After a big breakfast, MEG takes Amy and Anna to the ice cream shop, asks MIA to take care of them for a day, and then returns to the restaurant.

"Ready to go, right?" Irina asked, looking at MEG.

"Yes, when I go upstairs and change." McGonagall nodded, hurried upstairs, and put on all the gear, including the mask.

"Let's go." Irina grabs Meg's hand and the green light flashes under her feet. They disappear into the dining room.


One of the elves walked quickly into the star cave, looked respectfully at Helena standing on the high platform and said, "high priest, the array is ready. As long as Elena and Alex dare to come, we will be able to catch or kill them."

"Don't take it lightly. We wind forest has been watched by everyone once. I don't want the same thing to happen again." Helena said coldly.

"Yes The spirit bowed out of the cave.

Helena looked up at the biggest star in the starry sky with uncertain light and shade, and whispered to herself, "Your Majesty, I'm also helpless. For the future of the elves, I have to do this. Those guys who try to destroy all this we have established, all of them should die..."

In the forest of the wind, the nobles, dressed in costumes and in luxurious chariots, went to the square of life.

Today is the sealing ceremony of the new fairy princess. A ceremony will be held in the life square in front of the tree of life. Sally will be blessed and recognized by the tree of life.

After Princess Irina was abandoned, there was no princess in the wind forest, so it was a very important thing for the wind forest. Almost all the elves knew about it, but only the nobles were qualified to attend the ceremony. Servants and slaves were kept at home to continue their work, and ordinary Elves were blocked out of the ceremony area, so they were not qualified to watch the ceremony.

However, although ordinary elves are not qualified to observe the ceremony of sealing the princess of the elves, they can watch the execution of more than 100 elves who are considered traitors. Xingtai was set up outside the blockade area.

The elves, who are called traitors, are locked up in iron cages with heavy iron chains on their hands and feet. There are countless wounds on their bodies, big and small, which are the scars left by torture and flogging.

But there was no fear in the faces and eyes of the elves. They were like silent stones, trapped in the iron cage, looking at the people outside the iron cage with firm eyes.

The elves outside the cage also silently looked at the people in the cage and the black iron railings. In a trance, they could not even tell whether they were in the cage or outside the cage.

"Mother, why are they in a cage? Are they bad people? " A little boy asked in a low voice, pulling at her mother's clothes.

"No, they're just looking for freedom." The young elf shook his head and whispered.

"Freedom? What's that? " The little boy asked curiously.

"Shh." The young mother covered her child's mouth and looked around nervously to make sure that the elves around her didn't notice them. Then she whispered: "it's something that can't be said."

"Oh." The little boy nodded his head, although he didn't understand why his mother was so nervous, it must be a very terrible thing, and these elves would be locked up.

The grand ceremony is being prepared, and the new princess is about to take over the throne. However, there is not much festive atmosphere in the wind forest, but some tension.

The elves who are in charge of the guard have put their bows and arrows on the string, and some of them stare at the ordinary elves who are watching nervously.

The whole forest, undercurrent surging.

"The order has been confirmed. At today's ceremony, Sally will announce your engagement with her, which means that you may become the Queen's husband in the future and have a noble status in the wind forest." On the luxurious chariot, Vincent said, looking at bloom, who was sitting in the opposite suit.

"Hundreds of Night Elves will die at the same time." Bloom raised a corner of the car curtain and looked out. The ordinary Elves were stopped outside the square. He looked sad and sarcastic and said, "when I was young, I heard my grandmother say that in order to protect the tree of life, countless elves died here. Later, I built the square of life. I don't know if the descendants of the elves who won the final victory with their lives were stopped outside, and they didn't even have the qualification to enter the square. "

Vincent didn't seem to hear Bloom's words. He continued: "the family of Beverly will be given a special status because of you, and will be protected by the princess. In this case..."

"You know what I might do." Bloom put down the curtain and looked into Vincent's eyes.

Vincent was silent for a moment, raised his eyes to Bloom's eyes, and showed a sad smile: "do you want to use another way to let the family of babili leave a name in the history of the elves?"


"Miss Sally, Lord Eliot is outside. He wants to see you. Do you see?" An elf walks into the gorgeous palace and looks at Sally who is dressing up.

"No see." Sally looked at herself in the mirror and replied coldly.

The genie opened his mouth slightly, closed his mouth, answered, quickly turned and left, went out of the door, looked at Eliot standing outside the door and said, "Mr. Eliot, Miss Sally is dressing. It's inconvenient to see you. If you need to find her, please find her after the ceremony."

"This guy..." Eliot's forehead was blue and blue. Unexpectedly, Sally dared to hang him out of the door. She didn't even see him. Looking at the gorgeous gate of the new princess mansion and the Elven soldiers standing in front of it, she forced down her anger and showed an indifferent expression: "yes, she's really busy now, Then I'll find her after the ceremony. "

"Patriarch, miss, what should I do now if I don't see you?" The genie behind Eliot asked softly, looking a little nervous.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do today, but I've heard that Vincent's little son has been weak since he was a child, and it's not surprising that he will suddenly die of a disease or something?" Eliot sneered.

"Not strange, not strange!" The ELF's eyes brightened and nodded.


"I can send it directly to the tree of life, and the outside affairs will be left to you." Griffins are falling quietly outside the wind forest. Irina looks at MEG and says that a green transmission magic array appears at her feet.

"Good." MEG nodded and watched Elena leave. He patted the Griffin on the neck and said, "ah Zi, it's up to us next."

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