"In fact, you can't come back."

In the dark room, there was only a dim oil lamp on. Vincent, who was a lot older, looked at him with a somewhat complicated expression.

"You know I'll be back." Blull replied calmly.

The room fell into silence, and the light of the oil lamp jumped slightly.

Vincent looked worried and said: "the Beverly family has never been in danger. Eliot wants to tear up the engagement between you and Sally, so he does not hesitate to let the whole Beverly family bury him. Now the only hope is that you can keep the engagement with Sally and then marry her."

"That's what you said when you asked me to agree to this engagement." The corners of Bloom's mouth curled slightly, showing a smile of sarcasm.

Vincent looked at bloom, his mouth open, his throat moved, and then he closed back, with a faint sigh.

"You should know about the night elves." Asked bloom.

"When the Berger army besieged the grottoes, I was there with the warriors of the Berberis." Vincent nodded.

"At that time, I was in the grotto surrounded by you." Bloom looked at Vincent and said with a smile.

"You..." Vincent pupil shock, eyes fixed on bloom, after a long time, the expression gradually eased, like all of a sudden a lot of old, a lot of low voice, expression complex said: "I guess, but did not expect you really there, I almost lost a son."

"Freedom is there, Princess Elena is there. As a spirit, I should be there? You almost lost a son, and the elves almost lost the future, the future that you almost killed. "

"You know, the Beverly family has been struggling to survive in the cracks all these years. We can't refuse Berg's orders or Helena's orders. Freedom is too luxurious for us. As a patriarch, the most important thing for me is to figure out how to make our family survive, not to talk about the future. " Vincent looked a little lonely.

Bloom looked at Vincent and asked, "do you think it's interesting to live like this? Is this really the life we elves want? Our people have even forgotten what freedom is! Even if we, the so-called nobles, are still shackled around our necks, even if we are served by servants, how can we ever have freedom? Is the forest of wind like this one hundred years ago? "

Vincent turned pale and subconsciously stepped back.

A hundred years ago, the elves drove the invading demons out of the wind forest at a heavy price, and then built the wind forest under the planning of her Majesty the queen and the high priest.

At that time, no elves would have thought that the elves would become like this.

Even in the most tragic war, the spirits who still yearn for freedom have been turned into slaves by the extravagant atmosphere and the shackle system.

Yes, even as the head of a clan, he still lives with fear.

This fear does not come from foreign enemies, but from his people, who have fought side by side.

All people are living in desire and fear, struggling with each other, fighting against each other. For the rights that the elves didn't care about most, they gave up the freedom they had held for thousands of years, and willingly became a link in the chain.

"During this time, the young people in the clan began to become a little mysterious. They would meet secretly after everyone fell asleep and talk about freedom behind their back. Their eyes seemed to glow." Vincent looked up at bloom. "It looks like you."

Bloom's eyes were slightly fixed and his fist was subconsciously clenched.

"Recently, Helena has captured many young people. She calls them traitors and night elf infiltrators, and gives secret orders to every nobleman, so that all those who talk about freedom can be arrested and put into the dungeon." Vincent took a look at Bloom's fist and said, "tomorrow, at Sally's sealing ceremony, these young people will be publicly executed to frighten those silly elves."

"This is tyranny." Blull, biting his lips, said in a low voice.

"The world won't reason with you, just like the Brewster family killer may be on his way to stop the engagement. In order to be like Berg, Eliot will kill all the people who stand in front of him at all costs. " Vincent shook his head.

Bloom looked at Vincent, silent for a moment, slowly released his hand, and then said as calmly as he could, "you didn't catch those young people, you didn't send them to Helena."

"Yes, it's not like me at all." Vincent nodded, his eyes fell on the side of the oil lamp, looked at the flickering candle, and said in a soft voice: "what's wrong with chasing freedom? We were so desperate in those days, just for freedom..."


In a secret room of Brewster's family, five or six elves sit on the main seat, and Eliot sits on the main seat. The dancing candlelight makes his gloomy face look more frightening.

The people in the secret room were also solemn and silent, as if they were waiting for something.

"Patriarch, the killer has arrived. Do you want to start now?" An elf dressed in black came quickly into the door from the outside, half kneeling on the ground, respectfully.

Eliot grinned, not to know good from bad things, and unwilling to cancel the engagement. Vincent, if he had already appeared, he would have killed him.


The spirit answered, and got up and went out.

"Patriarch, a secret letter from high priest Helena." At this moment, an elf quickly ran into the door and presented a secret letter with the seal of the starry sky.

In the chamber of secrets, the elves looked at Eliot's secret letter one after another.

"Well?" Eliot received the secret letter, the magic seal on the envelope automatically lifted, and a black letter fell into Eliot's hands.

Eliot looked down at the letter. His face was cloudy and sunny. At last, he crumpled the letter into waste paper and turned it into powder in his hands.

The elves looked at each other. They didn't know anything and didn't dare to ask.

"The plan's off. Save his life." Elliott said in a low voice, with a strong reluctance.


"This Nezha, we have to start with the Hunyuan pearl bred by heaven and earth..."

The story of megnezha has not been finished yet. The two little guys have fallen asleep in his arms, and the ugly duckling is sleeping with his feet.

McGonagall laughed helplessly, got up carefully, laid the two little guys flat, covered the quilt, and threw the ugly duckling among them.

"Come to my room." Irina stood at the door, said, and turned away.

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