In the secret room of the grey temple, Roland and Michael have been waiting ahead of time. Seeing McGonagall come in, Michael stands up with a smile and says, "boss McGonagall, your trip to collect materials has made the world a mess."

"Well?" McGonagall's eyes flashed slightly, looking at Michael with a smile and Roland still unable to see the expression, do they really know something? But the expression is still calm smile way: "what happened these days?"

"It's acting like something." Michael's mouth trembled a little. The couple had made such a big deal. After they came back, they could still maintain such a high level of acting skills. Alex really changed. He was no longer the honest young man.

Roland takes his eyes away from McGonagall. From McGonagall's previous micro expression, he can be sure that he is covering up his emotions.

Don't ask him why he knows. If he doesn't have this insight, he can't be the Lord of the grey temple.

"Oh, you just came back. I forgot that you didn't know the situation. In the past few days when you went out, several major events happened in the demon islands. Originally, the demon alliance had the strongest will to fight, but now it's completely out of order." Michael didn't make a point. He laughed and motioned MEG to sit down

"Elena and Alex do it, they kill Bashir, the demons of terror fall into a brief chaos, and they may start the war between the demons of abyss and the demons of flame; In the vampire clan, because of the change of the ancestor of the vampire, there is an irreparable gap between the bartol family and the royal family; Along with other demons, there are also many frictions and disputes, and the war alliance formed before is dead in name. "

"I didn't expect that the demons we were worried about could be solved so easily. Alex and Princess Elena are really two great men." McGonagall said with a sudden and surprised look, but with a little doubt in his eyes, Michael, how do they know that he and Elena started the war between the abyss demons and the flame demons?

"Listen, is that human talk? Do you boast so much? " Michael turned his mouth slightly, but continued to smile: "yes, they have made a great contribution to world peace. Next, we are going to have a formal meeting with them, and we are going to invite Mr. McGonagall to meet them with us."

McGonagall's brows, let him see himself???

"Is this a trial?" McGonagall looked at Michael with more hesitation. Although he confirmed that the city of chaos and Michael were the side he trusted and willing to stand on, he thought that everything he had done before was perfectly planned. If he was seen through so easily, it would be a little uncomfortable.

"It would be my pleasure to meet them." MEG smiles and nods.

Oh, Alex won't see you stupid mortals anyway.

"By the way, if Elena and Alex started the war between the abyss demons and the flame demons, would it bring trouble to the city of chaos?" Asked MEG, pondering.

"The night Simmons and Alfred fought, we got an alibi for Elena and Alex. No one but us would suspect Elena and Alex about the war between the abyss demons and the flame demons." Roland explained.

"So it is." McGonagall's eyebrows gradually spread out. He didn't expect that he had such an excellent wingman. There was a city of chaos behind him to help them wipe their ass. even if there was a mistake in the plan, he didn't have to worry about the fire rising.

Because their strength is not strong enough and their position is special, the city of chaos should be the largest and most powerful in the construction of its intelligence network. From the various confidential information they collected, we can see that their intelligence network has completely penetrated into all races and forces.

The environment of multi-ethnic integration has created this special intelligence network, which is unmatched by any race.

However, it also makes McGonagall suspect that Michael and Roland may have guessed his identity, or at least have doubts about him.

But since they didn't find out and help with the aftermath, McGonagall would not take the initiative to admit it.

This kind of feeling is also very good. If you don't know it clearly, you can chat freely. If you have any information you want to disclose, you can also communicate through normal channels, which doesn't affect your normal life.

"This is the intelligence of various ethnic groups received by the grey temple in recent days, as well as some confidential documents that were opened to you before. If you are interested, you can take them back to have a look." Roland took a black wooden box from under the table and gently pushed it to MEG.

"I'm very interested." McGonagall reached out and held the box, his eyes shining. The first-hand news was exactly what he needed. To his surprise, Michael and Roland even raised his authority and gave him confidential documents.

"After experiencing this storm, the demons should not form a unified voice in the ethnic peace talks, and the threat of war will be temporarily lifted." Michael looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "Mr. McGonagall, which race do you think we should solve next?"

McGonagall looked at Michael, thought for a while, and said, "I think it's the orcs. The Ogg tribe helped the Gaelic rebellion to control the FAK tribe of the Lord and make the orcs a powerful race dominated by the voice of the main battle. But now the repression within the FAK tribe has not been completed. Gayle has not been able to control the tribe well, and the princess of the FAK tribe is wandering outside. This may be a breakthrough for us to break down the main battle front of the orcs. "

"This is indeed a very good breakthrough, but we have not been able to find Princess Connie of the FAK tribe so far, and now Gary has basically completed the bloody suppression, cleaned many orcs loyal to the former chief, and is gradually taking control of the FAK tribe." Roland frowned.

"As a regicide, Gary's name is not right. Even if he temporarily controls the FAK tribe through bloody repression, such a way will only cause greater unrest at the right time." MEG smiles and shakes his head. "And I know where Princess Connie is."


Michael and Roland were surprised at the same time, which was beyond their expectation.

McGonagall shrugged and explained, "I saved an orc girl who was chased. Later I learned that she was Princess Connie. She is now working as a salted fish delivery clerk in my restaurant. She works under the assistant warden of Basti prison next door. She has no publisher and is trying to become a killer with no sense of direction."

Michael's mouth moved and his expression was a little strange. He said, "Mr. McGregor, you are a princess harvester."

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