All the eyes from the bets made everyone in the restaurant a little uncomfortable.

"Is there any makeup on my face? Why are so many people staring at me? " Abelmia blushed and asked Elizabeth in a low voice.

Elizabeth took a serious look at her face and said calmly, "no, it's fine."

Jane hid in the crowd, her head slightly lowered. It was terrible for her to be watched by so many people. She just wanted to hide.

Barbara has a calm face. She is used to the feeling of attention. It's just a small scene.

McGonagall walked in the front, holding a lovely little Lori in his left hand and a lovely little Lori in his right hand, followed by eight beautiful girls with windbreaker floating, walking out of the momentum of winning in life.

The waiter took McGonagall's invitation, carefully checked it, looked at Yingyan behind McGonagall, hesitated and said: "Sir, the invitation is right, but according to the rules, you can only take your family members to the banquet. You see you have so many people..." "yes, they are all family members. Is there a rule that no more than a few family members?" Meg said with a smile.

"This..." the waiter and the men around him took a cool breath, and their eyes changed again, which attracted the envy and hatred of many people.


The man looked at the beautiful girls, the pure fairy girls, the energetic half dragon people, the cold imperial sister dragon girls, the Sexy Mermaid girls... He couldn't help sighing.

And Mia and others listen to McGonagall's words, the expression is also slightly strange, as if there is something wrong?

"There is no such rule. Please come in." The waiter returned the invitation to McGonagall with a complicated expression.

"Thank you." MEG put away the invitation and was ready to move on.

"Wait a minute, can this lady take the unidentified object off her head? This may cause trouble for other guests. " The waiter noticed Connie in the crowd and reached out to stop them.

People's eyes fell on Connie one after another. She looked like a petite girl from her figure, but the strange thing on her head completely covered her whole head. Let alone her face, she couldn't even see her eyes. It was really strange.

"Do you know what this thing is on her head?" McGonagall beckoned for Connie to come up and look at the waiter.

"I don't know." The waiter shook his head.

"Did you know that the dress she was wearing was made of indigo, with a pre-sale price of more than 15000 coppers?" MEG then asked with a smile.

"An expensive dress." The waiter's attitude was more respectful.

"Do you know that the price of this latest headdress on her head is ten times that of this dress?" McGonagall continued.

"Ten times!" The waiter's throat rolled a little, and then looked at the helmet full of dark blue light, it seemed that it was shining a little.

"It looks cool. Where can I buy it?" A young man behind said to himself curiously.

"Is this the trend now? Wrap the whole head up? " A lady with all kinds of gold and gemstone hair ornaments looked at Connie's helmet thoughtfully, and kept it in mind. When she went back, she had to find someone to order one.

"Is there a requirement for the headdress at the party?" McGonagall continued.

"Distinguished guests, please come in." Service Ecology Degree humble slightly bow.

McGonagall nodded slightly and took the girls along the red carpet.

"If it's all family members, are we family?" Amy asked curiously.

The women's eyes looked at MEG one after another, with some examination, and some of them had vague expectations.

McGonagall grinned naturally and nodded, "yes, of course we're a family."

"Yes, that's great." Abemia said with a smile, "I also like the feeling of such a family."

Other faces also showed a smile, for McGonagall's answer, seems quite satisfied.

McGonagall was relieved. Although he wanted to go through the door, he wanted to praise his wit.

Through the corridor, people came to the large banquet hall, countless candlelight lit up the banquet hall, people gathered in small circles, chatting, the banquet has not yet started.

McGonagall took the girls to a slightly corner position. This kind of banquet is quite boring. If it wasn't for today's vote between Gloria and Cyril, he would not be interested in coming.

As he entered, he noticed Cyril standing outside. The green hat was so bright that it was hard to ignore him.

Compared with Gloria, Cyril is almost different from Gloria in other aspects besides being a man.

In this world, the idea of son preference is still deeply rooted. It is an example that hill can become the head of a big family.

But MEG was happy to see Gloria become the next head of the Molton family, not only because they were friends, but also because he was a little selfish.

Once Gloria becomes the head of the Molton family, whether hill or Cyril becomes the president of the Aden chamber of Commerce in the future, the Aden chamber of Commerce will become different from what it is now, which means that the curve has completed the flag he set at the beginning.

The girls were curious about the party, especially those who had never been to such a party, such as abemia, Gina, Jane and Rena.

Beautiful girls are always the most eye-catching presence at the banquet. Especially when beautiful girls get together, even if they stay in the corner, they will also become one of the focuses of the whole audience.

"Boss Mai, I didn't expect you to come, and all the beautiful ladies in the restaurant are here. Are you lucky to have the delicious food made by boss Mai tonight?" A sound came from the side.

McGonagall turned and looked at Robert, the president of the Food Association, who came with a glass of red wine. He said with a smile, "it's a coincidence that I met President Robert here. I just came here to sit down today, and I'm not in charge of catering."

"Well, that's a pity." Robert was a little sorry, but he didn't say much on this topic. He exchanged a few words with McGonagall and was taken away by other people who came to talk to him.

One after another, some restaurant regulars came to say hello to MEG. Mami restaurant is the most famous restaurant in the chaotic city. It's not surprising that members of Aden chamber of Commerce often come to the restaurant for dinner. After all, ordinary people can't afford to eat every day.

After Meg's permission, the girls also began to walk around the banquet hall. Amy took Anna to the buffet area and began to eat.

"I warn you that if you try to touch me with your dirty hands again, you will die awkwardly." A voice of indifference and boredom rang out from one side.

MEG looked back and saw Barbara looking coldly at a young man with yellow hair standing in front of her.

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