"Comrades, last night I received a secret letter from the royal highness of the princess. Our dormant opportunity finally arrived. Those nobles took the best soldiers in the territory, locked servants and slaves into the dungeon, and we broke through the dungeons, rescued the detained brothers and sisters, and released the territory."

In a dark cellar, one of the elves looked at the young faces in the presence, and his voice was a little excited.

"Free the land, free the slaves!" The elves lowered their voice and said, with the same look of excitement, and clenched their weapons and magic wands.

"The encyclopedia is about to begin. It's time for us to act. The royal highness of the princess and all the arrested brothers will delay the action time for us, and the things in the territory can only rely on ourselves." The spirit slowly pulled out his sword, and then said in a low voice, "for freedom!"

"For freedom." The elves also stood up, raised their weapons, followed the leading elves to leave the cellar, and began to move.

The same thing is happening in the big and small territory of the wind forest. The elves who have gained the freedom of belief, under the call of the night elves, began to concentrate, then took up arms, attacked the dungeons blocked by layers, and started the emancipation movement.

Among them are the elves at the bottom, the noble elves deeply inspired, and the territory guard elves.

The elves guarding the dungeon are captured or killed, and many choose to join them after they know what the elves are coming for.

The chains of the dungeon were broken, and the slaves and servants who were held in the dungeon were rescued, opening the heavy chains on their hands and feet.

"You are free!" The night elves looked at the elves who were still a little confused and cheered.

"Freedom There was a light in the eyes of those numb spirits. They seemed to understand something, and their expressions were gradually excited.

"Now we are going to leave here, leave the forest of wind, go south and go to the city of chaos. Princess Irina has built a base there, and we will have a free life there." The leading night elf said, leading the slaves and elves out of the cellar, taking the ordinary elves and elves who volunteered to join the guard, opening the noble stables and the Warcraft garden, riding or driving the Warcraft toward the south.

The Elven guards who tried to resist were killed or captured and put into dungeons.

Black smoke rises everywhere in the wind forest. It's a signal for help from the noble territory. It's like a big fire burning all over the wind forest. It has spread to every place and is burning.

"It seems that penetration is very successful, very spectacular picture." McGonagall sat on a Zi's back, overlooking the forest of the wind which was lit in the sky, with a smile on his face.

The performance of the night elf was completely beyond his expectation. He had been flying over several elf territories before, but he didn't find the chance to fight.

Because the night elves have successfully rescued the slaves, and opened the noble stables, with the slaves on the road of the long march.

Good execution, as well as the compassion of ordinary elves, make the action more smooth than expected.

At the same time, in front of the square of life, the sealing ceremony has officially started.

The Elven nobles in gorgeous costumes stood in the square according to their status. The patriarchs of the eight families stood in the front, and Eliot in the middle.

Everyone knows that from today on, the Brewster family will become the most respected family in the wind forest.

Vincent is standing in the corner, and the family is also the focus of today's ceremony. However, the eyes of the elves don't stay much on Vincent, but fall on bloom standing beside him.

Today, in a water blue robe, Brunel makes her cool and handsome look even more outstanding. Even among the high-value elves, there is still a feeling of standing out from the rest of the world, which makes many noble girls open their eyes and can't help peeping.

No one thought that the third young master of the Beverly family, who was rumored to be not very good outside, was so handsome. Besides, like Miss Sally, he had the strength of level 7, which showed that he had great talent.

Originally, I thought that the toad of the Bebe family wanted to eat swan meat, and deliberately relied on the spirit of the Brewster family and miss Sally. This would be a bit more careful. Maybe our princess Sally really likes this young master bloom?

Bluer stood there with a cold look, but he could not hide his anxiety. Last night, he also received a letter from the city of chaos.

Very bold action, but also very in line with the character of Princess Elena.

The comrades of the night elves should have been in action. After the elite were transferred here to guard the ceremony, the families were very empty, and the action may really be successful.

Once the emancipation of slaves is successful, it will definitely be a drastic action for the elves.

There will be a huge change in the existing structure, which is equivalent to directly pulling out the bottom of the exploited class. How should the elf nobles who have lost their slaves deal with themselves? For the rulers, it is definitely a problem.

He can't do anything now. Once his identity is revealed, the whole family of the Beverly family will die for him.

However, looking at those who are still talking and laughing, showing off their gorgeous clothes, or how many slaves and servants they have, Bloom's eyes are a bit cold and sarcastic. All this will disappear. I hope these guys will not look too ugly when they fall into the cloud.


A melodious bell rings, and the square of life gradually quiets down.

The light on the terrace of the tree of life glimpse, Helena appears on the terrace, and looks down at the elves of the elves below, and the voice calms down: "today, I will preside over the Queen's Majesty's princess, and formally seal up Sally as the new princess of the Elven princess."

At first light, the white jade chariot pulled by nine pure white unicorns stopped in front of the square. Wearing a gorgeous silver dress, Sally came out. Her eyes swept over the elves on the spot and fell on bloom. After a slight pause, she took it back and walked down the white jade stone steps slowly, with a dignified manner towards the high platform.

"It's worthy of being chosen by the high priest. Princess Sally looks like a queen!"

"We elves finally have our own princess, which is really good news!"

The elf looked at Sally with a look of fanaticism.

Helena looks at Sally with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth. The regret that she can't control Elena will become history. She will make Sally the queen in her imagination and make the elves move towards a stronger future.

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