After getting the confirmation of the system, McGonagall directly lay down, let the system wear the skin of the mouth, also lazy to look at the next pile of durian, anyway, this skill learned is useless, love how..

After a while, durian space disappeared and MEG appeared in the kitchen.

"Oh, fight with Dad, you're a little younger." McGonagall walked towards the kneading table with all kinds of materials ready. There was a golden durian beside him. As soon as he came near, he could smell the fragrance of durian. Although McGonagall just came out of the durian space, he was still amazed by the fragrance.

MEG has eaten durian, which is better than common durian in taste and taste, but its fragrance is still worse than that of durian.

After washing his hands and changing into the cook's clothes, MEG moved his fingers and grabbed the durian. With less effort, he broke the durian which had opened a small crack.

The rich durian flavor suddenly comes to our face. The ginger durian meat is very full and ripe, which makes us want to take a bite.

"It's perfect." MEG nodded and resisted the impulse to eat food. Of course, this unprofessional behavior can't be seen in such an excellent cook as her. She took out the durian meat for reserve, slipped the knife over the durian meat, and took out the silver coin sized core inside. The pulp almost occupied all of it.

The most complex part of making pizza is kneading dough. How to make the dough meet the requirements is a great test of the chef's technique and skill.

So MEG chose the kneading machine.

Pour in flour, water and dry yeast in proportion, and then start with one click.

As for the system let him use his hands to rub and so on, McGonagall took it as a breeze.

The times are progressing. As a good helper of human beings, machines have the advantages of high efficiency and stability. Although this is an alternative, it is obvious that this scheme is more popular with McGonagall.

McGonagall has tested before, using the kneading machine produced by the system for kneading, the effect is close to high-level hand kneading up to 99%.

Although he still insisted on hand kneading fried dough sticks, he decided to knead noodles with a machine when making pizza, and treat this Western-style dessert in a more Western-style way.

To bake a delicious durian pizza, we also pay attention to the temperature, but we use the oven, so we only need to control the time and temperature, and then we can make a qualified pizza accurately.

MEG began to practice making pizza according to the steps in his mind. He already had a hunch that it would be a sleepless durian night.


Lodu, palace.

On top of the tower, Andre in gorgeous clothes looks to the southwest with a slight frown.

"Sire, the devil islands are in a mess, with internal disputes all over the world. I'm afraid we can't work together with the outside world, and it's hard to continue our alliance. The wind forest is rebellious everywhere, just dealing with the internal chaos is enough to make them worried. Do we need to find reliable allies again? " An old minister stood behind him and said respectfully.

"If it's not my race, it will be different. The Empire of Los has never really had a reliable ally, but just some friends who use each other." Andre laughed sarcastically. "But I'm curious who's stirring the situation. Alex and Elena? Or those restless people in the city of chaos? "

"According to the investigation, on that day, Alex and Irina did appear in the fear of Devil Island, and Alex used the strange lightning magic to kill Bashir. But they should have gone to save the elves, who were brought back to the city of chaos. There's no evidence that they're involved in the fight between the abyss demons and the flame. " The minister replied.

"Since they are in the devil islands, how can they not be involved in the character of Elena. No evidence is the most suspicious evidence. " Andre sneered.

"This..." the minister was stunned and pondered: "do we want to tell the flame demons and the abyss demons that if they stop fighting, the main battle alliance may be able to restructure."

"Since there is no evidence, what will you tell them?" Andre turned, looked at the minister and asked sarcastically, "besides, the two families have been fighting like that. It's meaningless to know for whom they started. They just need to know that their patriarch died in each other's hands. That's enough for them to fight for several years."

The minister bowed his head in fear.

"The Empire of Los doesn't need allies. As long as the Dragon doesn't go down to the Dragon Island, the world will be mine sooner or later." Andre said coldly.


Elves Embassy in chaos city.

"This is the letter that the patriarch asked me to pass on to you. Our family is at the crossroads of destruction. I hope you can make an appropriate choice." Ingway gives a letter to bloom and then leaves in a spot color.

Looking at the familiar handwriting on the envelope, bloom stood for a moment at the door and turned to close the door.

There is an oil lamp on the desk in the room. There are two beds in the bedroom, one big and the other small.

Bloom quietly went to the desk and put his hand on the envelope. A light golden light flashed over the envelope and the golden film disappeared.

He opened the envelope and pulled out the pale yellow letter.

"Bloom, I haven't heard from you for a long time..."

A quarter of an hour later, bloom put down his letter, frowned and lost in thought.

The wind outside the window suddenly blew the window open, and a cold wind came in.

With a wave of his hand, the window closed again, and he crumpled the open letter into a ball of paper, which then turned into countless pieces and fell on the table.

A letter from home, a commission.

The survival of the family was on his shoulders.

When did he begin to have such ability? He was the useless son who made his father feel ashamed.


Elves, Brewster family territory.

In a castle, Eliot looked at Sally standing in the window dressed in gorgeous clothes, and said in a low voice: "Sally, you should listen to the high priest Helena and cancel your engagement with bloom. The fairy queen does not need a husband, which will disperse your power."

Sally turned to look at Eliot and said, "really, I remember this engagement was made for me by my father. You said that bloom is a very good choice. I can get happiness if I marry him."

Elliott choked, his expression slightly unnatural, and said: "that's... It's because the family situation was difficult at the beginning, so you had to get married with bloom. He is just a weak and useless guy, how can he be worthy of you. Tomorrow, we will go to the family of Berberis to withdraw the engagement. Before you officially canonize the princess, you must draw a clear line with them. If they dare to resist, the high priest will help us destroy their family. They are on the elimination list

"No, I won't break the engagement. I think that bloom is a brave spirit, and I will marry him." Sally looked at Eliot and said calmly.

Eliot's angry face loomed, and his voice also increased a few points. "Sally, for the benefit of the family, you must break your engagement with bloom. He and you are not the elves of the same world at all."

"I don't need you to decide my business." Sally's voice became cold, too.

"You Eliot raised his hand.

Sally looked at him coldly and said in a cold voice, "I'll be the fairy princess in three days. Father, remember your identity. I won't break this engagement."

Eliot's hand, which was raised in mid air, trembled slightly, and finally he put it down.

Sally passed him and disappeared at the door.

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