McGonagall followed him upstairs, laughing and picking up the ugly duckling lying on the ground. The two little golden wings on the back of the duckling seemed to stand out a little more.

I don't know what kind of sand sculpture it is. Does it really grow a pair of wings and turn into a white swan.

However, the trend of its body shape is completely towards the plump direction of chinchilla.

He filled the bathtub with hot water for two kids, and put in some ducklings and an ugly duckling. MEG left the bathroom.

The two kids have learned how to take a bath by themselves. Anna is a sensible little sister and can take care of her very well.

MEG appears from the bathroom. Elena is standing at the door of the room. He steps forward two steps and whispers: "the time has been set. At noon tomorrow, the Elves will hold a ceremony to officially seal Sally as the new elves Princess and execute the night elves captured during this time."

"What do you think?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be another plot against you. The news of the night elves' execution is released on purpose. It's to tell all the elves and the world their attitude, and then see if you, who are regarded as the Savior and spiritual leader by the night elves, will appear on the ceremony as expected by all the night elves, Save all night elves. "

"Everyone knows I'll go."

"That's a trap that has been infinitely improved. As long as you go, you will probably not come back. After all, it's a trap laid by a family."

Irina is silent. Although Berg is dead and the queen of the elves is still in seclusion, the elves are still a powerful race. It is almost impossible to save the night elves from them if we set traps with the help of our own strength.

"I'll go anyway." Irina looked at MEG with calm eyes.

McGonagall's face showed a smile, the expected answer, but also the world knows the answer.

"You said that you scattered a fire in the wind forest. Will it start a prairie fire tomorrow?" Asked MEG.

"You mean... To light a fire?" Elena's eyes are slightly fixed.

"No, the fire has already been lit. Now what they need is a gust of wind that can turn the kindling into a raging fire."

"Launch a formal showdown between the night elves and the wind forest?"

"It's too early to duel, but the first shot inside the wind forest can be fired." McGonagall shook his head. "Our strength is not strong enough, and if we introduce too many foreign forces into the internal struggle of the elves, we may eventually develop in the direction we did not expect.

But this time, the ceremony gathered the eyes of all the elves. If the night elves do nothing, the kindling will be gradually extinguished because of disappointment. You and the night elves must show your attitude, and guide the elves scattered around the forest to formally launch resistance, let the flame of freedom ignite the whole forest, and provide cover for our actions in the ceremony. "

Irina frowned, some worried: "the strength of the night elves is too weak after all, and the strength of the bottom elves is much lower than that of the ruling class. At this time, if they are allowed to resist, it may increase the casualties."

"The struggle is always bloody, and you should not underestimate the yearning for freedom of all walks of life. Only when the struggle breaks out in the wind forest, can elves from different walks of life gradually join the fight for freedom and make the night elves stronger in the bloodshed." McGonagall shook his head and said with a smile: "Sheryl and Sally are typical. Although they were born in aristocracy, they are compassionate towards the elves at the bottom and willing to die for the freedom of the whole elves."

"I'll go out." Elena thought deeply, and the green light disappeared at her feet.

"System, you can help me to calculate what kind of energy can be generated if the speed of the mobile restaurant is increased to the maximum and then hit the ground at the maximum speed? Converted to the world's magic attack level, how much damage is it? " MEG asked in his mind.

"Black sheep! Mobile restaurant so advanced things, is it for you to use like this! This is a high-tech existence that can replace an aircraft carrier! "

The roar of system hopping sounded in Meg's mind.

"It's OK not to collide, or you can sell me some missiles, which are not demanding and can achieve the mission." McGonagall picked his eyebrows and used the mobile restaurant, which can be big and small, and can fly fast, as a missile commander. He was really distressed.

"Host, please take back your unreasonable request. Missiles should not appear in this world. It will cause chaos in the power system, which will lead to a series of serious problems!"

"Then you'd better help me to solve the problem just now. Anyway, if I'm going to die, it doesn't matter whether the power system collapses or not. Can you let me do it again. No matter how good a mobile restaurant is, it has to have a life. " MEG curled his mouth.

The system was silent for a moment, and a small line appeared in Meg's mind:

When the speed of the mobile restaurant is increased to Mach 5, it will hit the ground with full load, resulting in shockwave and nuclear power plant explosion inside the restaurant, which can cause huge damage caused by joint attack of more than 10 level 10 magicians, and cause severe deterioration of the environment within a radius of five kilometers. Please use it carefully!

"That's a killing move." McGonagall's eyes brightened, but it was an undifferentiated attack. It was a kind of mushroom. It was highly damaging and destructive. It couldn't be used unless it had to be.

What's more, what bothers MEG most is that although he has such a big killing move, it can't be used to threaten others.

Other people don't believe that he has such a big killing move.

"If only there were two mobile restaurants." McGonagall sighed and took one out to blow it up to let others know its power. It's more powerful to threaten.

In addition to the mobile restaurant, the only thing McGonagall can think of now is landist. However, he has asked them to send out the Juzu experts to save the night elves, and then asked them to go deep into the wind forest hard anus elves, which is beyond their original agreement.

"Now we can only hope that the free flame spread by night elves has accumulated enough kindling, otherwise it may become the dark day of night elves." MEG thought to himself.

"Father, we've done it." Amy wrapped in a bath towel and opened a crack in the door.

The ugly duckling leaned out his wet head and shook it. He squatted there and licked his wet paws.

"Well, I'll blow your hair." MEG picked up the towel and went into the bathroom. He wiped the wet hair of the two boys and dried it with a hair dryer.

Amy, with long fluffy silver hair and Meg's arm in her arms, said, "father, can we sleep with you tonight? Anna and I want to hear about Nezha. "

"The Devil boy is born." Anna also looked at MEG expectantly.

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