A large number of vitality gushed from the tree of life, poured into Elena's body, and expanded in all directions.

The layers of array barriers shrouded in the tree of life begin to fluctuate violently, and then they are broken, which makes them vulnerable to a huge amount of vitality.

Irina's wand emits a dazzling green light, just like a green fairy standing on the crown of the tree. The frightening energy is gathering in the wand.

The elves looked at this scene and became nervous. The Holy tree of life was obviously still standing on Elena's side. The great power of life proved that the God of life was still caring for her, which made the elves hesitated and didn't know if they should do it.

Looking at the broken array, Helena cheered coldly: "Irina rebelled against the elves, colluded with the foreigners, and intended to subvert the wind forest. As a high priest, I order you to kill her in the local area!"

"But high priest, after all, the Holy tree of life is under Elena. If we join hands, I'm afraid we will hurt the tree." One of the elves said in a voice.

The elves also look at Helena one after another, which is what they fear. The tree of life is the symbol of the elves, and it is also the only medium linking the elves and the God of life. If the tree of life is affected in the battle, no one dares to take such responsibility.

"Can you hurt the Holy tree of life? Elena has confused the Holy tree of life and the God of life. To kill it today and return the forest of wind to peace is what we should do as believers of the God of life." Helena looked at Elena and cheered coldly.

The ten level wizard held up his wand and chanted a mantra. The wand twinkled with various lights and aimed at Elena.

The other elves, though somewhat hesitant, raised their wands and bows one after another and aimed at Irina.

The elves in the square were in a little commotion. The sudden appearance of Elena disrupted the ceremony, and the impending battle made the elves avoid it.

In the battle of the level 10 strong, any aftereffect can make them peel off a layer of skin, so many elves begin to run in the opposite direction, trying to run out of the center of the battlefield.

There are also many elves looking at Elena with complicated expressions. During her years as Princess of elves, elves have placed too much expectation and feelings on her. They all think that she will replace her majesty one day and continue to guard the wind forest.

But no one thought that one day she would stand on the opposite side and become the so-called rebel leader.

The Night Elves were born in the sky, and their own flag, like a sharp blade, tore apart the elves. Not only the elves and slaves at the bottom, but even among the nobles, many people had self doubt, and even joined the night elves' camp secretly.

So, when all of us shrink back, some of us choose to stay and even go retrograde.

"Protect the tree of life!"

"You can't hurt the tree of life!"

The ordinary elves blocked outside the square began to try to attack the blockade line and push the soldiers who blocked them. If freedom is a belief forgotten by many elves, then the God of life and the Holy tree of life are the belief that elves cannot blaspheme.

"The Holy tree of life has only great vitality, and it has no defensive ability. We paid such a heavy price to protect it. If we attack it today, we will destroy it and make a decision to connect with the God of life. The Elves will lose their faith and shelter forever. High priests, please be careful Sally step forward, looking at Helena and the Elven experts said aloud.

"This..." the elves experts heard the words, and the action in their hands also stopped for a few minutes.

The loss of the protection of the God of life is something that no elf can afford and is unwilling to do.

What's more, Sally, who is about to become the new fairy princess, has added a lot of weight.

Helena takes a deep look at Sally.

Sally's eyes did not dodge, looking at her anxiously.

Irina looked at Helena and said coldly, "Helena, release all the night elves. I'll take them away. Today's business is over. But if you insist on fighting with me, I wonder if you, the high priest, can really afford to let the elves lose the protection of the God of life? How can you explain to her majesty when she goes out of the gate? "

"I've never been threatened." Helena said in a cold voice.

"It's wolf smoke for help!"

"There's smoke everywhere!"

"Is it alien invasion?"

At this time, the elves in the square finally found the black smoke rising from all parts of the wind forest. Because it was too dense, it was like the whole forest suddenly caught fire. The elves immediately fell into panic.

Bloom looked at the smoke, raised the wand and slowly put it down. There was a glimmer of joy in his eyes. The princess did not disappoint everyone. It seems that he may not be needed today.

Retrograde elves also stop one after another, looking at this scene in surprise, thinking of some things, eyes with the color of excitement shining.

An elf in a black robe appeared beside Helena. She said a few words in a soft voice, and Helena's face suddenly sank.

The worst thing happened. She besieged Elena and Alex who was expected to appear at the same time with the help of her family. Unexpectedly, she stepped into Elena's calculation.

Irina also saw the smoke rising from all over the place, and a smile appeared on her lips. She said in a loud voice, "there are no slaves in the elves. The queen also ordered the abolition of slavery and the freedom of all elves. But you seem to have completely ignored the Queen's words, and continue to enslave the people even more after her closure. Today, I have liberated all slaves and set them free. If anyone dares to stop them, it is a blatant disobedience. "

The nobles and elves on the scene changed color and resisted the charge, but no one was willing to bear it. But this time, they were all in a tense territory. What was happening at this time, and they were used to being served. If they suddenly lost all their slaves and servants, would they accept it.

"Kill her, then catch all those who are trying to subvert and resist, and hang them!" Helena's voice is cold, and her crystal ball is held high above her head. The starry sky instantly covers Elena and the tree of life. As night falls, the stars change.


"F key load tank."

At the same time, McGonagall drove the mobile dining room in the form of a giant tank and ran over a group of elves trying to chase the slave elves.

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