"You..." Harvey pointed to Gloria. He wanted to say some cruel words. After looking at the contemptuous eyes around him, his momentum suddenly weakened and he gave a cold hum. He pulled up Roy, who was covering both sides of her face. His eyes were flustered and he walked out quickly.

"Good. You're smarter than I expected." Cyril approached Gloria, lowered his voice and said, "but it's all in vain. You will lose everything tonight. I still like the way you hide in a dark room with a hood on. You should stay like that all your life."

"I'm afraid that will disappoint you. When I decide to start walking out, I won't go back." Gloria said with a smile, "and I'm different from you. Everything you have comes from giving. What I have comes from my own efforts, which you can't deprive."

"I hope you can laugh later." Cyril clenched her fist and turned away.

Gloria was relieved, her tight body relaxed, and she realized that her palms were full of sweat.

"This sister is beautiful, Sanguan and Zhengzheng. It's amazing."

"Sister, she's the boss of Dai LAN. The clothes on the girls just now are the new ones to be launched by their family. It seems that they really cooperate with Dai LAN. No wonder they can get the new clothes.

"The boss is so young! So beautiful

Several girls looked at Gloria with admiration and exclamation, and then the topic soon turned to how to get a new set of indigo.

"It seems that the outside world has some deviations from the rumors about Miss Gloria. This kind of on-the-spot adaptability and way of life is better than Cyril. Among the younger generation, I haven't seen anything like her except hill." In the box on the second floor, an old man with gray hair said with a smile.

"Yeah, in that case, Hill might have an opponent, just like Geoffrey and I did back then." Ian Buffett also nodded with a smile. He also looked at Gloria with appreciation. When he mentioned that year, his eyes showed some nostalgia.

Gloria refuted the performance of Harvey and Cyril, which was praised by most of the guests present. After all, she was afraid of the identity of Harvey and Cyril, and many of the people present did not dare to say much even if they saw what had just happened.

Gloria turned and looked at McGonagall and Barbara. She was a little sorry and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. McGonagall and miss Barbara. You've been wronged."

"Sister Gloria, why do you want to apologize? It's not you who are wrong. Besides, I've taught that guy a lesson." Barbara said with a relaxed face, but looking at Gloria's eyes was full of favor. After all, they chose beautiful new clothes in her shop at noon.

What's more, what makes her admire is that she can beat back those guys with words. She has a good reason to let everyone stand on their side. Is that too powerful?!

"It's nothing to us, but it was a wonderful debate." MEG is also smiling at Gloria, Roy love song Gloria is obviously ahead of time, but their conflict with Harvey, Roy father and son is sudden, Gloria can refute each other at the same time, let Cyril into the situation of injustice, such adaptability and overall situation, let him refresh the understanding of Gloria.

All the way, McGonagall watched the girl lift her veil and begin to live like a normal person. Then she decided to go out of her boudoir and step into the shopping mall. McGonagall witnessed her growth.

He was moved by the speed and learning ability.

"Thank you." Gloria's face was flushed, and MEG praised her more than she had just refuted Cyril.

"You go ahead and help yourself. We're free. Tonight is very important for you." Meg said with a smile.

"Well, if you need anything, please come to me the first time." Gloria nodded slightly. She did have many things to do now. For example, some directors who had not been able to see before took the opportunity to fight for them. Although Hill agreed to stand on her side, her vote is still very dangerous.

"Damn it, you collude with my miss Gloria again!" Camilla stares at MEG, feeling her heart dripping blood.

The guests arrived one after another. McGonagall heard some familiar names and met some familiar guests. He simply exchanged greetings and sat down in the corner with his glass.

"Just like the guy just now, it's better to kill him directly. What do you spend so much time talking about?" Camilla did not know when she came to McGonagall's side, sat down, took a sip from her wine glass, and looked at McGonagall with a smile, "if you can't beat me, please."

"We are civilized people. If you want to learn from Gloria and solve things by speaking, don't beat people to death." Meg said calmly, following Gloria, who was walking gracefully through the crowd and talking with people with a smile on her face, "what a nice girl."

"Ah! You must not look at her Camilla suddenly stood up and stood in front of MEG.

"Countess Bartoli, there are a lot of people watching here." McGonagall looked up at Camilla with a smile. He knew that she liked Gloria and was just teasing her.

Camilla also realized that her behavior of blocking McGonagall's sight was childish. If it fell into other people's eyes, it might cause some bad conjectures. She quickly sat back in her seat, gritted her teeth and whispered, "don't force me."

"I'm a man with two photo stones." Meg said calmly.

"You..." Camilla's face turned red, and she looked at MEG with shame and anger. How could she provoke such a pervert with a photo stone at any time!

With the handle in Meg's hand, Camilla chose to shut herself up and keep silent.

"Speaking of it, I do have someone to kill tonight. Are you interested in acting together?" McGonagall turns to Camilla, takes his glass as cover and whispers.

"To whom?" Camilla was in the mood.

"Caster, an intelligence agent, whose people have been wandering around the restaurant recently, should have come for Connie." McGonagall pointed his glass to the right, a middle-aged man in a tight purple suit.

"A goal without challenge." Camilla just glanced at the man and then withdrew her eyes.

"Before I kill him, I need to get some useful information from him, so we need to find a small dark room."

"Little black house!" Camilla's eyes suddenly a bright, re exposed a bit eager to try the expression, "this, I am good at."

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