Beautiful things happen every day. For example, when you wake up, there are two lovely elves in your arms.

Life was complete in a flash~~

"Well? Isn't that right? "

McGonagall looked down at Amy, who was staring at him with big blue eyes, and didn't know when he was in the arms of his other hand.

"Father, you're really going too far. You came to sleep with your mother secretly, but you left me behind. Am I not your most precious baby?" Amy said with an aggrieved face.

"How can..." McGonagall's expression was slightly embarrassed, but he was caught unexpectedly.

"Said, is this spend your money, live in your room, but also to your arms drill cute important, or I important?" Irina didn't know when she opened her eyes, looked at MEG and asked with a smile.

"It's the children who make the choice. It's all important to me." MEG grabbed Amy and Elena and said with a smile.

"Hum, no matter, Xiaomi is not happy. It takes a lot of delicious food to coax a good one." Amy snorted, unmoved.

"Well, well, it's my father's fault. My father gets up to make delicious food for Xiaomi, and says," what do you want to eat? My father will make it for you this morning. " McGonagall got up with a smile and straightened out a bit of a mess.

"I want to eat..." Amy thought seriously for a while and said: "fried dough sticks, soybean milk, Jiaohua chicken, and... Durian pizza!"

"Well, father, I'll do it for you." MEG grinned, rubbed Amy's hair, looked at Elena tenderly and said, "well, I'll make breakfast for you."

"I want something delicious, too." Irina looked at MEG with a certain irresistible tone, but her expression was a little cute, which was different from the Queen's temperament in the past.

"All right, I'll do it for you." MEG nodded with a smile and walked out the door.

As soon as she got to the door, she saw Anna coming out of the next room barefoot with the ugly duckling. When she saw MEG, she said strangely, "Uncle MEG, have you seen Amy?"

"Amy is in the next room. She is hungry, so she got up early and asked me to make breakfast for her." Meg said with a smile.

"Oh, so it is." Anna nodded, looked down at the next room, and then said curiously, "did Uncle McGonagall sleep next door last night? Where does Princess Irina sleep? "

"Ah..." McGonagall's eyes flashed a little nervous. The little girl asked a sharp question, "I didn't sleep next door. I sleep in the study. Amy asked Princess Elena to go."

"Oh, you went together." Anna nodded thoughtfully.

"Does Anna have anything to eat in the morning?" MEG stooped to pick up the little shoes at the door, squatted down to help Anna put them on, and asked with a smile.

"I... I'll eat whatever you eat. Everything uncle McGonagall makes is delicious." Anna said with a sweet smile.

"The little guy's mouth was smeared with honey in the morning." MEG grinned, rubbed Anna's hair and turned down the stairs.

Anna, holding the duckling behind MEG, whispered, "Uncle MEG, may I ask you a question?"

"Well?" MEG stops at the kitchen door and looks back at Anna.

"Do you know why brother bloom left?" Anna looks at McGonagall puzzled. It's clear that Princess Irina is in the McMillan restaurant now. Why does he have to go?

"Anna, adults will always be busy for a period of time. He will come back when he has finished his work." MEG comforted.

According to the news from the grey temple, the club should be preparing to marry Sally. This political marriage based on the rise and fall of the two families is completely different from the situation when they made the engagement.

However, when the Brewster family chose to break the engagement, Sally, who can already be called the new fairy princess, chose to insist and asked to announce the engagement in public at the ceremony.

McGonagall didn't believe that there was an unforgettable love between them.

Sally chose to continue this engagement, more should be in order to protect the babili family and bloom.

It is also a political engagement, but it has deviated from the original intention of the two families.

MEG didn't know how to explain these things to Anna. Since bloom chose to hide them, he had no reason to expose them.

"Well." Na's eyes darkened and she nodded gently.

"Just now Amy said that she wanted to eat durian pizza. Would Anna like to try durian without pizza?" Asked MEG.

"No roasted Durian?" Anna's eyes brightened with curiosity.

"Yes, durian is actually a kind of fruit, which can be eaten without roasting." MEG nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Anna put the ugly duckling on the ground and walked into the kitchen. She was really curious about what the delicious durian looked like and what it would taste like before it was made into a delicious pizza.

The ugly duckling came forward and wagged his tail to McGonagall. The little master was not here. This is a very good opportunity. We must take advantage of this opportunity to give more, or we will be punished for running again.

MEG took out a smaller durian from the refrigerator, and the fragrance of durian suddenly came out.

"Meow!" The ugly duckling's whole body hair suddenly burst, and then rushed out of the kitchen, staring at Meg's hand durian, how is the flavor of Yazi!

"It smells good." Anna is a bright eyes, surprised at Meg's hands that like a hedgehog durian.

MEG put the durian on the stage and broke it off from the crack, revealing a tooth full of durian meat. The full pulp looked very attractive, and the durian flavor in the air became a bit strong. MEG took a small plate, then took out a piece of durian meat and handed it to Anna with a small spoon, and said with a smile: "eat it."

"Thank you, uncle McGonagall." Anna took the plate, then scooped a spoonful of durian meat with a spoon. She could feel the delicate touch and feed it to her mouth.

The slightly cold durian has a smooth taste like ice cream, and its unique sweetness is perfectly displayed in the pure pulp.

Like a naughty child, jumping between the teeth, and then blooming out of the amazing delicious.

Anna's face showed a happy smile, not made of durian pizza, the same surprise.

"It smells good." Amy didn't know when to come down the stairs and jumped into the kitchen. Her eyes fell on the durian in Anna's hand. She stepped forward with small steps and said, "little sister Anna, can you give me a bite? Just a SIP is enough. "

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