Castel and a blonde laugh, right hand habitually touch his jaw short beard, but the eyes are secretly looking at the side of the corner is squatting on the drawing circle Connie.

Although her head was completely wrapped by the helmet, her thin and petite figure was gradually consistent with the princess in his memory.

After this period of investigation, he has basically been able to confirm that the employee who never showed up at the McMillan restaurant is Princess Connie of the FAK tribe.

As an excellent intelligence supplier, his intelligence network is all over the continent of Nolan and his friends are all over the world.

His aim is that as long as the money is in place, there is no news he can't get, no people he can't find.

Before the turmoil in the FAK tribe, he also provided a series of information for Gayle, including the living habits of all the family members of the former chief, to ensure that Gayle's people can accurately catch or kill all the people when they act.

The rebellion launched by Gary was very successful. The chief and his wife were killed on the spot. His children and supporters were also arrested or killed.

If the little girl didn't run away, it would be another boastful masterpiece on his resume.

Unfortunately, when the chief was dying, he made a way for her to escape from the twilight forest to the city of chaos, and successfully got rid of the orcs.

In order to erase this flaw, he personally came to the city of chaos, dormant for more than half a month, and finally locked the target.

I haven't found a chance to start before. I didn't expect to meet you at this banquet today. It's a good chance.

A few days later will be the day when Gary officially ascends the throne. If we can take Connie back to him, it will bring him a very considerable income.

"Come with me, Connie." MEG got up, went to Connie, patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Ah?" Because there was no way to eat with the helmet on, and it was strange to talk with people, Connie, who could only squat in the corner and draw circles, looked up and saw that Meg had gone out, and quickly got up to keep up.

"To go?" Caster looks at Connie walking towards the side door, and the blonde who is talking with him smiles to indicate that he needs to leave for a while, and walks quietly towards the side door. If he can catch her chance to be alone, the dinner tonight will be over for him.

"This guy is not a good man." Camilla looked at caster who followed McGonagall out of the door. With a cold look, she put down her glass and walked towards the side door.

"Boss, where are we going? Not in the ballroom? " Connie whispered as she walked behind MEG.

"We need to find a small black house now." Meg said calmly.

"Little black house!" Connie's expression suddenly became a little nervous, and her pace could not help slowing down a bit. She looked at McGonagall's back nervously and warily and said, "boss, you don't want me. I'm not such a person."

"Well?" McGonagall stopped and looked back at Connie. He suddenly realized that the girl was thinking about something wrong. He took her helmet in his hand and walked on with her. He said, "someone is following us. We're going to find a small dark room to catch him and see what he's going to do."

"Is it?" When Connie heard the words, she wanted to look back.

"Don't look back in case he doubts." MEG put his hand on Connie's shoulder and raised a finger against her helmet to keep her from turning back.

"Oh." Connie answered and let MEG take him forward.

"What are they going to do? The party is about to start soon, but they are wandering around at this time. Is there any secret between them? " Castel was hiding in the dark, looking at the two people who disappeared in the corridor stairs, his face showed some doubts. After a while, he quickly followed.

The second floor is the office area of Aden chamber of Commerce. All the members are in the banquet hall. The office area is dark and there is no one. It's a good opportunity to start.

Caster came to the stairway, listened to the movement, determined that no one was on the stairs, walked up lightly, and drew out the dagger with his right hand, which was not on his waist. He looked a little alert.

He had the strength of the six grade knight, and had more than sufficient to cope with the princess Connie, but the royal highness of the princess had never been trained before him.

Caster came to the staircase on the second floor, stuck to the wall and listened carefully for a while. The faint sound of footsteps came from the far side of the corridor on the right. He slowly poked his head out of the wall and looked in the direction of the corridor.

The corridor appeared in his sight, followed by a huge shadow. A second before the coma, he judged that it was a huge mallet.


With a dull sound, Camilla looked at caster who was lying on the ground. She put her black mallet on the ground and clapped her hands with satisfaction and said, "it's done."

McGonagall and Connie came down the corridor, took a look at Camilla's big black mallet and raised their eyebrows. He was the victim of the black mallet.

Speaking of all, Camilla is really good at beating sticks.

"Dead?" MEG raised his foot and kicked caster.

"No, a professional like me can't knock him to death with any stroke." Camilla shook her head as a matter of course.

"That's good." MEG reached for caster's collar, dragged him to the end of the corridor, pushed open the door of the utility room, and after all three of them had gone in, they closed the door again.

This is obviously a small room for storing sundries. There are walls on all sides and it is airtight. It is very suitable for MEG to find a small black room.

Camilla raised her hand to set up a soundproof cover. At the same time, she took out two night pearls and patted them on the wall. The little dark room suddenly lit up.

Connie took off her helmet and looked closer at caster, frowning slightly. "This man, I don't think it looks familiar to me."

"I remember that at a previous dinner party, he was right next to Gary. It turned out that he was also involved in the rebellion!"

"In the case of Gary's rebellion, he played the role of providing information." MEG whispered.

"Asshole! I'm going to kill him Connie's fingertips ejected sharp claws into the knife, and she was about to stab caster's heart.

"We need to get some information from him and kill him when we're done." McGonagall reached for Connie's wrist, then looked at Camilla and said, "how do you wake him up?"

"Simple, as long as it hurts enough." Camilla raised her shoes with stiff stilettos and stepped on caster's crotch.

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