"Why is Elena in your bed?" Camilla asked, what sleep she had in her eyes. Although Irina was beautiful, like a fairy, she was beautiful and flowery. Why did she sleep on the floor, and Irina could sleep in bed?

"Besides, if you sleep Alex's woman, aren't you afraid that he will cut you off?" Camilla's voice dropped a bit, feeling that she suddenly grasped something important, and even her expression could not help but feel a little nervous.

"What's the woman I've slept with Alex, and she hasn't slept yet?" McGonagall rolled his eyes, and how did Alex cut him and let him fight?

Looking at Camilla's mysterious expression, MEG probably guessed what she was thinking, and said helplessly: "Princess Elena has lived in the dining room many days ago, because she has no suitable place to live in the chaotic city, so she lives in the dining room temporarily. Considering her status, she sleeps in the master bedroom, and I sleep in the small bedroom next door."

"Well?" Camilla is a little confused. She doesn't know about it.

"Boss, you're up." At this time, Gina came downstairs yawning. Looking at Camilla standing at the kitchen door, she was surprised and said, "sister Camilla, are you here so early?"

"Gina, does Princess Elena live in a restaurant?" MEG asked, looking at Gina.

"Yes, Princess Elena and Amy live in your room, don't they?" Gina nodded and said, "boss, if you think it's too lonely to live alone, you can move to my room."

Originally some embarrassed Camilla smell speech, it is to stare McGonagall one eye again, way: "dregs male."

McGonagall: Yes

What can he do, the mermaid princess from landist, is so hospitable.

Elena takes Amy downstairs. Mia and them arrive one after another to deliver hot preserved egg and lean meat porridge to the cleaners. After breakfast, MEG is going to send Amy to school.

"Boss, I'm going to take a long vacation." Sheryl follows MEG and looks at him at the door.

"Well?" McGonagall is surprised to see that Cheryl, night elf and Elena are in the city of chaos. Why does he ask for leave.

"There are some family matters that need to be solved back." Sheryl took a look at Anna standing not far away, showing some guilt on her face, then looked at MEG and said, "Anna can only please you."

McGonagall didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask more. He nodded and said, "OK, Anna, I'll take care of her. You should be safe."

"Good." Cheryl nodded, turned to Anna, crouched down, hugged her, whispered a few words to her, then got up to say a few words to Elena alone, finally said goodbye to the crowd, and then left.

"I'll wait for you to come back. Please, do come back." Anna ran to the door and looked at Sheryl, who had been on the horse's back. She said with red eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll be back. I'll be sure." Sheryl looks back at Anna, smiles, and then rides away.

"Miss Sheryl, are you leaving again?" Constantine rushed out of the line and looked at Sheryl's back. He cried, but she had gone away, leaving only a more and more distant figure.

"A sad story." McGonagall took a pitiful look at Constantine and rode Amy to school.

The wind forest is undergoing a change. Shirley, or bloom, has learned from the data of the grey temple that as the son of the babili family, he also has an engagement with Sally. In such a turbulent situation, he naturally chooses to return to the wind forest for his reasons.

Bloom chose to go back, and he respected his choice.

However, since he has become a member of the night elves, in the near future, they will definitely meet again, or fight on the same front.

On the way to school, the little guy held his waist and asked curiously, "father, do you like mother or sister Camilla? Or sister Gloria? If you want to choose one of them, who will you choose? "

"Children make choices." MEG laughed scornfully. "And I, besides your mother, dare to choose anyone else?"

"If you choose something else... You might be killed." Amy thought about it.

"I wish you knew. Next time you can't use the word" again. " MEG sighed and said seriously.

"Oh." Amy answered and said, "but sister Camilla did sleep on the floor again?"

"Well, we won't talk about that." MEG nodded helplessly and took Amy to school to return to the restaurant.

In the morning, shortly after the end of business, the doorbell rang.

McGonagall, who was about to have a cup of tea, got up and went to the door. He opened the door and was shocked by the hundreds of lava trolls standing outside.

"Er..." McGonagall's eyes fell on Sargeras, who was standing at the front, and asked, "Mr. Sargeras, has the Burning Legion expanded its enrollment again?"

Sargeras looked at McGonagall and said, "boss McGonagall, they are all my people, and they are all members of the Burning Legion. From today on, we have been taken care of by the boss."

McGonagall also noticed that there are all these lava demons, young and old. It seems that Sargeras has indeed brought the whole lava demons to the city of chaos.

However, there was only such a group of old and weak soldiers left in the lava demon clan, which was very impressive.

Besides, McGonagall felt that there were some differences in Sargeras. In addition to breaking through the Ninth level, there seemed to be some changes in his momentum. Maybe he looked more and more domineering.

"Easy to say, easy to say." MEG nodded with a smile. He seemed to have seen a group of fans of rougamo with wax sauce.

The benefits of rougamo to the lava demons, Sargeras once bluntly told him.

Sargeras is straightforward and reliable. McGonagall still appreciates him very much. If rougamo with wax sauce can help their declining race and make them rise again as the Burning Legion, he is very willing to help them within his ability.

"However, if you want to buy rougamo group, you don't need so many people to come, so it's more convenient for you to buy, and it doesn't affect the queue of other guests." McGonagall reminds us again, otherwise the restaurant will be a special show for the Burning Legion in the future.

"OK, there will be no more than ten people in line in the future." Sargeras nodded with a smile and got the nod from boss McGrady. It's no longer a dream that the Burning Legion will rise again.

After seeing off the Burning Legion, McGonagall heard the beating of iron next door, and suddenly remembered the machines he had customized for Mobai. Now the night elves are idle and have nothing to do. It's better to let them put in their labor in time, and also make some military expenses for the Burning Legion by themselves.

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