"Who am I? Where am I? Why is this floor so familiar? "

Camilla opened her eyes. Her head was a little dizzy. She looked around in confusion. Her eyes fell on the floor and suddenly felt familiar.

Then some memories of last night flooded up like a tidal current. She couldn't sleep. She seemed to come to the restaurant to find MEG to drink, and then Elena was there, so she became a drinker with Elena.

"Drinking..." Camilla patted her dizzy head. The feeling of dizziness after a hangover was really uncomfortable. In the past, she only had a small glass of red wine before going to bed, but she seemed to have drunk countless glasses of beer last night.

"Wait... Did I do something strange while drinking?" Camilla's eyes are widening. She... She seems to be eating grass?!

The green lettuce leaves are wrapped with roast beef

My god!

As a vampire aristocrat, she actually ate grass! What's more, it's something you want to eat on your own initiative!

Camilla wants to find a way to get in. It's so humiliating!

If it spread, she felt that she would lose face.

However, the floor looks familiar?

Camilla's eyes were fixed on the floor again. She suddenly remembered that her memory of being drunk last night was completely missing, which is probably what humans call fragments. Then... Then... She vaguely remembered that she was picked up.

"Is it the boss?" As soon as Camilla's expression was tense, she lifted the quilt and took a look. Her clothes were still in good condition. There was no sign that they had been untied and torn apart except for some wrinkles in her sleep.

"Oh, he can't do it." Camilla let go, inexplicably but a little disappointed.

She had already remembered why the floor here was so familiar, because she had slept on it one night before, in the same position, at the same angle, on the same floor.

"Bastard, let the countess sleep on the floor again!" Camilla sat up a little annoyed, just wanted to vent her anger at MEG in bed, and then put on two pairs of blue eyes.

"Sister Camilla, you're awake." Lying on the bed, Amy smiles at Camilla and says.

"I sleep soundly on the floor, too." Elena leaned lazily against the head of the bed with a smile on her lips.

Camilla Leng for a long time, then subconsciously asked: "why can you lie in his bed!"

"Because the pretty ones can lie in bed." Irina said with a smile.

"Then why am I lying on the floor?" Camilla asked, puzzled, and then suddenly realized something. Her expression changed slightly. She bit her teeth and said, "that guy, does he think I should be lying on the floor?"

"But, sister Camilla, why are you sleeping on the floor of our room again?" Amy asked, puzzled.

"Well?" Elena and Camilla look at Amy at the same time.

Camilla was a little flustered. I couldn't bear to recall that night.

Irina's eyes are a bit more dangerous, and it shows that this is not the first time. It seems that this kind of late night invitation is not the first time, and it has also progressed to the room.


There was a knock at the door and Meg's voice: "are you up? It's time for breakfast. "

"Ah, I'm so hungry all of a sudden. Let's have breakfast." Camilla cleanly got up from the floor, pulled the skirt that ran up, and quickly walked toward the door.

"What is she guilty of?" Elena's eyes narrowed slightly, a little curious.

Camilla opened the door, looked at MEG standing at the door, glared at him, walked past him, and stepped on the instep of his foot.


McGonagall took back his feet in time and looked at Camilla's back in a puzzled way. Is this woman's anger so terrible? I just came to ask them to have breakfast.

As soon as Meg looked back, a pillow flew over his head and hit him in the face.

Holding the whole head away, Irina stood in front of him, looked at him with a smile and asked, "how many times is this?"

"Be lenient if you confess, be strict if you resist." Amy poked her head out from behind and said with some old age.

"Bad." McGonagall was in a panic. He didn't expect that the fire broke out so quickly in the backyard. He thought he had arranged it well. Instead of thinking that he was smart, he was mistaken. It was mostly because of Camilla's last stay.

"The second time, the last time she was drunk, I put her to sleep on the floor." McGonagall confessed that he really didn't do anything anyway, with a clear conscience.

Irina looked into Meg's eyes for a moment, folded up her folding chair, stretched, and asked, "what do you have in the morning?"

McGonagall looked at the graceful curve of Elena's tight pajamas. He was relieved and said with a smile, "as long as I will, I'll make you what you want."

Irina raised a smile from the corner of her mouth, thought about it, and said: "a portion of sweet bean curd, a portion of Yangzhou fried rice, a bowl of soybean milk with a fried dough stick."

"I'll have the same." Amy raised her hand.

"Well, wash up first." MEG nodded with a smile, then turned and went downstairs.

McGonagall went to the kitchen door and saw Camilla standing at the door with a glass of water in her hair, thinking about her life.

"Are you ok?" McGonagall looked at her and asked. Listening to her story about being forced to marry twice in a row last night made him feel a little more pity for the countess who was strong in appearance.

Hearing the sound, Camilla suddenly looked up at McGonagall and said, "what should I do? Elena knows we're asleep. "


"No, why did we sleep? Girl, you have to be responsible for what you say. You can't insult my innocence. " McGonagall's eyelids jumped. Was it so scary in the early morning.

Realizing that there was something wrong with her expression, Camilla waved her hand and said, "no... I mean, she knows we sleep in the same room. I'm a pure vampire."

"I'm still a clean man." McGonagall rolled his eyes, which was also a little convinced of the girl's brain circuit. He reached out and pressed her shaking shoulder, looked into her eyes and said, "remember, nothing happened between us. You just slept on the floor, so no one will know if you don't say it, if she doesn't say it."

Camilla looked at McGonagall, gradually calmed down, and then some angry way: "scum man!"

"Ha?" McGonagall looked at Camilla strangely. She was sleeping on the floor. How could he be ruined?

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