"I hope that Aden chamber of Commerce will become more and more warm and take on more responsibilities as it grows stronger and stronger. That's why I want to continue to serve as a director of Aden chamber of Commerce." Gloria bowed slightly and finished her speech.

The three minute speech was not long, but it made the guests put away their smiles and fell into thinking.

"Oh, temperature? Responsibility? Businessmen are born for profit. If they have these two things, they will not be called businessmen. " Cyril looked at Gloria with a sneer. Such immature ideas would only be taken seriously by these little girls who have not been deeply involved in the world, and would be expressed on such an occasion.

"This girl is still like her father in her heart." Geoffrey looked at Gloria with some complication in his eyes.

McGonagall looks at Gloria thoughtfully. The vision and planning she shows has gone away from the scope that she just wanted to prove herself in front of Jeffrey. She has a moving plan and long-term goal.

"This miss Gloria has a rare sense of responsibility. If she can become the successor of the Molton family, or even the president of the Aden chamber of Commerce, she may bring more things to the chaotic city." In the VIP table, Michael looks at Gloria with admiration.

"Does the Lord mean to help Miss Gloria stay in the Council?" The accompanying official whispered.

"Let's try our city Lord's mansion's help. As for whether she can stay, it depends on her ability." Michael nodded slightly.

"Yes." The official left quickly.

Soon, a waiter walked through the dining room of the directors and passed a few notes quietly.

"It's interesting." Hill also stares at Gloria, an opponent who should be more interesting in a few years.

As for Cyril, she was never seen as an opponent.

"But the way she talks, how come she's more and more like someone?" Hill's eyes swept through the crowd and fell on MEG, who was sitting in the corner, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Yes, that's him.

Bernard came to the stage again, looked at all the directors and said in a loud voice: "Miss Gloria's self statement has ended. Next, the directors have three minutes to think and choose, and write down on the paper whether they agree with Miss Gloria to continue to serve as the director of the chamber of Commerce. Three minutes later, the staff will collect all the tickets filled by the directors, check the tickets on the spot and get the final result."

The directors looked at each other, picked up the pen and paper one after another, and wrote down their choices on the paper.

This vote seems to be sudden, but in fact, most of the directors have made a good choice before coming to the venue.

It's not just a vote, it means the team.

Although the Dodge family and Marquis family are not as good as the Molton family and the buffet family in recent years, the inside information of the big family has not been lost, and the number of seats on the Council has decreased year by year, but they still have a great influence.

On the side of the Molton family, Cyril visited almost all the directors of the family.

As for the buffet family, we can't guess what choice Hill will make, but no one thinks she will favor Gloria.

"Will sister Gloria win?" Amy didn't know when she came back to McGonagall, nestled in McGonagall's arms, a little nervous.

"Maybe, her speech is so moving." MEG nodded with a smile. A kind heart is the most beautiful.

"Well, that's my girl." Camilla snorted with a strong warning and muttered to herself.

The rest of the restaurant also returned to Meg's side. After all, Miss Gloria invited them to the party. They were like a group of relatives and friends. Of course, they stood on her side in common hatred.

"Do you think Gloria can continue to be a director?" On the side, Debra clenched her fist nervously and said to Lance.

"Don't worry. Even if she can't continue to be a director, it's not a big deal. She's a kind child and can succeed in whatever she does." Lance put his hand gently on her shoulder and said with a smile, looking at Gloria's eyes full of joy.

"My sister is the best, and I believe in her." Mickey clenched his fist and said seriously.

Three minutes passed in a blink of an eye. At the signal of Bernard, the staff began to collect the votes written by the directors.

Although Gloria's expression was calm, she could not help but clench her hands into fists, and her eyes were a little nervous, staring at the ticket box which was taken up by the staff.

"It's time for you to go back to where you should be." Cyril sneered beside Gloria, as if he had decided to win.

Gloria did not answer. She was silent.

When she visited all the directors, she had a lot of shut doors and gained a lot of evasive words. She almost didn't agree to stand on her side on the spot.

Compared with Cyril, who has been wallowing in the chamber of Commerce for more than 20 years, it is difficult for her to gain trust.

He can't confirm the result tonight. He can only hope that there will be a director who will be on her side because of her short speech.

"Next, all the guests present will witness and I will read the tickets on the spot." Bernard came to the box, reached into it, pulled out a ticket, opened it, and said in a loud voice, "first, I don't agree."

A staff member drew a horizontal bar on the blackboard.

"Second, I don't agree."

"Third, I don't agree."

"Fourth, abstain."

"Fifth, yes."

"Sixth, I don't agree."


Bernard read the ticket in a steady voice. There was a clear gap between approval and disapproval on the blackboard.

The scene was quiet. Everyone was staring at the blackboard adding strokes, with different expressions.

"Ha ha, fight with me, you're still young." Cyril's smile is getting more and more proud. According to this trend, he will win the gamble by an absolute advantage.

"Oh, dare to humiliate me on such an occasion, see when you can be arrogant, when the Molton family falls down..." Harvey looks at Gloria coldly, and turns out to be walking like they planned. How can a little girl be the opponent of their two families.

When the number of dissenting votes reaches 23, there are only five votes in favor of it. It's just like a crushing advantage, which makes people feel a little depressed.

The guests looked at Gloria with regret. Such a beautiful and kind girl could not continue to serve as a director, but was impeached by Cyril.

"Twenty ninth, yes."

"Thirty, yes."


"Forty, yes!"

Twelve votes in a row, so that Bernard's voice can not help but improve a few points.

The eyes of the guests on the scene also brightened up again, as if it was not over yet?

"This... This is impossible!" Cyril, who thought the victory was in hand and was already proud to find someone to celebrate, suddenly got nervous.

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