
All the elves looked up and looked at Elena who didn't know when she would appear on the crown of the tree of life. Her expression was dramatic.

Sally looked up in surprise, but soon her face changed. She was nervous when she thought of all the calculations Helena might have arranged.

"The royal highness of the princess is still coming..." Blair looked up and looked at Irina, still floating in a white skirt, with a smile on her lips.

This is the princess Irina he knows. Even if the whole world knows that this is a situation against her, as long as it's something she thinks, she will appear.

She can't just sit by and watch the night elves be publicly executed, so she's here.

It seems unreasonable, but in fact it is reasonable.

"It's better to leave a magnificent name in history than to live in a low voice, isn't it?" Blull whispered slightly.

Vincent's pupils suddenly shrunk, his body tensed unconsciously, looking at the determined side face of bloom and the Irina standing on the top of the tree, he was silent for a while, and suddenly showed a smile, "very good."

Bloom turned his head, looked at Vincent and said solemnly, "father."

"Well." Vincent just gave a low reply.

"Damn it, Elena, you're going to come out again and ruin our good deeds." Eliot looked at Elena with gnashing teeth, waved, and several elves left quickly.

The elves in the square looked at Elena with fear and disgust. There were also many young elves with light in their eyes, even a little fanatical.

Irina, standing on the tree crown, glanced over Helena, who was half kneeling on the ground, and the elves in the square, and said sarcastically, "do you deserve to call yourself a sincere believer of the God of life? The revelation of the God of life to you is to enslave your people? Or do you wantonly deprive your people of their lives? "

Elena's voice clearly reverberated in the square of life, and also spread to the outside of the square, clearly into the ears of the elves who were stopped outside the square, and those night elves who were locked in the iron cage.

Many elves hung their heads in shame and did not dare to look directly at Elena's eyes.

Some elves look at Elena resentfully. She is like a troublemaker, trying to overthrow everything they have.

"Princess Elena... Is she here?" The elves stopped outside the square are full of surprise and look towards the tree of life. Although she has been removed from the identity of Princess and even branded as a rebel, in the eyes of most elves, Elena still has an irreplaceable position.

The freedom advocated by the night elves has indeed spread rapidly in the wind forest. Although most of the elves hold the idea of keeping a distance, when they hear Elena's words and look at the elves imprisoned in the iron cage, they have more pity and sympathy in their eyes.

"Your Highness is coming!" The night elves who were locked in the iron cage finally had a change of expression on their faces. Their eyes seemed to suddenly have a light, and they all turned back to the direction of the tree of life.

They have not been abandoned, even if the danger is heavy, her royal highness is still here.

Elaine, the former princess, appeared at the ceremony of the new fairy princess. How to carry out the ceremony has become the concern of all the elves.

"Elena, you did come." Helena stood up slowly and looked up at Elena. There was no surprise in her eyes, but her expression was very cold.

"The whole world knows that I'm coming. If I don't, won't I disappoint the world?" Irina looked at Helena with a big smile.

"Then you should know what happens when you show up here." Helena raised her hand, and the complicated array lit up with the tree of life as the center, forming a series of barriers, which enveloped Elena and the tree of life at the same time.

The level 10 masters of the eight families appeared outside the array, holding weapons and mage's staff in their hands, looking at Elena nervously.

More high-level spirit magicians appeared outside the array, holding the wand in their hands, aiming at Elena standing on the tree of life, with the same nervous look.

In order to aim at Irina, the elves almost put out their power to raise the family. Such a situation has never appeared in the elves, except for the last siege of the grottoes.

Looking at this scene, the Elves were surprised by the arrangement of high priest Helena.

Is this ceremony of seal up an ambush against Elena from the very beginning?

Among the elves present, the young elves, who have been deeply influenced by freedom, are nervous one after another. They begin to gather in the chaos and make eye contact, trying to do something.

Irina looked at Helena with a light smile and said, "Helena, you really don't have any confidence in yourself. In order to deal with me, you almost used your power to lift the family. It's not a huge loss to lose my elf family. Are you not afraid that the Elves will be shamed because of you? "

Many elves smell words, aim at the Sorcerer's staff of Irina to subconsciously draw down a bit, there is a bit of shame in the expression.

Those level 10 elves who have been famous for a long time also have some evasive eyes. The battle of the grottoes has made them lose face. If the siege today is spread out again, their face of the Elves will be lost in the mainland.

"Besides, are you so confident that you can kill me?" Irina smiles and raises her wand. The tree of life suddenly glows with green light. The gentle branches begin to rise slowly. Then, like a green whirlwind, they surround her feet. The green light twines around her body, as if she were covered with green armor, And formed a green crown over her head.

"Princess Elena!"

"Princess Irina is the Royal Highness recognized by the God of life!"

"Only freedom is the belief of the spirit and the revelation of the God of life!"

The night elves in the cage loud voice, eyes have a fanatical color.

"My people, the cage and shackles can not prevent us from pursuing freedom. The God of life has given us the ability and talent to be close to nature, and has given us the power of life to bring warmth to the world. I hope you can all find the true faith in life and truly understand what freedom is." Elena said solemnly, then raised her wand and read: "God of life, please give me strength to clear away all the darkness and shackles, and let your people be free again!"

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