Music sounded, the elves look fanatically at step by step on the stage of Sally.

They are witnessing the history of the elves. The new elves princess is about to ascend the throne, and she may become the new queen in the future.

However, most of the elves have forgotten that this music once resounded over the windy forest during the war and was known as the voice of freedom.

Thousands of branches of the tree of life swing gently, as if in memory of the past years.

Eliot's eyes twinkle with excitement. Every step of Sally's climbing means that the status of the Brewster family has improved one step. Among the eight families, the status of the Brewster family will be truly detached as Sally becomes an elf princess.

Vincent glanced at bloom with a mixed look and a sense of guilt.

Sally finally got on the stage and stood at the same height with Helena. Looking at the stage, she looked calm without any ecstasy about becoming an elf princess, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

Helena looks at Sally with satisfaction. Although Sally's strength and talent are deficient compared with Elena's, her aura and mentality are far beyond her peers, which is the reason why she chooses Sally.

She doesn't have much time left, but it's enough to make Sally the real queen of elves.

As for Eliot, there is a trace of irony in Helena's eyes. No one can control the fairy queen. She can't, and Eliot is even more impossible. However, the existence of him and the Brewster family can make it easier for Sally to control the major families.

Helena emptily raised her hands, and the elves immediately calmed down. Then she said, "Your Majesty is closed, but the princess of our elves can't be empty. So today, on behalf of her majesty, I preside over the ceremony of sealing up Sally as a new elves princess under the witness of the tree of life!"

The elves look at Sally with burning eyes. Elena tries to overthrow the elves' system and turn them into the dust.

Now, they are about to have a new princess, who will lead them to continue their glory and enjoy their lofty status.

"After the princess takes over the throne, she will order to hang all the traitors who try to subvert the wind forest, express our determination to defend the ruling authority, and warn those who are bewitched that those who resist meaninglessly will only lead to death, and will not bring any change." Helena's eyes swept over the faces of the elves under the stage, and said in a cold voice, full of warning.

Some of the elves had pity in their eyes, others were a little frightened to avoid Helena's eyes, and more of them had fanaticism and joy in their eyes.

Everyone knows that the night elves who join in the darkness will die today, but I didn't expect that this order would be given by Sally.

Helena's eyes stopped on bloom.

Bloom also did not dodge eyes, calm with Helena, no pity, no joy, seems to have no response to Helena's words.

Helena's eyes flashed a bit of surprise. She had inspected all the young people of the elves. She didn't pay much attention to the third young master of the Beverly family, who was not very well-known. It was also because Sally asked to renew her engagement that she understood. Now it seems that he surprised her more than the reports she got.

"If he can be obedient, it's also a choice to let him become the male elf behind the queen. No one among the young elves is worthy of Sally." Helena was thoughtful.

When Sally heard Helena's words, she moved her fingers. Although her face was still calm, she could see that her heart was not calm.

Helena looked at Sally and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "the alternation of power is inevitable. If you want to get the awe and support of these guys, you have to tell them that you are on their side and show enough iron and determination."

Sally looked at her and didn't answer.

Helena doesn't care, holding her right hand empty, a silver light gradually condenses on her palm, a silver crown appears on her palm, emitting a dazzling silver light.

The music stopped suddenly, and the square became quiet. The elves looked up at the silver crown, their eyes gradually respected.

The queen wears a gold crown, while the silver crown belongs to the princess.

After wearing the silver crown, it means that Sally will officially become a new fairy princess, with a noble identity next only to her Majesty the queen.

"Sally, come forward." Helena looked at Sally and said.

Sally looked at the floating silver crown, hesitated, or walked slowly to Helena.

"Sally, would you like to be the princess of the elves, guarding the forest of the wind and all the people of the elves?" Helena looked into Sally's eyes and asked aloud.

Her voice spread all over the square of life, and even the elves watching the ceremony could hear it clearly.

All the elves held their breath and fixed their eyes on Sally, waiting for the historic moment to come.

Sally looked at Helena, silent for half a moment, eyes gradually firm, solemnly nodded: "I am willing to protect the wind forest, protect all the people of the elves!"

Her voice also spread all over the forest of the wind, especially the last four words.

"Very well, then I will, on behalf of her majesty, make you the princess of the elves and take on the responsibility of guarding the elves." Helena nodded slightly, holding the silver crown in her solemn hands, and put it on Sally's head.

The silver crown is shining in the sun.

Sally in a silver dress, standing on the high platform, seems to have a bit more noble Queen temperament. In a trance, the elves seem to see the shadow of Elena on her.

"Princess Sally!"

"Royal highness of Princess Sally!"

The elves in the square half knelt down, saluted Sally, and cheered.

They witnessed a historic moment, and after Irina had turned against the forest of wind, they had a new Royal Highness, a princess standing on their side.

Most of the elves in the square have happy smiles on their faces, which is in line with their expected development. In the years to come, they and their descendants will continue to rule this forest and enjoy a high status.

As soon as Helena raised her hand, the square gradually quieted down. The elves slowly stood up and focused their eyes on the tree of life behind the high platform.

Every fairy princess will get the blessing of the tree of life, the protection of the tree of life, and the improvement of her strength.

"The great God of life, your sincere believer and servant, pray for your witness to let the tree of life recognize Sally's identity and become her companion tree." Helena half knelt in front of the tree of life, praying devoutly.

"Do you deserve it?"

A voice of mockery sounded from the direction of the tree of life.

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