Not long after, durian pizza orders have exceeded 30, MEG nodded with satisfaction, this is the official start to do durian pizza.

In view of the special smell of durian pizza, Mia adjusted the seats of the guests to ensure that the guests who did not order durian pizza would not be affected.

Although the probability of stepping on thunder in Maimi restaurant is very low, for new products, many customers still hold a review attitude, let others taste first, see the evaluation, and then decide whether to point out, which is obviously a better choice.

"Luna, are you ok?" Wei Wei An looks at to sit nearby, the facial expression some pale Luna some worry of ask a way, "the belly still very ache?"

"I'm fine." Luna shook her head and pressed her hand on her belly. There were some fine beads of sweat on her forehead. Her lips were bited and a little blue.

There was no class this afternoon, so Luna and Vivian made an appointment to go shopping and eat, but from the beginning of the queue, her lower abdomen began to ache, which made her unable to stand.

When she sat down in the dining room, she could not bear the pain. It seemed that her aunt came two days ahead of time this month.

From the age of 14 when she first came to my aunt, she would have been cold and painful, and this situation has continued until now.

The days of every month are the most painful times for her.

So, as long as she comes, she will ask for leave to lie at home, holding a hot water bag and lying dead for a whole day. After the most painful two days, she will be full of blood and come back to class.

"Why don't we go back first? You don't seem to be doing well." Vivian wiped Luna's cold sweat with her handkerchief. She felt her hands and forehead were cold, and her expression was a little nervous.

She knew about Luna, but she didn't say a word when she was just in line. She couldn't help sitting down until she showed it. Looking at her appearance, how could she bear to send her home and lie down.

"No, you just ordered durian pizza, Mr. McGonagall's new product. You like it every time. It's a pity to be gone now." Luna shook her head and forced out a smile. "It's OK with me. I'll be fine in a moment."

"You..." Vivian looked at Luna stubborn appearance, some helpless, quickly raised his hand to signal MIA to come, begged: "MIA sister, can you give me a cup of hot water, Luna is not very comfortable."

"Yes, just a moment, please." Mia looks at Luna who doesn't look very good. She nods, turns around and goes to the kitchen. She quickly comes out with a cup of warm boiled water and puts it in front of Luna.

"Thank you." Luna thanks and reaches for the cup. The heat from the quilt dispels the chill and relieves the pain.

"Are you better?" Vivian asked nervously.

"Well, no problem. I've been used to it for so many years. You don't know it."

Vivian glared at her and said to herself, "I'm just worried because I know it. When you didn't come here, I won't tell you to come out."

"I'll go back to sleep later, and I'll be fine tomorrow." Luna said with a gentle smile.

Vivian looking at Luna, distressed, but there is no way, her condition doctor also has no way, all say is the reason of the constitution, every month after that two days, it will be OK, but want to solve, there is no good way.

I can only have something to eat and take Luna home early.

Amy came to say hello to Luna and Vivian, and then ran to play with the ugly duckling.

"Miss Luna doesn't seem very well." Mia came into the kitchen to serve the dishes and made a casual remark.

"Well?" McGonagall looked back at the restaurant. Her eyes fell on Luna, who was holding the cup in one hand and pressing her belly in the other. She looked a little pale. She did look uncomfortable.

McGonagall casually points out Luna's information, and then sees in her status bar: Red buff continuous blood loss precursor

"Miss Luna, did they order a pizza?" he asked

"Yes, a 12 inch pizza." Mia nodded.


It just happened that the oven made a beep.

"Other guests' pizzas will be served as usual. This one will be given to miss Luna first." MEG took a portion of durian pizza out of the oven and baked eight 12 inch durian pizzas at one time.

"All right." Abemia nodded, covered the durian pizza, took it out and put it in front of the guests one by one. The eighth one went straight to Luna's table.

"12 inch durian pizza, please enjoy it." Abemia smiles and reaches for the durian lid.

A stream of hot air with a strong aroma of durian and cream, instantly spread in the closed space.

"The smell!" Like all the guests who receive durian pizza, Vivian and Luna cover their noses at the same time, with strange smell.

The guests at the next table were even more exaggerated. They suddenly leaned back, even with their chairs overturned on the ground, still with a look of panic and confusion.

There are also many guests jumping directly from the chair, out of the range of the table, and then gasping.

"Is that exaggeration?"

"Is it as smelly as stinky tofu?"

"1000 coppers for something you can't eat?"

Other guests are curious to see this scene, surprised, but also a bit of schadenfreude, as well as their wisdom to postpone ordering.

"It's too strong, isn't it? It's a bit of a head up! " Although Harrison is still sitting on the chair, his expression is not very good. He can't tell what the smell is. It's not like smelly, it's not like fragrant, and he can't accept the fragrance. Anyway, he feels a little uncomfortable.

"This... Does boss Mai also fail?" Although Vivian is still sitting, she can't help muttering as she looks at the durian pizza in front of her.

I don't know when Luna put down her hand and sniffed. Her eyes lit up and said, "I think it's OK. The golden color just baked looks like a great appetite. If you smell it carefully, it's actually a very special flavor. It's full of cream. It should be delicious."

"Really?" Vivian suspiciously released her hand covering her nose and tried to smell it. After Luna said that, the smell really didn't smell as awkward as just now, but she still didn't want to try the pizza with this strange smell.

"I don't want to eat much, but I'm a little hungry after smelling this fragrance. Let me try it first." Seeing that Vivian was a little disgusted, Luna put out her hand to hold a triangular pizza, lifted it up and pulled out a filament. From the section, we can see that the Yellow durian meat above almost occupied more than half of the thickness. The fragrance accompanied by the heat floated in, which made her forget the pain temporarily.

"Yes." Luna spoke to Vivian and took a bite of the pizza.

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