"No, your helmet and brain." MEG walked over and helped her turn on the demist mode.

Looking at the big tree in front of her, Connie was embarrassed and said with an embarrassed smile, "OK, I'll take my helmet and brain to the party."

McGonagall looked at all the girls in down jacket, still felt a little strange, but it seems that it is not realistic for them to change into gorgeous banquet clothes again.

"I'm back!" Amy's voice rang from behind the crowd.

They all turned around and looked at Amy, who was wearing a mage's robe, and the two little tugs on her head were shaking slightly. She looked very cute.

"Wow, are you all wearing beautiful new clothes?" Amy's eyes brightened as she looked at the crowd. Then she turned to MEG and said, "father, do I have any new clothes? I want to wear the same clothes as everyone else. "

"Well, let's go in and change." MEG looks at Amy who is full of expectations and nods with a smile. Originally, he prepared a beautiful little dress for Amy, but now it seems that the attraction of the little dress is not as strong as the down jacket. Anyway, everyone is wearing down jacket. Let Amy also wear down jacket to join us.

What's more, it's a new product of Dailan after all. In this world, it's probably quite fashionable, isn't it?

After a while, Amy, who has changed into a set of purple blue short down jacket, jumps out of the door and joins the down jacket team. The light and round version, together with a white rabbit earmuff, looks very lovely.

"Come on, it's time for us to go." MEG raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost five o'clock. The three carriages that had been reserved in advance were waiting at the door.

"Father, where's sister Elena? Isn't she going to the party? " Amy and MEG got into the same carriage and looked at MEG.

"She must be very busy. After all, she is responsible for so many night elves." MEG smiles and shakes his head.

"All right." Amy is a little disappointed.

Except for Elena, Sheryl didn't come either.

That day, in the wind forest, he watched with his own eyes as Bloom's father, Vincent berberi, cut off Eliot's arm and was besieged to death by the elves.

But on the battlefield that day, McGonagall didn't see bloom, so he couldn't bring him back.

Anna's expression is also a little dignified, with a small hand chin, lift the curtain a very small seam, looking out of the window, do not know what to think.

"Anna, don't worry. Cheryl will come back. As usual, he will remember his appointment with you." McGonagall put his hand over Anna's head and said softly that the little guy had a sensitive heart that didn't fit her age.

"Well." Anna answered softly, but her expression didn't brighten up because of Meg's comfort.

"Little sister Anna, the ugly duckling can pinch for a while. When you are unhappy, pinch its soft face and it will get better." Amy put the duckling into Anna's arms and said with a smile.


The ugly duckling looks confused, so why not pinch him when he is not happy?

Anna reaches for the duckling's soft fat face and holds it warm in her hands. She pinches her two hands at the same time. The round face turns into a flat one. Then she rubs it and changes into a shape.

"How lovely Anna's face showed a smile, like holding a warm pot in general, and feel soft, so comfortable.

The ugly duckling stares at a pair of innocent big blue eyes. She is awed by Amy's pressure and can only let Anna play with her.

McGonagall looked at Anna, who was gradually cheerful because of her cat smile. She also showed a smile on her face. Sure enough, the children knew more about what they liked.


The square in front of the Aden chamber of Commerce building has been filled with all kinds of luxurious carriages. Today's year-end meeting has gathered almost all members of the Aden chamber of Commerce, and gathered all the leaders and bigwigs of the business community in the chaotic city.

Cyril, dressed in a luxurious red and black robe and a green hat with huge red gems, stood at the entrance of the hall to greet the merchants.

However, most of the people who can make Cyril take the initiative to say hello are the directors of the chamber of Commerce.

As for ordinary businessmen who see Cyril, they all come forward with a smile and want to be familiar, but most of them are ignored by Cyril.

The smile on Cyril's face could not be hidden. Today, if Gloria was removed from the board of directors, he would be the only successor of the Molton family.

And Bohr also promised that when he became the head of the Molton family, he would join hands with Harvey and let him become the president of Aden chamber of Commerce.

The three families joined hands, but Cyril was quite sure that Gloria would be removed.

As for the buffet family, he doesn't think Gloria can persuade the woman in hill to stand on her side.

Later, he became the patriarch and found another reason to take back Dai LAN. It's said that Gloria has expanded the factory again. It's only two or three months. Just selling clothes can make a profit of over one million a month. Everyone can see the future potential of this store.

Although this is only a drop in the bucket compared with the wealth of the Molton family, he just didn't want to see them live a good life without the Molton family. The slums in the north of the city are their best destination.

"Director of downhill." With a smile, Cyril reached out to shake hands with a bald middle-aged man, exchanged a few polite greetings, and then exchanged a clear look.

When Cyril and Donnell had exchanged greetings, he just saw MEG passing by with a group of beautiful women.

"Why is this guy here again?" Cyril frowned. At the last mid year's Congress, it was this guy who lost his face and mixed up with Gloria. Unexpectedly, he came again today. But he remembered that he had not joined the Aden chamber of Commerce and had claimed to subvert the Aden chamber of Commerce.

"Wow! How beautiful those girls are! The clothes are special. They look cool. "

"If I'm not wrong, the clothes they are wearing should be the new ones that have not been officially put on sale, right? It's like a down jacket

"My God! They actually got the pre-sale money! Haven't you started selling yet?! Are they Dai Lan's staff? "

"It's amazing! It feels super thin, but it looks very warm! "

Women's attention has been attracted by abelmia's down jacket. Among them, there are many loyal fans of dark blue. During this period, they are staring at the new winter clothes that will be released three days later. Unexpectedly, someone has already worn them at today's banquet, and they are still a group of beautiful girls.

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