"This..." McGonagall looked at vicennio with a sad and indignant face, and suddenly felt some sympathy. It seemed that this woman was not forced to look like this because she lingered in the flowers, but because she had a fierce wife. What kind of woman should she be?

"What medicine are you talking about, my guest? We don't sell medicine in our restaurant. " Abelmia asked, looking puzzled at vicennio, with a serious expression.

Although I don't know why the guest knelt down for McGonagall as soon as they met, if she wanted to frame the restaurant, she would be the first to disagree!

MEG and vicennio looked at abelmia at the same time. The girl was really simple, but it was not easy to explain this kind of thing to a little girl. They looked at each other and chose to skip it.

"This guest, you get up first. I guarantee by the reputation of the restaurant that every food sold from the restaurant will not have any problem, let alone the situation of selling medicine in public." McGonagall reached out and helped vicennio up. He looked at him and said seriously, "it's just that every dish has its own unique effect. If you come to a rougamo in the early morning, it can really make people excited and more energetic and motivated to work, but if there is no other work, it's another matter."

Vicennio's hands trembled. His wife really had no other job. Her daily job was to crush him.

However, he had no way to refute McGonagall's statement. After all, so many people bought rougamo in the morning and went out in high spirits. They were in good condition. The most exaggerated one was probably the demons who were angry after eating. There was no such strange situation.

"It seems that she can't eat rougamo in bed in the future." Vicennio sighed silently, thought about it, then looked at McGonagall and asked, "by the way, boss McGonagall, you say every dish has its own characteristics. What are the characteristics of the Yangzhou fried rice in your restaurant and the new products to be produced today?"

"Yangzhou fried rice can promote blood circulation and ventilation, warm the body, and has a good tonic effect on the weak." McGonagall looked at vicennio for a moment, then continued: "the characteristics of the new bean curd are not completely certain, but it should have some benefits for the skin, and female customers should like it."

McGonagall's pause made vicennio look a little embarrassed, but he was quite excited after hearing it.

He always wanted to find things that could replenish qi and blood, but those things often hurt his health more after eating. Half of what his body looks like now is thanks to those messy medicines.

Now listening to McGonagall say that as long as you eat Yangzhou fried rice, you can nourish your body. Naturally, you're a little excited. When you just saw his wife eating rougamo, you couldn't be greedy. But after his wife took a bite, she snatched his share and didn't even eat a bite.

As for the bean curd that can protect skin, it is a holy product to please her wife. But she uses pearl powder to cover her face every day. She will definitely like it. She can only hope that the bean curd can separate her love for rougamo, otherwise she will die soon.

"Guest, if you want to eat, you can come early at noon business hours." McGonagall took back his hand and sympathized with the brother's experience. However, there was nothing he could do about it. He could only wish that his strength from Yangzhou fried rice could keep up with his mother tiger's wild nature inspired by eating rougamo.

"Boss Mai, why don't you make me a bowl of Yangzhou fried rice first? You see, I'm too hungry to walk now. " Vicennio looked at MEG pitifully, reached for the doorframe, and looked like he was going to fall at any time.

"Sorry, the restaurant doesn't offer meals after business hours." MEG shook his head.

"Money is not a problem, I can give you double money, three times can! Eighteen gold coins and a portion of Yangzhou fried rice can be given to you now. " Vicennio took his purse out of his arms and prepared to pay.

"It's a restaurant rule, not even ten times." McGonagall refused without hesitation. He pointed to the front and said: "there is a noodle shop about 50 meters ahead. You can go there to have breakfast and then go back. Yangzhou fried rice is not a magic pill. Even if you eat a bowl, you can't become lively."

"Well, I'd better come early at noon. I'll find a teahouse to sit in the morning, but I dare not go home again." Vicennio saw that McGonagall didn't mean to waver at all. He said helplessly.

"Goodbye, weak uncle. You should keep sober. If you fall down, no one will help you. If you can't climb back, you won't have delicious rainbow fried rice at noon." Amy waved to vicennio and told him with a serious expression.

Vicennio raised his eyebrows. The little girl's voice seemed to care about him, but why did it sound a little strange? There seems to be something wrong.

"Yes! What the hell is weak uncle? Although I look really weak now, it's strange to use this as a nickname! " Vicennio glared, but looking at the concerned expression on Amy's delicate and lovely face, his heart suddenly softened. What can he do? Of course, I choose to forgive her.

It's a pity that my wife doesn't like children and doesn't want them all the time. It's been four or five years since I got married. Having such a lovely little daughter is a winner in life. I can't help looking at MEG enviously, nodding and walking away slowly.

"Father, do you think my weak uncle can last till noon?" Amy looked at vicennio's back and asked with some worry.

"It should be no problem..." McGonagall took a look at vicennio, who almost fell. He was also a little suspicious, but he quickly looked back and touched Amy's head with a smile. "Xiaomi just said that he wanted to learn a second song, didn't he? Let's go, father

"Yes, yes!" Amy immediately clapped her hands happily and nodded. The ugly duckling's face in her arms was squeezed to the left and right. She looked at the ceiling in despair, and even dared not shout.

"Are you going to teach Amy a new nursery rhyme?" Abelmia is also looking forward to hearing that. Besides the ugly duckling, Amy's favorite toy these days is the singing elf. The songs are really beautiful.

McGonagall closed the door of the restaurant, went straight to the counter, took out the music box, put it on the counter, turned on the switch, closed the single cycle, and then ordered the next song. Looking at the music box with some expectation, I didn't know what classic nursery rhyme the system would give this time.

Around the hemispherical glass ball lit up a circle of colored lights, a sonorous and powerful electric guitar and drums sounded, inside the elf villain also followed the action, some stiff move up, the rhythm is so bright and powerful, and, a little... Familiar?

"System, NIMA! Can the pure land of bliss be regarded as a nursery rhyme? " McGonagall glared and growled in his mind!

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