"Today's new product Preview: what kind of delicious fruit will bloom in my hands with mysterious fragrance? Please look forward to today's new product: Durian pizza! Today's launch, limited to 100 copies

The notice hanging on the door of the restaurant has been read countless times by the passing guests, and each time it is read, it strengthens the memory of the guests.


This is a very important keyword, because it often means best-selling and not easy to eat.

It's like the tofu that has been opened up to 400 portions. Now if the queue is late, it's still very likely that you can't eat it.

And limited items appear again, and they are limited as soon as they are launched. In addition to bean curd and Buddha jumping wall, this is very rare in Maimi restaurant.

Many people are already guessing what the mysterious and strange fruit is. With Mr. Mai's usual high cold style, the new product notice copy rarely appears.

Many doubts, let the guests curiosity straight line ascension, the so-called durian pizza had unlimited reverie.

"Ah, the new product is limited to 100 copies. Don't look at it. It can't be our turn." Listening to the comments of the guests in front of her, Vanessa sighed with frustration. She suddenly regretted why she had to go out to play at noon today and even delayed the queuing time. Is there anything more important than eating in the world!

"Just launch a new product. Why are you so excited?" Tony is a little puzzled.

"Because every new product launched by boss Mai means that there is another delicious food in the world. Isn't that a very important thing?" Vanessa looked back at Tony with a serious face.

"If so, it's really a very important thing." Tony also nodded solemnly. As a gourmet, if it is as the little girl said, it is really a very important thing.

"Boss, can the guests not accept the smell of Durian?" Mia looked at MEG who was wearing an apron and worried that although durian pizza was extremely delicious, if it was the first time she smelled durian, she would feel a little uncomfortable.

"It doesn't matter. We just sell. When things are on the table, they have to eat them. As long as they talk, they will lose." McGonagall's mouth slightly tilted. From the expression of the guests, the copy he wrote has begun to work.

"If they have tasted it, they will love it." Mia nodded her head. Durian pizza has a magic charm that people can't let go after eating.

"Well, get ready. It's time to open." McGonagall tidied up the chef's clothes, walked to the door of the restaurant with long legs, then pushed the door open, looked at the guests waiting outside with a smile and said, "welcome to the McMillan restaurant."

"Boss Mai, you have more and more people here." Krasu came into the door and said with a smile.

"Thanks to the guests." McGonagall also said with a smile that he didn't know where so many guests came from, which was screened by the high price of the restaurant.

"Boss Mai, what's this durian pizza today? meat or fish dishes? vegetable dish? Or dessert? " Harrison came in, full of curiosity.

Many guests who are ready to enter also look at MEG curiously. They have been brainwashed by the mysterious new product for an hour. Now they are full of durian pizza.

"There are pictures on the menu. You can see them when you are seated." McGonagall said with a smile, not directly.

After hearing this, everyone quickly sat down, and then couldn't wait to open the menu on the table. In the dessert item, they found today's new product - durian pizza.

The round pie shaped pizza is cut into six triangular shapes with the rice character knife pattern. It is golden with a little bit of burnt yellow. The bright color looks very attractive and mouth watering.

But the price of this durian pizza is not so friendly: 6-inch durian Pizza - 500 copper coins; 12 inch durian Pizza - 1000 copper coins.

This price makes some customers who want to try new products flinch. After all, it looks like it's just a dessert. For 500 copper coins, you can have a set meal of bean curd and rougamo.

However, this does not stop the vast majority of guests ordering impulse.

"I want a 12 inch durian pizza." Harrison looked up and said to abelmia, who came to him.

"12 inches is for 2-3 people. Are you sure you want 12 inch durian pizza?" Mia looks at Harrison, and jergi is not with him today.

Harrison thought about it and said, "in this case, I think I should add another Jiaohua chicken, or I won't have enough to eat."

"Yes, just a moment, please." Mia nodded and went to the next table.

"Father, do you think the one behind Windsor's sister looks like the uncle who used to come to the store when we were on the island?" Amy ran around the door of the restaurant, ran back to Meg, who was still standing at the door of the restaurant, asked him to lean down and whispered in his ear.

"Oh?" McGonagall got up straight and looked at the end of the line. His eyes fell on Tony, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Hey, it's the gourmet brother. Is this going to take refuge?"

When McGonagall came back, he bought a food magazine and read Tony's food review. To be fair, it's really good. It's a bit of a story. It's not the same as a food blogger who lives on his face.

Of course, not everyone can eat by face like him.

However, how did this gourmet who claimed to die in the devil islands, never left the seafood holy land, and would die if he didn't eat seafood for a day, come to the city of chaos?

MEG turned and walked in. He said to abelmia, then left the guest behind Vanessa outside the dining room. Then he said to Jane that he was busy in the dining room during business hours tonight and didn't have to go out.

The three of them didn't need to worry about exposure. After all, they all disguised at that time. They took off a prawn tongs and tore off a facial beard. ANN could tell who I was... Who knew he was Hades.

Yami changed clothes, it should not be easy to see.

As for Elena, she is not in the dining room at all now, so she should go to Train Night Elves again. Those elves who have been imprisoned and enslaved have never practiced well. She needs to teach them how to practice and how to fight.

So Jane became the only breakthrough that could be recognized.

Of course, McGonagall is not too worried about Tony recognizing them. He has given Jane many reasons. If it doesn't make sense, he can only kill them.

For his peers, McGonagall is more soft hearted.

Now, of course, his colleagues are chefs.

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