All of them gave way one after another. Gloria, who was wearing a blue evening dress, was still elegant and moving tonight.

The guards stopped, looked at Gloria, looked at Cyril, and silently retreated to their original position.

Cyril looked at the coming Gloria and frowned. He expected that MEG and them had something to do with Gloria. He wanted to embarrass them before she came, so that Gloria would lose face, but he didn't expect that she came so early.

The guests are also looking at Gloria. Everyone knows that the protagonists of this year-end meeting are Gloria and Cyril. The fight for the identity of the inheritors of the Morton family has become increasingly fierce, and they may win or lose tonight.

Now, it seems that the good play is coming on ahead of time.

Gloria came to Meg, nodded her head to him with some apology, then looked at Cyril and said, "Uncle Cyril, Mr. McGonagall and all the people in the Maimi restaurant are my guests. Please don't use the word thief to describe them. It will make you look unreasonable and arrogant."

The guests were quite clear that this gentleman was invited by Miss Gloria, so Cyril could explain to them.

"Oh, I'm unreasonable and arrogant? I think the so-called distinguished guests you invited are really arrogant. They dare to attack Roy, the son of vice president Harvey at the banquet. " Cyril looked at Gloria with a sneer and said aggressively, "Gloria, as a director of the chamber of Commerce, don't you even know the rules of the banquet? Didn't you examine the character of the guests before inviting them? I don't think you are a qualified director of the chamber of Commerce. "

Although hill has proved that the identity of a young woman does not represent ability, compared with hill, who has shown amazing talent since she was a child, Miss Gloria seems to be lacking in ability.

It is reported that a council meeting will be held at today's year-end meeting. Cyril has formally proposed to vote to remove Gloria from office, and the Council has agreed.

Now, some neutral directors began to seriously examine Gloria.

Most of the directors don't know about this young lady who has sprung up to compete with Cyril for the status of the successor of the Morton family. They only know that during this period, she seems to have founded a clothing store with good profits.

However, millions of income is nothing to them, and it is not enough to prove that she can afford to be the director of Aden chamber of Commerce and the successor of the Morton family.

"Mr. McGonagall is the owner and chef of the Maimi restaurant. He once won the honor of best chef at the Palace Banquet of the king of the Los empire. With his own efforts, he greatly promoted the catering status of the chaotic city in the world's major cities. He insisted on providing free breakfast for cleaners every day and spent a lot of money to support poor children's enrollment, Is there anything wrong with the character of such a kind and gentlemanly man? " Gloria's eyes fell on Roy, who was still sitting on the ground. Her voice raised a few points and said, "as for Roy, the son of vice president Harvey, what's his reputation and character? All the guests must have heard about him. If the entrance of the year-end meeting is set with a moral threshold, he should be the first one who can't enter, right?"

"You... You talk nonsense!" Cried Roy, looking angrily at Gloria.

"A few days ago, I heard that someone ran into a pregnant woman in the city, causing the other party to have a miscarriage. Later, he compensated a large sum of money and threatened to suppress the matter, instead of going to the temple of ashes." Gloria looked at Roy and said.

"And that?"

The faces of the guests all changed. It's a rule that horses are not allowed to run into the city gate. It's even more a crime in the eyes of the guests to bump into a pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry. Although Gloria didn't name her, does it really have something to do with Roy?

"Why?" McGonagall, who hasn't spoken since Gloria appeared, looks at Gloria in surprise. The girl seems to have come prepared.

"This..." Cyril's face also changed slightly, and he looked at the Harvey and his son with an uncertain look. He had not heard about this before.

Roy's face changed, and he faltered and said, "that's... That's her wandering in the street. I just..."

"Shut up Harvey slapped him in the face and wanted to beat him back to his mother's womb. He could have sophisticated the things he had brought, but now he sat down and looked at Gloria with a pale and blue face. He had already dealt with the matter in a very hidden way. How could she know the truth?

"It seems that the rumor is true. The woman who is going to be a mother was hit by you! A horse in the busy city killed a fetus in labor, but without any regret, it bit the poor mother; Pretending that nothing happened, he came to the banquet in a dignified manner, and openly molested the underage girls again. After the other party revolted, he took another bite. Do you know what benevolence, righteousness, honesty and shame are Gloria looked at Roy in a generous, angry voice.

Roy dodged, subconsciously hiding behind Harvey, not daring to look directly at Gloria.

"That's a damn scum!"

"What a poor child, what a poor mother, it's no different from killing people!"

"With money, you can do whatever you want. There is no news about such things."

The guests looked at Roy with a look of anger and disdain, and the mood reversed.

Gloria turned to the black faced Cyril and said solemnly, "Uncle Cyril, you defend for a murderer who killed a baby, a wretched man who molested a girl, trying to confuse right and wrong, confuse black and white, and turn the victim into a perpetrator. Is that what you should do as a director of Aden chamber of Commerce? Is that what you should say as the father of two girls?

I respect you as an elder, but I advise you to be kind. "

"I..." Cyril opened his mouth and wanted to defend himself, but his mind was in a state of confusion, completely out of his expectation and out of his plan, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

The guests looked at Cyril with disgust and disgust in their eyes. Cyril was obviously on Roy's side, and a nest of snakes and mice was not a good thing.

Some of the older directors looked at Cyril and shook their heads. Their eyes fell on Gloria. They appreciated Cyril a little more.

"This girl, it seems that I don't need to worry about anything. In time, it is possible to compete with hill at the same level." McGonagall also looked at Gloria with appreciation. There was some change in her ideas about textile and weaving factories. Gloria might be a more suitable partner.

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