The ability to change into any shape is one of the hallmarks of the mobile restaurant. McGonagall also tried to turn it into a tank for the first time. Unexpectedly, it was very easy to drive in this mountainous terrain.

What's more, the sudden appearance of the steel giant also surprised the elves in pursuit.

After confirming that the metallic Big Mac had come to stop them, the elves launched an attack on the tank.

However, magic and arrows burst into flames on the tank, but they couldn't leave any trace.

"This armor is so terrible Exclaimed the elf leader.

The elves looked at the steel beast that rolled towards them in horror. The sense of powerlessness and fear occupied their hearts, and the people turned into birds and beasts, where there was half the courage to pursue.

"The psychological quality of these elves seems to be weaker than imagined." MEG murmured as he watched the elves running away from the operating room.

"Host! You are in a rage! You are practicing the great invention of this system The angry voice of the system rang out in Meg's mind.

"System, is your tank an empty shelf? There are no buttons to launch shells. It's a little low? " McGonagall ignored the anger of the system, and looked for it on the operation interface, with some disdain.

"Any form of mobile restaurant can be used normally. The main gun range of this tank can reach 150 km, and the accuracy within 100 km is 100%!" The system is a little proud: "but the host does not have the permission to start the main gun, so the shooting button is hidden."

"Ha ha, it's useless to brag. It's useless to brag. It's really hard to brag. I'll play with ten shells at my own expense to see if it's as accurate as you brag." MEG didn't believe it.

"Host, please don't question any ingenuity system!"

"Ding! Ten shells have arrived! "

"Ding! One million copper coins have been deducted! "

McGonagall looked at a red button on the operation panel in front of him, and his mouth was slightly up, but he still disdained to say, "Oh, I'll see if it's really that interesting."

McGonagall drove the tank quickly up the side of the hillside. The five or six meter long dark main gun aimed at the direction of the tree of life. As the lookout mirror drew closer, all the Elven experts who surrounded the tree of life appeared in his sight.

Hundreds of elves surrounded the tree of life, and various arrays and magic barriers enveloped the tree of life and Elena. With more deception and less real hammering, all non fighters have evacuated.

"It's really shameless. Let's try it on you." McGonagall aimed the sight at Helena and pressed the ignition button.

"Bang --"

There was a loud noise, and the huge recoil force made the tank shake backward suddenly. A fireball burst at the muzzle of the gun barrel, and the shell flew towards Helena at a speed that was hard for the naked eye to track.

"Krasu?" Holding the crystal ball high, Helena, who is trying her best to launch the star field against Irina, suddenly turns back. A red fireball flies in at a very fast speed. As soon as her pupil shrinks, she raises her hand and forms several defensive barriers in front of her body.


At the moment of the formation of the border, the fireball also arrived almost at the same time, and suddenly hit the border. The rotating spiral tip actually penetrated three borders one after another, and then exploded.

A huge fireball blasted into the sky. The huge power of the explosion blasted on the star field from the outside, making the originally stable star field shake violently and showing signs of instability.

And the aftershock of the explosion, from other directions, blew up the spirits who were almost unprepared, and almost emptied the spirits in one direction.

Before the elves could react, the two fireballs exploded around the elves again. The elves fell from the sky like dumplings, and the siege formation was no longer there.

At this time, a holy light tears the night and lights up the tree of life again. The great power of life turns into her power and rushes away towards the surrounding elves, causing heavy damage to the elves.

McGonagall looked back from the chaotic battlefield and looked at the elves who had begun to rush everywhere. They should be the bottom elves who were ordered to suppress and capture the resistance.

So, he turned the barrel, aimed at some of the more numerous elves, and pressed the launch button.

"Well, are the tanks produced by this system super powerful in power and accuracy?" The sound of the system sounded a little triumphantly.

"It's just so so. There's no fun." McGonagall said with a calm face, put away the mobile restaurant, and then blew a whistle, purple fell from the sky.

McGonagall jumped on ah Zi's back, held down the Tiandu sword on his waist, patted ah Zi's back and said, "ah Zi, it's our turn to come on stage. The posture should be more handsome."

"Ouch --"

Ah Zi raised her hair and let out a long cry, which almost spread all over the wind forest. All the Warcraft were silent almost at the same time, and the whole forest was one of them.

Hearing this cry, the eyes of the Elves were a little frightened. This is the roar of the Griffin. At this time, the Griffin that will appear in the wind forest is only Alex's purple Griffin.

A man, finally!

After a round of firing, the fighting power of the elves who just concentrated attack from near the life square was basically destroyed by MEG, and the healing Elves were trying their best to save the dying and heal the wounded.

The huge wings of the purple Griffin glide over the wind forest. The elves who are chasing the runaway slaves subconsciously stop, while the elves who are trying to continue to chase are torn to pieces by the purple Griffin.

One man, one sword, one Griffin.

Hovering over the elves, it makes the elves dare not chase half a step. It has the momentum of one man at the gate and ten thousand at the gate.

On the other hand, with McGonagall breaking the deadlock and the powerful gain brought by the tree of life, Elena successfully drags down Helena and other elves, making them unable to get away.

The Elven slaves were released from the cellar, and then ran to the South with the elves who were united to freedom.

The noble horses and spirit beasts became their tools. The war broke out in the wind forest, including almost every apprentice. A large-scale escape from the wind forest is in progress.

Outside the square of life, the iron cage holding Night Elves was broken. The young elves knocked down the guard elves and left quickly with the tortured Night Elves on their back.

There are also some noble spirits, also taking advantage of the chaos, with their families to join the ranks of the south.

"A single spark has started a prairie fire." MEG looked at the scene and sighed softly.

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