As soon as this idea comes out, it's like releasing a demon from a bottle. The delicious Yangzhou fried rice slowly rises from the bottom of my heart. But the aftertaste makes Sally swallow her saliva. She just ate a big bowl of green vegetable noodles in the morning!

"No! If I have a share, all the money I earn from working these days will be gone. I have to save money to go farther away! " Sally shook her head hard to get the idea out of her head.

But the more she wanted to drive away, the clearer her memory became. The salty ham, the instant eggs, especially the rice with the faint fragrance of the spring of life, gave her some thoughts of going home for the first time.

Although her father and the elders who wanted to force her to marry were very annoying, her mother was still very kind to her, and suddenly missed the time when she nestled in her mother's arms in the afternoon.

If she didn't run away from home, as the daughter of a noble patriarch, she didn't need to do such things as folding quilts, and there were only a dozen copper coins in more than a dozen rooms, which she couldn't imagine before. It took many days to earn a gold coin.

"All of a sudden, I'm so hungry..." Sally suddenly lies on her back on the bed, her eyes empty, her brain full of bowls of rainbow fried rice, already a fairy who has lost her dream.

"I don't know if the restaurant has a new product? The little girl... How lovely... "Sally's voice echoed in the room.


"Sorry, this morning's rougamo has been sold out half an hour ago, and now the business hours are over, and the restaurant is closed. If you want to have a meal, please come early at the next meal time." At the door of the restaurant, MEG looked at the dozen guests standing outside and said with a smile.

"Boss Mai, I just need to eat a portion of Yangzhou fried rice. I overslept this morning, so you'll be accommodating. I'm used to your food. I can't find anything to eat in the morning." A tall, thin man looked at MEG and asked with a smile.

"Yes, boss Mai, I made a special trip to work here for half an hour. Even if I didn't eat rougamo, would you like to have Yangzhou fried rice at least? You won't be so unkind and make me go hungry, will you One side of a fat man is also followed, expression some unhappy.

"It's just..."

The other guests also followed suit. Although they missed the time, they all felt that they were crowded, and MEG might be afraid of their feelings.

"Sorry, the restaurant is strictly open according to the business hours, so please come back." McGonagall shook his head without hesitation, flipped the sign on the door, looked at the people who still wanted to speak, and said, "if I continue to cook Yangzhou fried rice for you now, then I will not be able to prepare the ingredients for noon business. It's unfair to the guests who come for lunch. Please come early next time."

"Well, I'll come back for lunch." Tall and thin, seeing that McGonagall didn't give up, he had no choice but to turn around and leave.

"Boss Mai, you... Have principles." The fat man took a look at Amy who walked slowly behind McGonagall with the duckling in his arms. With half of his cruel words, he naturally turned a corner, laughed twice, and turned to the carriage which was not far away.

The other guests saw that Meg didn't mean to discuss half of it, so they had no choice but to leave. In terms of restaurant rules, boss McGonagall was very strict.

"Boss Mai is really different from other bosses." Abelmia stood in the door, looking at Meg's side face. In the sunshine, her thin and handsome face made people feel very amiable. The mustache on her lips added a bit of mature temperament. It was very lucky to meet such a boss.

McGonagall stretched out. This morning, more than 200 rougamo were sold, and the number of new customers reached 95. This is the volume of a normal day. It can be imagined that there will be a larger peak of passenger flow at noon and evening, and the restaurant will officially enter the full stage.

"Father, can we listen to the mushroom elf sing a new song today?" Amy asked, looking at MEG expectantly with the duckling in her arms.

"Boss Mai, wait!" MEG was closing the door to answer Amy's question when a weak voice came from a distance.

"Well?" McGonagall looked at the sound with some doubts. A delicate figure came from a distance. A pair of clogs clattered on the ground, and loose clothes surged on the small body. It looked like it would be blown away by the wind at any time. It was vicennio who had just bought two rougamo before.

"Excuse me, guest. The restaurant is closed." McGonagall looked at vicennio, who had trotted all the way to the front of him, bent over, his hands on his knees, and shook his head with a strange expression.

It's only less than an hour. The little brother's face is paler than just now. When he just ran over, his feet were almost floating. It's estimated that this kind of physical quality is similar to McGonagall's now.

But in contrast, McGonagall is not strong, a little thin, face and spirit are very good, bright eyes.

Vicennio looked so depressed that he almost fell at the touch of it. Who knows what happened to him in the past hour.

"Not for sale?" Vicennio's voice suddenly increased a few points, seems to be a little disappointed, but soon his eyes lit up again, nodded his head with fear and said: "it's good if you don't sell it, it's good if you don't sell it."

"Well?" McGonagall looked at her a little puzzled. Was this one stimulated? How to talk is a bit endless.

"Give me a hand, boss Mai." Vicennio reached out to Meg, his hands half way out, his legs softened, and he knelt down in front of him.

"Er... This guest, rougamo is still available at noon. Even if you can't get it in the morning, you don't have to give such a big gift. Rougamo is really sold out." McGonagall was stunned, looking at vicennio kneeling in front of him. He put his hand in half and took it back in silence, with a strange expression.

Vicennio took a look at his knee and was stunned for a moment, but he didn't have the strength to get up. It was more comfortable to kneel like this. He looked up at McGonagall and said, "boss McGonagall, what kind of medicine do you sell! My mother tiger is lazy when she gets up in the morning. After eating your two rougamo, she'll be alive immediately. She almost ate me alive! "

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