At the end of business in the morning, MEG took a look at Gloria sitting in the corner of the restaurant and said to abelmia, "mia, please take Jane back to the dormitory first. I've expanded a few rooms in the dormitory. You can let her choose one she likes to live in."

"All right." Mia nodded, naturally took Jane's hand, looked at her and asked, "Jane, do you have anything to take?"

"No Jane shakes her head and looks at the hand held by MIA. The warm feeling from the palm of her hand makes her heart beat faster, but it is also very reassuring and warm.

"Let's go and see the new room the boss has prepared for you. We'll live together in the future." Mia smiles, takes Jane's hand and leaves with them.

Irina went out after breakfast, and the night elves needed her to do some things in person. For example, she organized the elves she brought back last night into the night elves' team, baptized them with the necessary spirit, and made them reestablish their beliefs and goals.

So all that's left in the restaurant is MEG and Elizabeth.

MEG made a pot of black tea, took the tea and sat down opposite Gloria. He poured a cup and put it gently in front of Gloria. The bright red tea rippled slightly in the cup, sending out heat.

"Thank you." Said Gloria, looking at MEG with a smile.

"You're welcome." Meg said with a smile, sitting with Gloria, feeling comfortable drinking tea with his old friends.

"The down jacket is beautiful. It's better than I expected. It just looks good on you." McGonagall looked at Gloria's down jacket and said that he was worried that the tailor would make it bulky and ugly. However, judging from Gloria's upper body effect, both the filling and locking of down and the shaping of style were excellent, basically meeting all his requirements in the drawing.

From the eyes of those ladies staring at Gloria when they had just had dinner, as long as it was put out, it must be another dress that would cause a lot of looting.

Hearing McGonagall's praise, Gloria blushed, but her face was still reserved and said, "Mr. McGonagall's drawings are very accurate and detailed, and the tailors' craftsmanship is also very exquisite, so she can make such excellent clothes."

"It's better to be able to make up these two kinds of bosses, isn't it?" Meg said with a smile.

Gloria's face was a little more red, and she bit her lips, not knowing how to answer.

"When are these down jackets going to come on the market?" McGonagall asked, without further teasing her.

"The first batch of goods has entered and is about to be completed. After manual inspection, they will enter the shop for distribution, but the first batch has only 50 pieces, which should be sold out soon." Replied Gloria.

"Down jacket has timeliness. Before the end of winter, try to produce more goods, or you will have to wait until next winter."

"Well." Gloria nodded.

They suddenly fell into silence. Because the heating was on in the restaurant, Gloria untied the button of her down jacket, but her face was still a little pink. She looked at the tea cup in front of her, and the heat of black tea was dense,.

"Where has Mr. McGonagall been these days?" Gloria looked up at MEG curiously and asked, she has not been far away. For the world outside the chaotic city, she mostly learned from books, and she has not had the chance to experience it herself.

"I went to the goblin people's vickling, all the way north, stopped outside the wind forest, and lived in the mountains for a few days." Meg said with a smile. He was a little sorry. His whereabouts needed to be kept secret, so he had to tell a lie to Gloria.

"Goblins!" Gloria's eyes lit up and asked curiously, "are their Grottoes really connected? I read in the book that there are grottoes and caves all over Vick ridge. If there is no guide from the goblins, they will get lost after entering, and they can't find the exit. "

"We didn't enter the caves in vickline because we were worried about getting lost, but we did see many caves and tried to enter and explore them when we went North..." MEG was very interested in Gloria, so he described to her what he saw and heard when he went to rescue the night elves last time. These were all things he saw with his own eyes, Although there was no thrilling and interesting story, Gloria still listened with relish and looked at McGonagall with a twinkling light of worship.

That's a great audience.

McGonagall sighed in his heart. If you tell her about this trip to the devil islands, you will get a very good response.

"It's a really exciting journey." After listening to Meg's fictional journey, Gloria couldn't help praising her.

"If Gloria wants to travel to the goblins, it may become very convenient soon." McGonagall looked at gololia and said with a smile that the railway to the goblins will soon be through. It will be very convenient to take a steam locomotive from the chaotic city to vickling.

"I've never been on a long journey alone." There was a hesitation in Gloria's face.

"I don't suggest you travel alone. It's very dangerous for a beautiful lady like you to travel alone." MEG nodded. If she went out alone, she would be taken away as soon as she left the city of chaos.

After all, such a beautiful girl with delicate body and soft body is very rare in the market.

This is a dangerous world after all.

Gloria was silent for a moment. She looked at MEG bravely and said in a soft voice, "well, next time Mr. McGonagall goes out to collect materials, can you take me with him? So I'm not alone. "

(キ`゚ Д ゚´)!!

McGonagall looked at Gloria in surprise. Unexpectedly, she made such a reasonable request.

As a normal man, the travel invitation issued by a single beautiful girl is accepted without hesitation!

But MEG, as a married and fertile man, faced with such unreasonable demands, after some inner construction, he said with a relaxed smile: "OK, next time we go out for group construction, I will ask Gloria to join us."

"Do you want to join us?" There was a glimmer of disappointment in Gloria's eyes, but she soon brightened up, nodded with a smile, and said, "well, if Mr. McGonagall invited me, I'll be there."

The morning tea ended in a pleasant chat. MEG saw Gloria off. Just as he was about to enter, he caught a glimpse of the man in black standing in the corner.

"Mr. McGonagall, please come to the temple." The man in black handed MEG a black token with the sign of the grey temple on it.

"Good." McGonagall's brow was slightly raised. Did Roland know something? But there was no difference on his face. He put away the token, nodded slightly, closed the door, stopped a carriage and went directly to the street next to the headquarters of the ash temple. After getting off the carriage, he walked to the ash temple.

Just in time, he also wants to know what changes have taken place in the world after they have been in the devil islands.

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