the door, went back to the balcony and brought down the ghost mother and her maid, who were still closed.

Although she was hungry for a few days, the ghost mother seemed more and more charming, and she had a kind of sympathetic appearance. When she saw MEG, she tried her best to seduce him.

McGonagall didn't want to do this. He was stunned with a slap, and then he threw it directly into the small dark room on the balcony. How to deal with it? I'll decide when Elena comes back.

As dependents, these two are indeed not guilty to death.

However, if they are released in this way, those who have a heart will certainly find out something, which may be harmful to them.

MEG doesn't mind killing people. After all, ghost mother is as famous as demon. He dares not put a time bomb that tempts her all day long. After all, he is a man. If he drinks some wine one day

MEG doesn't want to tell a drunken story about a rainy night in front of Elena.

"If all the men in the world have my consciousness, there will be no slag man." McGonagall locked the door of the small dark room with some emotion.

"Is it?" Irina appeared on the balcony and looked at MEG with a smile.

"Cough." McGonagall coughed twice, slightly embarrassed, and said, "Why are you back so soon?"

"Ashley will arrange them. Anyway, the dormitory and things are ready-made. I don't need to watch them there." Said Irina.

"By the way, what about Simmons' mistress and bodyguard?" McGonagall asked, pointing to the little dark room on one side.

"Bury it, easy." Irina didn't think much.

"Well..." thought MEG, "why do we bring them back?"

"I have to ask you." Irina's eyes were a bit of an examination.

"I'm wronged..." McGonagall looked confused. What is this?

Irina looked at McGonagall's expression and laughed. She thought, "forget it, let them sign a deed of sale, and then throw it to the factory to burn the boiler. Let them go after the show."

"My wife is wise!" MEG gave a thumbs up and asked Jiao Didi's ghost mother to shovel coal to burn the boiler, which was the idea that Elena could come up with.

Of course, he agreed unconditionally.

He didn't dare to object.

The signing of the contract was very smooth. Under the pressure of Irina, Shalin and the female devil did not dare to object at all. It was the luckiest thing for them to survive. They were still in charge of how many unequal treaties were listed in the contract, and they had to be sent to burn the boiler.

Two golden lights fell into their eyebrows, two contracts floated up and burned to ashes in the golden fire.

"The God of light has confirmed this contract. If you break the contract, you will be killed by the light." Irina looked at them and said.

The two demons nodded.

Irina reaches out her hand and knocks on the round mud shell. The mud shell disappears and the two naked demons appear in front of MEG.

McGonagall's eyebrows had just picked up a little, and the dazzling light had already lit up.

"Oh, the damned light

McGonagall left the dark room consciously. Fortunately, he didn't see anything, otherwise his eyes would not be as simple as shaking.

The next day, MEG got up early and went downstairs to write a new notice instead of the one hanging on the door: I'm MEG. I'm back.

After thinking about it, McGonagall thought it was too forced. He took back the notice and added, "business as usual today."

"Sure enough, it's comfortable at home." McGonagall looked around his restaurant. He didn't see him for a few days. Even the green rose hanging on the wooden railing looked much better.

"Boss, you're back!" Rena opens the door and looks at MEG standing in the middle of the restaurant.

"Where, where, let me see!" Abelmia crowded in, looked at MEG, and burst into tears. "Boss, I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up..."

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