The number of votes for approval is increasing at a visible speed. On the contrary, the area of disapproval seems to be frozen, and even one or two will appear.

Agree 30: disagree 30.

The guests watched the counter attack and succeeded in equating the number of affirmative votes. Their expressions were quite wonderful. After deducting four abstention votes, there are still three votes left in the ballot box, which means that the result is about to be announced, but there is still a great suspense about the outcome.

Although Gloria's expression was calm, she had a little more expectation in addition to nervousness. The five extra tickets might have been moved by her previous speech.

"This... This is impossible! How could she get thirty tickets! " Cyril is a little suspicious of life. If the result is not known, he would like to check whether the tickets are fake.

Harvey and Bowen looked at each other for a moment, and their faces were a little black. They consciously looked at hill, who was shaking his glass calmly. Now the only explanation is that hill was completely on Gloria's side and wiped out the joint efforts of the two families with the help of one family.

"Two idiots." Hill chuckled and looked at Gloria. Her on-the-spot performance had a good effect, or Geoffrey had some help behind her back.

"Can't that make her lose her seat?" Cyril's twin daughters have some ferocious expressions. They thought they could watch Gloria's jokes today. Falling into the well is their favorite game, but now they have a trend of reversal.

McGonagall sat up straight. He didn't think that such a vote would make people nervous. As a friend, of course, he would like to see Gloria win. He appreciated her three views.

With only three tickets left, the atmosphere in the ballroom suddenly became tense, and all eyes were on the ballot box in front of Bernard.

Affected by his emotion, Bernard's face became a little nervous. After a moment's hesitation, he put his hand into the ticket box, took out a ticket, solemnly opened it, and then read: "No. 65, I don't agree."

"Great!" As soon as Cyril's eyes brightened, he clenched his fists excitedly. There were still two votes left. As long as there was another one who didn't agree, the recall vote would be successful.

Gloria pursed her lips and looked at the only two votes left in the ballot box. She ruled out all the directors who might vote for her. She could not think of any director who could support her.

However, even if she was dismissed today, she would not feel too sorry to see so many directors vote for her. At least, it proves that some people approve of what she said.

With all the attention, Bernard took out a ticket from the box again, opened it slowly, brightened his eyes slightly and said, "yes!"


A young cheer broke out in the corner.

They followed the sound and saw Amy, who was nestled in Meg's arms and covered half of her face with embarrassment. Then their eyes brightened. "What a lovely little girl!"


The suspense was pulled up again, and all the results were hidden on the last ticket in the ticket box.

"The last ticket." Bernard reached into the box, grabbed the ticket, and slowly pulled it up.

Everyone's eyes are closely following his hand, can't help holding his breath.

"No! No! It must be disapproval! " Cyril meditated, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

After getting Bowen's and Harvey's promise, and joining hands with them, he declared a formal war with his father. That is to say, Jeffrey had no choice but to let him inherit the Molton family after he decided to abolish Gloria and become the successor of the family.

However, if Gloria's position as the director of the chamber of commerce is not removed today, his wishful thinking will be completely destroyed. Not only will her status in Aden's chamber of Commerce plummet, but Jeffrey doesn't know how to face it.

"Cyril, a fool, certainly didn't let the directors of the Morton family vote for him. If he lost today's vote, all his plans would be in vain." Bowen was calm and ready for the worst.

"Sixty seventh vote, yes!"

Bernard read out the result of the last ticket in a steady voice.


"A pleasant result!"

There was a burst of cheers in the crowd, and many of the guests were smiling. Compared with the directors who were in high positions and did nothing but bully them as directors, Miss Gloria obviously got their heart.

All the people in Maimi restaurant also showed their smiling faces one after another. They won by one vote, but they won in the end.

"As expected." McGraw returned to his chair, relieved, with a look he had expected, and said calmly.

"The uncle with the green hat is black." Amy points to Cyril and smiles.

In the corner of the banquet hall, Mars clenched his fist. Although he had tried hard to control his emotions, his face was still excited. This may be a sign that Gloria really stepped into the upper business circle of the chaotic city, and also a new step for him.

"Great!" Debra fell into Lance's arms.

"Yes, Gloria won." Lance held Debra in her arms, wiped her tears with a silk scarf and said with a smile.

And Mickey on one side has been excited to take off.

"Jeffrey, you have a great granddaughter." Michael looked at Geoffrey and said with a smile.

"It made the city master laugh." Jeffrey said calmly, but looking at Gloria with some satisfaction.

This girl at least made him not lose face too much today, and also saved the Molton family from being invaded by the Dodgers and Marquis families.

"The result of the vote was 32 in favor, 31 against and 4 abstention!" Bernard looked at Gloria and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Miss Gloria. According to the voting results, you will continue to be the director of the chamber of commerce until the next election."

Warm applause broke out in the banquet hall, and everyone looked at Gloria with a smile. Today, it is equivalent to witnessing Gloria's official becoming the director of the chamber of Commerce in front of all members.

Not by virtue of the identity of the granddaughter, but as a young and excellent businessman, her unique thinking and action has been recognized by most people.

"No! It must be fake! There must be something wrong with this ticket! " Cyril rushed forward and said hysterically, "I'm asking for a new check! Vote again

"Cyril, get out of here!" Geoffrey slapped the table and looked at Cyril angrily. "Where do you think this is? How can you be so wild? This vote was conducted in the presence of the city Lord and all the members of the chamber of Commerce. Do you think it can be decided by being wild?"?! If you make any more fuss, I will abolish your title according to the rules of the Council today! "

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